Rulers of Elwynn

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"For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged."
—Ancient Elfinshi Scripture

The Rulers of Elwynn is the term which is used to collectively refer to the group of individuals who have ruled Elwynn over the course of its history subsequent to the Shirerithian conquest and its creation as a Duchy all the way until its period of independence and subsequent status as an imperial state.

From 1452 AN through to the present day fifty-three rulers, both individually as well as collectively and with a wide variety of titles and powers, have held the reins of government throughout the long, complex, chaotic, unruly and often violent history of the Elwynnese Nation.

Lists of the Rulers of Elwynn

Head of State

Portrait Name Elw Name Tenure Title Comment
Scottpraetorhat.jpg Scott of Alexander Ескоос Алеқзандермес
Eskoos Aleqzandermes
1452–1470 Duke of Elwynn
Ivan Ventura Иван Вентора
Ivan Ventora
1470–1471 Duke of Elwynn
Scott of Alexander Ескоос Алеқзандермес
Eskoos Aleqzandermes
1471–???? Duke of Elwynn
Sirithil nos Fëanor Серизил Феаноорион
Serizil Feanoorion
????–1476 Duchess of Elwynn Elfinshi era
Mari Greenwood Мари Қорсуебибалерен
Mari Qorsuebibaleren
1476–1488 Duchess of Elwynn (until 1488)
Baroness of Elwynn (in 1488)
Elfinshi era
Ardykhan.png Ardashir I Ардашер Хон Осмони
Ardasher Hon Osmoni
1488–c1500 Baron of Elwynn Babkhi era
Rashidayreon.jpg Richard Lyon Ришар Лион
Rishar Lion
c1500–1504 Count of Elwynn Part of the Barony of Hurmu
Conglacio Корнеқлашио
1504-1507 Baron of Elwynn and Lac Glacei
Rashidayreon.jpg Richard Lyon Ришар Лион
Rishar Lion
1507-1533 Baron of Elwynn and Lac Glacei (until 1509)
Duke of Elwynn (after 1509)
Harald Thorstein Хаарал Фрояланмес
Haaral Froyalanmes
1533-1541 Duke of Froyalan First Froyalan Period
Kaiser Hasan.jpg Hesam Jayatar Хесам Жаятар
Hesam Zhayatar
1541 Duke of Elwynn
Ardashir II Moqtada al-Osmani Ардашер Моқтада ал-Осмони
Ardasher Moqtada al-Osmoni
1541-1543 Duke of Elwynn
Wil Nider Вил Нидер
Vil Nider
1543-1546 Duke of Elwynn
Iskander Mirkdale Ескандер Таардохеқоорормес
Eskander Taardoheqoorormes
1546-1551 Duke of Elwynn
Jacobus Loki Яқов Лооки
Yaqov Looki
1551-1551 Duke of Elwynn
Rai Avon-El Раи Авон-Ел
Rai Avon-El
1551-1551 Duke of Elwynn
Andrew Allot Анреас Аӆус
Anreas Allus
1551-???? Duke of Elwynn
File:NathanWaffelPaine.png Nathan Dariolin Натан Дариолин
Natan Dariolin
????-1555 Duke of Elwynn
Leo Fenrir Лео Фенрир
Leo Fenrir
1555-1558 Duke of Elwynn
Isabelle Allot Изабел Аӆус
Izabel Allus
1558-1559 Duchess of Elwynn
Cho'gall Dentarg Тшохгал Дентарг
Tshohgal Dentarg
1559-1562 Duke of Elwynn Last Duke of Elwynn
Princedaniel.jpg Daniel Kalirion Даниел Калирион
Daniel Kalirion
1562-1567 Patron of the House of Kalir House System
Princedaniel.jpg Daniel Kalirion Даниел Калирион
Daniel Kalirion
1567-1570 President of the Elwynnese Realm Independence era begins
Iain de Vembria (Lord Erion) Иян Вемриамес Ерион
Iyan Vemriames Erion
1570-1573 President of the Elwynnese Realm
Daniel Kalirion
Lord Erion
1573-1574 Prince of Hurmu
President of the Elwynnese Realm
Formed as the Provisional Government of the Union of Elwynn and Hurmu
Princedaniel.jpg Daniel Kalirion Даниел Калирион
Daniel Kalirion
1574-1586 Prince of Elwynn and Hurmu (until 1582)
Prince of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu (after 1582)
Assassinated in 1586
File:NathanWaffelPaine.png Nathan Dariolin Натан Дариолин
Natan Dariolin
1586-1589 Prince Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu Married Kaiser Ayreon II,
assassinated in 1589
(only to come back to life later)
Aurangzeb Portrait.png Aurangzeb Osmani Ауронзев Осмони
Auronzev Osmoni
1589-1590 Regent of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu (Riqi Adurellion)
Ayreon2.jpg Elijah Ayreon Елиас Аериоон
Elias Aerioon
1590-1592 Prince of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu
Aaden Allot Ааден Аӆус
Aaden Allus
1592-1594 Prince of Elwynn
Kaiser sehml.png Luix Rakira Лууиш Ракира
Luuish Rakira
