Timeline of Modern Benacia (1685–1690): Difference between revisions

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*12: [[Elwynn|Elwynnese]] [[Princess of Elwynn|Princess]] [[Helena Strand]] dies of a heart attack in her office. The [[Steward of Elwynn|Steward of the Republic]], [[Sigrid Årud]], declares a period of mourning, and that news of new elections will arrive once the funeral is over.
*12: [[Elwynn|Elwynnese]] [[Princess of Elwynn|Princess]] [[Helena Strand]] dies of a heart attack in her office. The [[Steward of Elwynn|Steward of the Republic]], [[Sigrid Årud]], declares a period of mourning, and that news of new elections will arrive once the funeral is over.
*13: Sigrid Årud announced the formation of a [[Commission for the Integration of Amokolia]]. Aiming for a peaceful and orderly transfer of power, [[West Amokolia]] and [[Mishalacia]] were invited to send delegates to [[Malexander]] to begin preliminary work and monitor developments.
*13: Sigrid Årud announced the formation of a [[Commission for the Integration of Amokolia]]. Aiming for a peaceful and orderly transfer of power, [[West Amokolia]] and [[Mishalacia]] were invited to send delegates to [[Malexander]] to begin preliminary work and monitor developments.
*22: '''Operation Amok-Dag''' – [[UDF]] units from the VII Territorial Inspectorate, headquartered in Habrichtsburg, forming the 115th Army upon their "cold-start" mobilisation, spearheaded by the XXIII [[Combined Arms Corps]] advancing from prepared positions along the [[Vigilamus Network|Vigilamus Line]] in the region of [[Spring Valley]], crossed the frontier into [[Amokolia]], whilst, having struck at dawn, [[Black Legions]] and UDF formations attached to the 15th Army under the Central Banner Group of [[Benacia Command]] had pushed into Frankish occupied portions of [[Mishalan]] from the [[Severnaya Gubernya]], bypassing positions held by militia loyal to the [[Mishalacia]] autonomous region where these could be identified in a timely fashion.


Revision as of 09:26, 13 June 2020

Part of Timeline of Modern Benacia

1685 AN


  • 1: Celebrations erupt in Shirekeep as the year 1685 is proclaimed a Year of Jubilee in Shireroth, celebrating the 40th anniversary of Kaiseress Noor's entering of Shirekeep and ascension to the throne after the Oustfest Massacre and her subsequent election the Kaisership the previous year.
    • Salome delivers a speech from the parapet of the Bâb-an-Nûr to an assembled crowd of Shirekeepers, Palatini Corpsmen, Ŝḥenĉeł'y, and visiting dignitaries, to mark the date of her great grandmother's ascension to the Golden Mango Throne.
      "40 years is the Year of the Ruby Jubilee. Ruby, the Gemstone of the Sun, the Light of the World, whom this nation called Noor. Blessings upon her memory, and fortune upon her progeny."
    • Cedrist Temple, Mirioth (Sathrati): At a ceremony officiated over by Aurangzeb al-Osman and the Council of Sathrati, the magnates of Amity, Miriroth, and Yardistan attend as officiants performed the sacrifice of forty bullocks and forty Deep Singers made as burnt offerings before the Shadowed Halls of Mors. As the scents of roasted meats ascended towards the heavens, the attendant feudal lords and representatives of the Honourable Company joined together in an acclamation directed towards envoys of the Golden Mango Throne arrayed in splendour upon a raised dais, draped in cloth of gold, and overlooking the heaped smouldering pyre:
Kaiseress of Kaisers, the greatest of Kaisers! (repeated 8 times)
The Gods gave you to us! May the Gods save You for us! (repeated 27 times)
As Kaiseress, pious and felicitous, may You rule for many years! (22 times)
For the good of the human race, for the good of the Landsraad, for the good of the Imperial Republic, for the good of all! (24 times)
Our hope is in You, You are our salvation! (26 times)
May it please our Kaiseress to live forever! (22 times)
May You pacify the world and triumph here in person! (24 times)
  • 3: By Royal Decree a special visa is established for all participating teams, their staff and guests in the Benacia Cup, which is organized by the Kingdom of Batavia.
  • 4: Minister of the Exterior, Aloys Serratus, is heard screaming "they would have absurdity and name it law!" during a meeting with his subordinates.
  • 20: The Joint Tribunals for the Southwest and for the Southeast are opened, with the designated purpose of identifying and prosecuting any private companies, front organizations, and individuals in the Global South who aided the Guttuli Protectorate regime in its crimes.
  • 21: Having met to discern the validity of Letters Patent found amongst the prisoner's effects, the Council of Sathrati determined that the appointment of Lord Daniel Mortis du Grifos to the Lord Lieutenancy of the island of Amity by the Kaiseress of Shireroth was found to be in good order. This decision, combined with the previous ceremony of acclamation held on the fortieth jubilee of the Kaiseress Noor's return to Shirekeep, effectively marked an acknowledgement of Imperial sovereignty for the first time since the Kalirion Fracture in 1671.
    • The Lord Grifos was shortly thereafter recovered from the oubliettes lovingly preserved by the Jaysh al-Sathrati in Arg-e Ardashir and reunited with his retinue and permitted to continue on to the port of Erudition, there to find lodgings.


