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Administrative divisions of Jingdao

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Tianchao Jingdao
Emblem of the Grand Secretariat.png

Constitution of the Empire

Emblem Household.png Heavenly Light

The Chidao Emperor

Imperial Household | Imperial Stewardship

Teachings of the Empire
Tianchaodao | Jingbuist Absolutism | Chidaoism

Emblem of the Grand Secretariat.png Grand Secretariat

Emblem Diwang.png Diwang

Ministries & Secretariats:

Ministry of Truth | Ministry of Purity | Ministry of Stability

Chao Suweiai formerly known as National Diet

Gong Suweiai | Sifang Suweiai

Defunct: Emblem Seanad.png The Seanad | The Imperial Yuan Emblem Yuan.png

Political Factions:

Guanchang | Kantai-ha (Navy) | Gunbatsu (Army) | Shanghu (Traders)

Defunct:Kuominliantang logo.png Kuominliantang | Nokarodo logo.png Nokarodo Faction | Badao logo.png Badao Party

Other institutions

Tianchao Chuandui | Imperial Armed Forces | Young Wandering Society | Tegong


The core lands of the Empire, divided into Provinces and Districts in 1680 AN.
The core lands of the Empire, divided into Provinces and Districts in 1687 AN.

Due to the large population and area which composes the Jingdaoese Empire, it consists of several administrative divisions. There are two important levels of local and regional government: the Provinces (also called zhou) forms the highest level of local governance. Those provinces are organised into Districts or Counties (fenqu), which are once again divided into municipalities or townships (shixian).

Each province is administered by a Governor (Taizhou) who is appointed by the Heavenly Light and receives the honorary title of Senator, which gives him a seat in the Seanad. During the Minshu Period, the seat distribution of the Imperial Yuan depended on the size of the provinces (not the population numbers). This has led to an unfair distribution of voting power, which heavily favoured the agrarian districts. Later, this was corrected in favour of population numbers. This system was dissolved during the early reign of the Chidao Emperor, who favoured a centralised power in the hands of the Imperial Household and governors, who were appointed by Him and the Grand Secretariat.

The districts are lead by Counts (Bojue).

Jingdao is heavily Apollonia-focused: recognising the need of some oversea territories for strategical (or sometimes historical) purposes, the administration established footholds on several continents. However, the main development remained on the Apollonian continent. In 1659 AN, after the War of Lost Brothers, plans were made to grant oversea territories de facto independence, under the protection and suzerainty of the Heavenly Light. The Chidao Emperor went even further, by donating its former Benacian lands to the newly established Batavian Kingdom and by evacuating the Brettish Isles.

List of Provinces

From 1659 AN and onwards, the core lands of the Empire were those territories in western Apollonia. The isles east of Liao became known as the Three Far Eastern Provinces. Jingdao Proper is also called the Fourteen Provinces.

