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Chidao Constitution

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Tianchao Jingdao
Emblem of the Grand Secretariat.png

Constitution of the Empire

Emblem Household.png Heavenly Light

The Chidao Emperor

Imperial Household | Imperial Stewardship

Teachings of the Empire
Tianchaodao | Jingbuist Absolutism | Chidaoism

Emblem of the Grand Secretariat.png Grand Secretariat

Emblem Diwang.png Diwang

Ministries & Secretariats:

Ministry of Truth | Ministry of Purity | Ministry of Stability

Chao Suweiai formerly known as National Diet

Gong Suweiai | Sifang Suweiai

Defunct: Emblem Seanad.png The Seanad | The Imperial Yuan Emblem Yuan.png

Political Factions:

Guanchang | Kantai-ha (Navy) | Gunbatsu (Army) | Shanghu (Traders)

Defunct:Kuominliantang logo.png Kuominliantang | Nokarodo logo.png Nokarodo Faction | Badao logo.png Badao Party

Other institutions

Tianchao Chuandui | Imperial Armed Forces | Young Wandering Society | Tegong


The term Chidao Constitution refers to the constitution that was named after and adopted during the reign of the Chidao Emperor, it succeeded the more liberal Xianfa Constitution which was effectively abolished by the Fanminzhu decree of 1659. Unlike the previous constitution, the Chidao Constitution is not the highest law of the Jingdaoese Empire, as it has the formal status of a tolerated law, rather than a decree signed by the Heavenly Light himself. Nevertheless, the constitution is an important document which details many of the workings of the Jingdaoese state. The original document was drafted in the Jingdaoese language and has never been published, let alone in the common Micrasian language. What follows is an approximation based on what sources in the Gong Suweiai have revealed about the document.

The Constitution

We, the Jingdaoese people, present this incomplete and fallible document to our Ruler, the greatest ruler of all rulers on Micras, the sole Representative of the Gods. We present it to Him so that it we may organize our state so it can better serve Him. We ask our Heavenly Light to tolerate it, even though our words are crude compared to what he would write himself. We do not try to bind His Will by this document, which only aims to organize us so we may serve him better.


Article 1.

The Emperor represents the Council of the Gods on Micras, he is the Heavenly Light that guides all the people towards salvation. The Jingdaoese people owe him their full allegiance and shall love him dearer than they love themselves or those who are close to them.

Article 2.

The Heavenly Throne shall be dynastic and lies in hands of the Erasmus Dynasty.

Article 3.

The Emperor shall be advised by the Grand Secretariat and His advisory councils.

Article 4.

When a regency is established, the regent shall not be able to assume all rights and privileges offered to the emperor, but only those that are granted to him by law.

Article 5.

Governors and Viceroys are appointed by the Emperor, or by a regent in case of a regency.

Article 6.

No property can be given to, or received by, the Imperial House, nor can any gifts be made therefrom, without the authorization of the Emperor.


Article 7.

The conditions necessary for being a Jingdaoese national are the following:
a) One must be born on Jingdaoese territory.
b) One must be born from a mother of father with Jingdaoese citizenship who has not been convicted for a crime within Jingdaoese borders for which he or she lost his / her citizenship.
c) One must not have lost his / her citizenship.
d) One must be approved by the Secretariat of Immigration.

Article 8.

All people residing on the soil of the Jingdaoese Empire are expected to direct their worship to the Heavenly Light with all their heart and all their soul. They shall worship no god beside Him. Any attempt to subvert the special role of the Heavenly Light by worshipping other Gods directly shall be punishable by death. The Grand Secretariat may offer tolerance towards foreigners living in our territory on a temporal basis, to practice their faith in a modest way without proselytization.

Article 9.

All citizens are servants of the Heavenly Light. Citizens who take up public positions shall use these positions solely to promote the will of the Heavenly Light and will not use their position to further the interests of individuals or groups they affiliate with.

Article 10.

No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, with exception of the Tianchaodao (Way of the Empire).

Article 11.

a) All people shall have the right and the obligation to work.
b) Standards for wages, hours, rest and other working conditions shall be fixed by law.

Article 12.

a) The people shall be liable to taxation as provided by law.
b) The people are responsible for the security of the State. Therefore, their commitment to the security forces and industry which supports them, is a necessity.


Article 13.

The Heavenly Light shall be the highest organ of state power, and shall be the sole law-making organ of the State. He's aided in this task by the Imperial Councils, also known as the Chao Suweiai.

Article 14.

The Chao Suweiai consists of two Councils, namely the Gong Suweiai (Public Council) and the Sifang Suweiai (Private Council).

Article 15.

a) The Gong Suweiai consist of provincial representatives, high nobility and important military officers.
b) The representatives in the are appointed to the Gong Suweiai with approval of the Emperor.
c) The Sifang Suweiai consists of a select group of trusted Jingdaoese, appointed by the Emperor. Their membership needs to be renewed with the ascension of a new Emperor to the Throne.

Article 16.

a) The Provinces are governed by a Viceroy, appointed by the Heavenly Light. The title is not hereditary and granted by the grace of the Imperial Court.
b) A Viceroy can not govern a Province in which he, or his clan or family, has family roots.
c) The Viceroy will act as link between the civil and military authorities.

Article 17.

a) The Districts are governed by locally appointed governors. They are appointed by the Viceroy, in agreement with the local district and provincial assemblies.
b) A governor has no authority over the armed forces.

Article 18.

An ordinary session of the Chao Suweiai shall be convoked when a new Emperor ascends the Throne.

Article 19.

The Grand Secretariat may determine to convoke extraordinary sessions of the Chao Suweiai.


Article 20.

Executive power shall be vested in the Cabinet. The formal name of the Cabinet is 'Grand Secretariat'.

Article 21.

a) The Cabinet shall consist of the Diwang, who shall be its head, and other Ministers of State.
b) The Cabinet, in the exercise of executive power, shall be collectively responsible to the Emperor.

Article 22.

The Diwang is appointed by the Heavenly Light.

Article 23.

a) The Diwang shall appoint the Ministers of State.
b) The Diwang may remove the Ministers of State as he chooses.

Article 24.

The Diwang, representing the Cabinet, submits bills, reports on general national affairs and foreign relations to the Chao Suweiai and exercises control and supervision over various administrative branches.

Article 25.

The Cabinet, in addition to other general administrative functions, shall perform the following functions:
a) Administer the law faithfully; conduct affairs of state.
b) Manage foreign affairs.
c) Conclude treaties. However, it shall obtain prior or, depending on circumstances, subsequent approval of the Diet.
d) Administer the civil service, in accordance with standards established by law.
e) Prepare the budget, and present it to the Diet.
f) Enact cabinet orders which will become Imperial Decrees.
g) Decide on general amnesty, special amnesty, commutation of punishment, reprieve, and restoration of rights.

Article 26.

All laws and Decrees shall be signed by the Emperor or, in His absence, the Regent.


Article 27.

a) The whole judicial power is vested in the Seanad and in such inferior courts as are established by law.
b) The Emperor shall act as Chief Judge.

Article 28.

a) Governors shall act as judge within their own territory.
b) For crimes committed in more than one Province, the Seanad shall appoint a judge from among their members.

Article 29.

a) All judges shall be independent in the exercise of their conscience and shall be bound only by this Constitution and the laws.
b) However, the well-being of the State and the People is of the utmost importance and must weigh heavily in the exercise of their duty.


Article 30.

Amendments to this Constitution shall be initiated through the authority of the Emperor.

Article 31.

This constitution is applicable to all Jingdaoese controlled lands.

Imperial Seal Jingdaoese Empire.png