  • 9: Following the funerary procession back to Raynor's Keep, after the burial of Ayreon IV, Johan Anderion is detained by the Chamber of the Crypteia and placed into confinement in The Kelb.
  • 11: Following an investigation by the Internal Security Bureau (Benacia Command), a full Board of Enquiry, convened by the Manpower Directorate of Benacia Command, determined that the execution of the Salbnan, Godascalc Berahthram Vasilescu, was a miscarriage of justice orchestrated, by the Salbnan Salbnan, Ansovald Aldebrand Popescu, to cover for his role in the mishandling, poor deployment, and ultimate destruction of the XXXII Salb; a defeat which ensured the subsequent collapse of the Black Legions garrison on Florencia. Salbnan Popescu was summarily executed by strangulation upon the formal reading of the Board's verdict.
  • 12: Wedding of Selardi Jen Daniyal to Ardashir Jahangir al-Osman held at Sakatopolis in the Valley of Mors. Members of the House of Osman previously gathered for the Funeral of Kaiser Ayreon IV were in attendance along with their retinues, representatives of the N&H and Honourable Company, as well as celebrants and revellers hired for the occasion. Wedding vows and blessings were conducted in the Zurvanite fashion albeit culminating in a Cedrist pyre-sacrifice of roasting oxen and subsequent feast. Many Alalehzamini notables crossed the border to attend the feast and to offer their congratulations, along with gifts of pomegranates, jewellery, luxury consumer goods, and envelopes of cash, to the newly wedded couple.
  • 14: Johan Anderion is arraigned in his cell at the Kelb, listing off his crimes to conspire to support the genocidal regime in the Lower Elwynn. The Joint Tribunal on Crimes in and for the Lower Elwynn issues indictments for 107 other conspirators of the Guttuli regime based across the Benacian continent, half of whom are already in confinement in Shireroth or other Raspur Pact nations.
  • 15: The Imperial Judex finds in a case between Batavian tradesman Roeland de Klijne and the Kaiseress (De Klijne v The Kaiseress), the unilateral ending of the application of the Shirerithian Customs Area to Batavia to be illegal. Imperial Government sends a letter to the Batavian government, informing it of the decision, and apologising for the error. The government brings up several violations of the treaty, and asks for Batavian cooperation in solving those violations.
  • 23: The return to public life of Frederik Haabye Truls is marked by the announcement of the birth of his second daughter, Kari Noor Truls, born to the Third Consort, Mariyam Guadalim.
  • 24:
    • The Kurpla Conference ends the minor conflict by restoring the monarchy under the Line of Drak and establishing a power sharing arrangement between the rival chancellors.
    • Isor Verion received the Loyal Address of the remaining Verionist officers in the garrison of the city of Chryste and acclamation of the crews of the ships of the Iron Fleet in its harbour, who thereafter loudly petitioned and clamoured for him to accept the titles of Captain-General of the United Benacian Defence Force (Bat: Verenigde Benacische Weermacht), and Admiral-General of the Free Batavian Navy (Bat: Vrije Bataafsche Marine). The tumult continued throughout the night until, at length, Isor Verion appeared on the balcony of the Hotel Astoria in downtown Chryste and - seemingly moved by genuine emotion - he proclaimed to the assembled soldiery milling about below that he would accept the burden placed upon him to become their Captain-General. Thereafter he donned the crimson sash that would denote his new rank and announced, to deafening cheers, an accession donative to be paid to all men of the forces who had remained loyal to the Verionist banner in Benacia during its darkest times. Celebrations continued in the bars, brothels, and casinos of the city for the next three days unabated.



  • 12: Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr, eminent retired statesman and former Sardar of Alalehzamin attended the wedding celebrations of a nephew and his grand-daughter in the Bailiwick of Islus. Festivities continued long into the night and the aged centenarian was seen to be in some discomfort, where upon he was allowed to retire into the private chambers of the groom's family. Whilst recovering in the nighttime cool of the apartment's sheltered rooftop veranda, Mehr suffered an aneurysm whilst left alone in the company of a pair of tea dancers who had been instructed to attend to his health and give warning of any deterioration. In spite of being airlifted to an ESB-run private clinic in Ardashirshahr Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr was pronounced dead upon arrival. Ten days of official state mourning were thereafter declared in the AAR.
  • 17: State funeral for Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr held with dignitaries from across Elwynn and the world attending.
  • 18: Elwynnese politics: Livist Party announces its break-away from the Nationalist and Humanist Party.
  • 19: After obtaining confirmation of the news that the worldwide Vanic Web had begun to collapse irreparably, Princess Helena Strand submitted to the Council of Eliria a bill funding the construction of several new monuments and statues celebrating the Elwynnese people, Liv Dravot, and the end of Vanic influence across Micras.
  • 20: Princess Helena Strand's Liv Dravot statue bill passed the Council of Eliria with 9 votes to 2 (the DSWC members voted against).



  • 1: Nila Valgarai, Conducător of the Congressional Government in Elwynn and Democratic princely candidate for the upcoming elections, is forced to resign after the Daily Mail & Telegraph of Eliria publishes an article on Valgarai's investment banking schemes. The article shows quite clearly that Valgarai had set up an illegal tax avoidance scheme. The Democratic Party subsequently withdraws from the princely election but refuses to endorse any other candidates, "The Democratic Party trusts its voters". In the congressional counties, the Elwynnese Workers' Party is considering not cooperating with the Democratic Party for the selection of the next Conducător, and invites the Ayreonist Alliance and the Nationalist and Humanist Party for discussions on whether a three-party non-democratic coalition can be found. "The mandate for the Democratic Party to govern is clearly gone", as one spokesperson said.
  • 3: The Autokrator of Constancia issues a decree [1] forever suppressing the Church of the Froyalanish Ancient Ways, as well as practice of Froyalanish Ancient Ways within the Imperial State of Constancia. This same decree, among other provisions, declares all subjects and nationals of the High Realm of Stormark as [[2]] of the Imperial State under the patronage and protection of the Autokrator, with minors as wards of the Imperial State. Another decree grants formal diplomatic recognition of the Imperial State of Constancia to the Kingdom of Amokolia, and an ambassador is appointed.

Preceded by:
Timeline of Modern Benacia
Succeeded by
Current article