User:Primo de Aguilar
Autokrator of Constancia, Prince of Molivadia and Alexandrian exile. Former Secretary-General of the Micras Treaty Organization.
Political Testament
This has been (previously) conveyed via Discord to the Central Committee of Edgards of the House of Carillo and the Monstrous Regiment of Ardys via the House of Osman GmbH
26.XII.2022 / 13.XIII.1715, amended 29.XII.2023 / 1.XV.1727
In the event of my temporary absence (defined as non-visibility in Discord, or MicrasWiki editing) for 30 consecutive days, or seemingly permanent absence (defined as non-visibility in Discord, or MicrasWiki editing) for 90 consecutive days, in accordance with Operation Everlasting, a dormant commission to assume office as Autokrator of Constancia (as well as plenipotentiary narration) is deemed activated for any one of these characters (at Ardy's discretion):
- Former Mesazon Alissa Guadalim
- Former Mesazon Ismail al-Osman
- Khanzada Ardashir Bābakān-e Osman
- Grand Vizier Jamshid-e Osman
- Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman
- Dame Katja Magda Thorgilsdottir
- Paolo Antonio Aguilar
- An (as of yet) unknown high-ranking officer of the Trans-Euran Command, Committee of Euran Salvation, Grand Commissariat of Eura and Corum, or Imperial Constancian Armed Forces
- (or whomsoever Ardy pleases)
where Ardy is unable or unwilling to exercise the dormant commission, a dormant commission to assume office as Autokrator of Constancia (as well as plenipotentiary narration) is deemed activated for any one of these characters (at Edgard's discretion):
- Imperial Senator and Prince Utas Enrique Naian
Imperial Senator Maximinus Kerularios- Edward I of Western Natopia
- Vadoma I of Western Natopia
- Elisabeth, Princess of Santander
- (or whomsoever Edgard pleases)
Where both are unable or unwilling to exercise the dormant commission, a dormant commission to assume office as Autokrator of Constancia (as well as plenipotentiary narration) is deemed activated for the incumbent High Commissioner of the Raspur Pact, or in their absence or inability, the incumbent Deputy High Commissioner of the Raspur Pact.
Where all of the foregoing are unable or unwilling to exercise the dormant commission, a dormant commission to assume office as Autokrator of Constancia (as well as plenipotentiary narration) is deemed activated for the incumbent Secretary-General of the Micras Treaty Organization, or in their absence or inability, the incumbent Deputy Secretary-General.
Where all of the foregoing are unable or unwilling to exercise the dormant commission, the fate of the Imperial State is commended to the General Assembly of the Micras Treaty Organization.
These provisions also apply over control and plenipotentiary narration over the Commonwealth of Zeed, which is still governed by the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City and subordinate Zeed Directives, such as Zeed Directive 1, as well as their interim Constitution of the Commonwealth of Zeed (which is nothing more really than a copy-paste of the Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period ( Note Articles 60 - 62 thereof.
Please note the Succession to the Throne of the Imperial State of Constancia. Please also note that the Second Amendment to the Magna Carta of 1667 is still being debated, and not yet constitutional law.
Presidium of Primo de Aguilars
House of Santiago-Santander