1594-1595 Steward
Ayreon2.jpg Elijah Ayreon Елиас Аериоон
Elias Aerioon
1595-1597 Prince of Elwynn Second rule
Tarjei Einhornsson Тарйей Ейнхорнссон
Taryey Eynhornsson
1597-1600 Prince of Elwynn de jure Prince (de facto Jacobus Loki)
SoreaaIsurui.jpg Soreaa Isurui Сореаа Исоруи
Soreaa Isorui
1600-1601 Elwynnese Secretary of State
Deimos.png Deimos Jasonides Деимос Ясооннаи
Deimos Yasoonnai
1601-1604 Prince of Elwynn
Royston Merrick Ройстон Мереқ
Royston Mereq
1604-1604 Conducător of Elwynn
Nathaniel Ayreon-Kalirion Натанаел Аериоон-Калирион
Natanael Aerioon-Kalirion
1604-1607 Prince of Elwynn declared dead in 1607 (falsely)
Tokaray.png Tokaray al-Osman Токарай ал-Осмон
Tokaray al-Osmon
1607-1607 Steward of Elwynn
Danyial.png Daniel Simrani-Kalirion Даниел Симрони-Калирион
Daniel Simroni-Kalirion
1607-1612 Prince of Elwynn
Aasmund.jpg Aasmund Vigeland Аоосмунд Вигеланд
Aoosmund Vigeland
1613-1618 Chairman of the Presidium of the Standing
Committee of the Supreme Council of
the Democratic People's Republic of Elwynn
Communist Elwynn
Nathaniel Ayreon-Kalirion Натанаел Аериоон-Калирион
Natanael Aerioon-Kalirion
1618-1618 Prince of Elwynn Rule restored
Jonathan2.jpg Jonathan Ayreon-Kalirion Йоонатан Аериоон-Калирион
Yoonatan Aerioon-Kalirion
1618-1623 Prince of Elwynn
King Noah4.png Noah Hallbjörnsson Ноах Халбярнссон
Noah Halbyarnsson
1623-1651 Prince of Elwynn (until 1629)
King of Elwynn (from 1629)
Banished in the Auspicious Occasion
Dravot III.png Danyial Sikander XXI Dravot Sahib Даниел Сикандер Дравот Сахив
Daniel Sikander Dravot Sahiv
1651 Conducător of the Elwynnese State
SLORC.png Jeremy Archer
Heath Belledin
Ryker Everstone
Еремиас Аркер, Хийс Беледин, Рикер Еверстоон
Eremias Arker, Hiys Beledin, Riker Everstoon
1651 Councillors of the State Law &
Order Restoration Council for the Elwynnese Union
Vilhjalm.jpg Villy Esposito 1651–1653 King of Elwynn (1651–1653)
Prince of the Elwynnese Republic (1653)
Elwynn made republic in 1653
Liv Dravot II.png Liv Dravot Лив Дравот
Liv Dravot
1653–1658 Princess of the Elwynnese Republic First Princess of Elwynn
Princealdin.png Zahir Aldin Захир ал-Дин
Zahir al-Din
1658–1661 Prince of the Elwynnese Republic Elwynnese Civil War
EkiVerion.jpg Eki Aholibamah Verion Еки Ахолибамах Верион
Eki Aholibamah Verion
1662–1664 Princess of the Elwynnese Republic Second Princess of Elwynn. Deposed by Imperial Forces in Fall Hagg-Ellen (09.VI.1664–1665)
n/a Partition of Elwynn - 1665–1671 n/a
n/a Pedyr Mekaarveq Педыр Мекаарвеқ
Pedyr Mekaarveq
1671 Conducător of the Provisional Government of the Elwynnese State
n/a Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr Фирдаус Абдоллахи Мехр
Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr
1671–1672 Conducător of the Provisional Government of the Elwynnese State
n/a Ander Avon-El Андер Саборион Авон-Ел Аериоон-Калирион
Ander Saborion Avon-El Aerioon-Kalirion
1673–1676 Prince of the Elwynnese Republic Removed from office in 1676
n/a Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr Фирдаус Абдоллахи Мехр
Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr
1676 Steward of the Elwynnese Republic Caretaker government until the next princely elections
Frederik Haabye Truls.png Frederik Haabye Truls Фредерик Хаообие Трулс
Frederik Haoobie Truls
1676–1683 Prince of the Elwynnese Republic Elected 1676
Reelected 1682
n/a Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr Фирдаус Абдоллахи Мехр
Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr
1683 Steward of the Elwynnese Republic Caretaker government until the next princely elections
Helena Strand.jpg Helena Strand 1683–1685 Princess of the Elwynnese Republic Elected 1683
died in 1685
Sigrid Årud.png Sigrid Årud 1685 Steward of the Elwynnese Republic Caretaker government until the next princely elections
Kamilla Winther-Truls.png Kamilla Winther 1685–1695 Princess of the Elwynnese Republic Elected 1685. Led Loyalist faction during Second Elwynnese Civil War. Perished in the rebel counterstrike against Southern population centres during the Scouring.