Flag Province Ancient name Population (1660 AN) Capital Districts Location
Bangou flag.png Bangou North Dalmacija 27 678 884 Yuanbeicheng (Port Nevermore) Huan, Shensi, Jilin, Xiaochang, Umiqan, Qunzan, Xizang, Saiqan Location Bangou.png
Gong flag.png Gong Gong Island 6 160 182 Pau Beigong, Nangong, Haigong, Xiaogong Location gong.png
Heliu flag.png Heliu Blackrock, Automatica 42 432 674 Shichang Fanguan, Shiyong, Lidong, Maoyan Location heliu.png
Jinkeai flag.png Jinkeai New Batavia 38 017 039 Baishi Xijinkeai, Dongjinkeai, Beixan, Ganqhu, Lulin Location jinkeai.png
Mengtian.png Mengtian ... Jinqucheng Yangtian, Yingtian Location Mengtian.png
Liao.png Liao ... Zhengjiancheng Qianxi, Zhenxi, Xinchu Location liao.png
Qaoshan flag.png Qaoshan Hallucination 16 265 637 Shengseqiao Shaanxi, Yunnan, Qinxi, Tanlin Location qaoshan.png
Qianjin flag.png Qianjin South Dalmacija 26 010 873 Muxiecheng Qinuan, Dulimaidao, Sichuan, Hounan Location qianjin.png
Shengxianxia flag.png Xianxia Shengxianxia
the Sheng Frontiers
70 231 Nanminke Faxing, Jingxingdong, Nanxing Location xianxia.png
Xianbei flag.png Xianbei Kitanus Fields, Garllic Fields, Garllicia 8 061 012 Weicheng Quanin, Guonqi, Shanxi, Yuning, Gejing, Ningxia, Nanming, Tiefenqu Location xianbei.png
Flag of Qyzylqaystan.png Jingqyzyl Xiaxincheng Beihe, Yuanbian, Qyzylqaystan File:Location Qyzylqaystan.png
Zhaoqin.png Zhaoqin Lesser Attera 18 020 645 Sheng Anhui, Hailing, Heilong, Yilhui Location zhaoqin.png
Zhijin flag.png Dazijin Capital Province, Imperial Capital Province 12 897 794 Daocheng Imperial City, Zijinlin Location zhijin.png
Zhongji flag.png Zhongji Antya 48 248 554 Xiacheng (Apollo City) Beidonghu, Pujiao, Xinji, Jiyuan, Yongwotu, Yongan, Gangdiguo Location zhongji.png

List of Territories

To the east of the Province of Liao were the former oversea provinces of Nandao, Qundao and Dongdao. Their strategical (the protection of trade routes), religious (the island of Catavia holds the largest Jing tombs) and cultural ties made it an integral and important part of the Empire. At the same time, its distance from the rest of the mainland and its greater focus on the sea, made it more difficult to keep governing it as normal provinces. Therefore those lands were united as the Three Far Eastern Territories with its own Viceroy who represented the Crown. In 1669 AN, the name of the region was changed into Far Eastern Territory as two of the three territories had been disbanded.

Puppet States and Protectorates

The oversea territories gained extensive autonomy after 1659. Some territories were ruled by the military, while others received the right to experiment with other kinds of governance.

The Heavenly Light is represented in these territories by an Imperial Governor, who acts as a liaison between the Imperial Court and the national government of each state.

Flag Name Imperial Governor Capital Protectorate since Note
Flag Strait Settlements.png Strait Settlements [...] Hexiehaizei 1660 AN Originally encompassed several isles, with Port Impregnable as capital, but eventually was reduced to one island, with Hexiehaizei as capital.

Tributary States

Tributary states are no part of Jingdao. It are states who started diplomatic negotiations or entered into a treaty with Jingdao. The Heavenly Light has no de jure authority over those countries, but views them as friendly.

Defunct Provinces and protectorates

  1. Julang: east of Zhongji, disbanded after several tribal attacks of the Greens. It was deemed impossible to defend without major military investments during the early reign of the Sheng Emperor. The funds originally meant to be invested in the province went to the establishment of the Emperor's personal oversea colony of Saint Simon.
  2. Lanuria: located north of Jinkeai. Used as a connection between west and east Gerenia. The collapse of Gerenia and the low population numbers made it an unattractive province to maintain. It was given up in the 1670's.
Flag Name Imperial Governor Capital Protectorate since Note
Flag Hondon.png Empire of Hondon [...] Chuán Ké 1652 AN Became a Jing puppet after the Florians signed the Treaty of Chuán Ké.
Flag of Qyzylqaystan.png Republic of Qyzylqaystan [...] Gürbançybaq 1655 AN Signed the Taishengshi Accord [1].
Batavieflag.gif Badaweian state of Teichi [...] Tianhoucheng 1660 AN
Flag Xang Nam.png Colony of Xang Nam [...] Saigon 1660 AN
Flag Antilles.png Colony of the Antilles [...] Shengximeng 1661 AN
Vlagmaraguo.png Greater Maraguo Territories [...] Dangqiju 1661 AN