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List of Eĵars Town FC players

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This is a list of all senior players who have been contracted to the Craitish football club Eĵars Town FC throughout its history.

List of players

  • By default, players are listed chronologically by their first season with the club, then alphabetically by most commonly used shirt name.
  • Nationality refers to the FMF member nation which the player was first eligible to represent while at the club, irrespective of international call-ups or prior eligibility.
    • Any subsequent nationality changes are documented in the footnotes.
  • Position covers the general tactical areas in which the player was utilised:
    • GK is a goalkeeper; DF is a defender; MF is a midfielder; FW is a forward; U is a utility player (one considered to play in multiple positions).
  • Club career lists the seasons in which the player was a part of the club's senior squad. As per CrFA rules, teams must have a full squad of 25 registered players per season (previous squad limits were lower). Players who are loaned out often fall outside of this limit.
    • Noncontinuous spells with the club are entered on separate lines. Years split by a dash indicate that the player was a squad member for both seasons and all seasons inclusive. A dash with no number following it shows that the player is still registered with the club as of the 2022 season.
    • As per CrFA rules, seasons are dated by the calendar year in which they are completed. As a result, players may have officially joined the club in the previous calendar year to that which is listed first.
  • Squad numbers are the numbers which the player wore on their kit. As per CrFA rules, these are permitted to change between seasons, leading to multiple numbers for some players.
Name Nat. Pos. Club career №s
Cahour GGiovanni Cahour Alexandria ALX DF 2004–2011 12, 19
Cortevecchia GGiampaolo Cortevecchia Gaia GAI[A] MF 2004–2016 8, 23
Daviddlaw PPeter Daviddlaw Craitland CRA GK 2004–2022 14, 20
Demb MMarkko Demb Craitland CRA DF 2004–2016 5, 19
Eriksen TTimo Eriksen Craitland CRA MF 2004–2009 15
Hjansen AzÄl Hjansen Craitland CRA FW 2004–2008 10
Jonsen HHänä Jonsen Craitland CRA MF 2004–2012 7
Lydveldtsen FFred Lydveldtsen Craitland CRA DF 2004–2007 13
Marcsen JJon Marcsen Craitland CRA GK 2004–2015 1
Ozstvaazr LLydveldt Óstvaär Craitland CRA DF 2004–2018 6
Paulsen BBenjamin Paulsen Craitland CRA DF 2004–2007 4
Pellegrino TToby Pellegrino Craitland CRA MF 2004–2007 11
Pellegrino YYaqin Pellegrino Craitland CRA FW 2004–2009 16
Steveldtsen JJón Steveldtsen Craitland CRA FW 2004–2010 9
Tereminus YYaqin Tereminus Craitland CRA DF 2004–2017 2
ValaorinhoValãorinho Flanders VLA MF 2004–2017 3
Jacksen IIņvaär Jacksen Craitland CRA DF 2006–2021 12
Kejzinz AAidan Keĵinz Craitland CRA FW 2006–2012 18
Laintens CCaspar Laintens Craitland CRA MF 2006–2022 17, 21
Vorgensen TTór Vorgensen Craitland CRA GK 2006–2009 20
Hjozlt MMaärtin Hjólt Craitland CRA FW 2008–2017 11
Larsen BBjorn Arne Larsen Craitland CRA DF 2008–2010 4
Tozrsen BBen Tórsen Craitland CRA DF 2008–2022 13
Isrdlvarien TTim Isrdlvarien Craitland CRA FW 2009–2011
Brzeczyszczykiewicz JJarosław Brzęczyszczykiewicz Interland INT[B] MF 2010–2022 15, 11
Paulsen JJan Paulsen Craitland CRA DF 2010
Ula VVorgeņ Ula Craitland CRA MF 2010
Hjansen FFrancis Hjansen Craitland CRA GK 2011–2016 14, 24, 1
Hulazj FFreddie Huläj Craitland CRA DF 2011– 16, 25, 2
Ozlsen JzĴulian Ólsen Craitland CRA MF 2011
9, 8
Phan TPhan Hoàng Trần Incontinentia ICT[C] DF 2011–2014 4
Fleyd EEddie Fleyd Hamland HAM[D] MF 2012– 10, 22, 4
Valentine CChris Valentine Natopia NAT[E] DF 2012–2021 5
Zozma WWill Zóma Craitland CRA FW 2012–2023 9
Perryman AAdám Perryman Craitland CRA MF 2013– 17
Sinclair TTheo Sinclair Nova England NEN MF 2013– 7
Sonetti MMariolino Sonetti Sanilla SNL FW 2013 18
Christozphersen OzÓscar Christóphersen Craitland CRA FW 2014–2018 10
Darcq EErlaņ Darcq Craitland CRA FW 2014– 18, 10
Smith JJack Smith Senya DES FW 2014– 14
Odemwingie CChristophe Odemwingie Hammish Monovia HMO[F] DF 2015– 22, 3
Pellegrino FFreddie Pellegrino Craitland CRA FW 2016– 24, 1
Leverhjen SSam Leverhjen Craitland CRA MF 2017– 19
Little PPatrick Little Passas PAS DF 2017–2021 23
Mcbride TThomas McBride Passas PAS GK 2017–2022 1
Modrem TTamer Modrem Alexandria ALX[G] MF 2017– 8
Isrdlvarien JJoel-Morteņ Isrdlvarien Craitland CRA DF 2018– 22
Kahthajtensen HHóldarman Kahthajtensen Craitland CRA MF 2018– 25
Lydveldtsen MMattias Lydveldtsen Craitland CRA FW 2018–2022 15
Dabrowski LŁukasz Dąbrowski Passas PAS FW 2019–2023 10
Vankotrisbond JJær Van Kotrisbond Senya DES DF 2019– 6
Dearn FFrancis Dearn Craitland CRA DF 2022– 23
Hamar JJakop Hamar Talenore TLN DF 2022– 5
Shazjnozr TTim Shäjnór Craitland CRA DF 2022– 12
Balfour SShane Balfour Victoria VIC MF 2023– 21
Clark RRyan Clark Floria FLO MF 2023– 11
Coznlachh AAsmund Cónlachh Craitland CRA DF 2023– 24
Ortega ZZack Ortega Mataba MTB GK 2023– 13
Ozrvazhl MMoses Órvähl Craitland CRA GK 2023– 15
Sweet BBrannon Sweet Victoria VIC FW 2023– 20
Marzdzukiz IIzraiwan Marɂdzukiɂ Phinbella PHI FW 2024– 9
Lupini AAmedeo Lupini Vegno VEG FW 2024– 18

  1. ^ A Gaia GAI until 2007, Tellia TEL from 2007.
  2. ^ B Interland INT until 2015, Merenolitovina MLV between 2015 and 2017, Freeland PRF between 2017 and 2020, Merenolitovina MLV from 2020.
  3. ^ C Incontinentia ICT until 2012, Mailong MDG between 2012 and 2013, Incontinentia ICT from 2013.
  4. ^ D Hamland HAM until 2017, Caputia CAP between 2017 and 2019, Alduria ALD between 2019 and 2021, Nouvelle Alexandrie NAX from 2021.
  5. ^ E Natopia NAT until 2013, Victoria VIC between 2013 and 2020, Nova England NEN from 2020.
  6. ^ F Hammish Monovia HMO until 2017, Caputia CAP between 2017 and 2019, Alduria ALD between 2019 and 2021, Nouvelle Alexandrie NAX from 2021.
  7. ^ G Alexandria ALX until 2017, Caputia CAP between 2017 and 2019, Alduria ALD between 2019 and 2021, Nouvelle Alexandrie NAX from 2021.