Stewards of Elwynn

Under Elwynnese law and custom a governing Steward is a person who in accordance with law conducts the government, effectively as a regent. In the recorded history of Elwynn there have been a number of such periods of Stewardship.

Name Elw name Tenure Title and Substitutee Comment
Gudrun Eriksdottir Гуурун Ерикион
Guurun Erikion
1509-1510 Steward for Richard Lyon, Duke
Ardashir Khan Osmani Ардашер Хон Осмони
Ardasher Hon Osmoni
1510-1511 Steward for Richard Lyon, Duke
Scott of Alexander Ескоос Алеқзандермес
Eskoos Aleqzandermes
1545-1546 Lord Protector for Wil Nider, Duke
Jack Lewis Джак Лууис
Dzhak Luuis
1602-1602 Steward for Deimos Jasonides, Prince
Soreaa Isurui Сореаа Исоруи
Soreaa Isorui
1604-1605 Steward for Nathaniel, Prince Forced to resign (coup d'état)
Daniel Simrani-Kalirion Даниел Симрони-Калирион
Daniel Simroni-Kalirion
1605-1607 Conducător for Nathaniel, Prince
Aasmund Vigeland Аоосмунд Вигеланд
Aoosmund Vigeland
1612-1613 Steward for Daniel Simrani-Kalirion, Prince
Hallbjörn Haraldsson Халбярн Харалдссон
Halbyarn Haraldsson
1623-1634 Steward for Noah Ayreon-Kalirion, Prince & King (from 1629)
Salvik Dorkolluerion - 1662-1662 Steward for Eki Aholibamah Verion, Princess

Leaders of the Congressional Counties

Conducător of the Elwynnese Republic

See also Congressional government

In the 1672 constutution of the Elwynnese Republic, the Conducător of the Elwynnese Republic heads the executive answerable to the Congress of the Elwynnese Republic. His or her power is therefore not directly over the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic.

Portrait Name Birth Tenure Death Party
Stephen Lewis.jpg Stephen Lewis Fieldburg, 1599 1672–1675 Verionist Union
Frederik Haabye Truls.png Frederik Haabye Truls 1620 1675 1691 Nationalist and Humanist Party
Nila Valgarai 1632 1675–1676 Democratic Party of Elwynn
Meqael Mizarielion 1644 1676–1681 Ayreonist Independence Party
Frederik Haabye Truls.png Frederik Haabye Truls 1620 1675 1691 Nationalist and Humanist Party
Helena Strand.jpg Helena Strand 1638 1681–1683 Democratic Party of Elwynn
Nila Valgarai 1632 1683–1685 Democratic Party of Elwynn
Pedyr Mekaarveq 1685– Elwynnese Workers' Party

President of the Congress of the Elwynnese Republic

Portrait Name Birth Tenure Death Party
Isa Kaliandaron Qor Glenfiddich, Iserdia, 1592 1672–1675 Elwynnese Workers' Party
Benjamin Sluyjs La Terre, 1618 1675–1678 Amokolian People's Party
Linaomiai.png Li Naomiai Avon-El Michaelion, 1627 1678–1680 Democratic Party of Elwynn
Isa Kaliandaron Qor Glenfiddich, Iserdia, 1592 1680–1681 Elwynnese Workers' Party
1671 300918-Trexeller A.png Anton Trexeller 1640 1681–1683 Nationalist and Humanist Party
Nathaniel Ototoi 1683– Elwynnese Workers' Party

Leaders of the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic

Sardar (Governor-General) of Alalehzamin

Portrait Name Birth Tenure Death Party
Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr Ardashirshahr, 1583 1672–1685 Nationalist and Humanist Party
Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman 1685–1687 Nationalist and Humanist Party
Daniyal Aurangzeb Kalirion-Osman 1687– Nationalist and Humanist Party

Nahust Vazir (Prime Minister) of Alalehzamin

Portrait Name Birth Tenure Death Party
Salvik Dorkolluerion.png Salvik Dorkolluerion 1672–1685 Nationalist and Humanist Party
Daniyal Aurangzeb Kalirion-Osman 1685– Nationalist and Humanist Party
Adam al-Osman 1687– Nationalist and Humanist Party

Leaders of the Northern Commonwealth

The Northern Commonwealth was a short-lived Verionist autonomous republic, 1675–1677.

President of the Northern Congress

Portrait Name Birth Tenure Death Party
Evert Flint 1675–1676 Verionist Union
Linaomiai.png Li Naomiai Michaelion, 1627 1676–1677 Democratic Party of Elwynn

Conducător of the Northern Commonwealth

Portrait Name Birth Tenure Death Party
Stephen Lewis.jpg Stephen Lewis Fieldburg, 1624 1675–1676 1676 (presumed) Verionist Union
Princealdin.png Aldin Ayreon-Kalirion Ardashirshahr, 1630 1676–1677 Ayreonist Independence Party