Transegale Trading Company

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The Transegale (Nautical & Maritime Provisioners, Victuallers, Wholesalers & Merchant Venturers) Trading (Derivatives, Dividends & Securities) Company of Brunopolis' trading as 'The Transegale Trading Company', also known as TTC overseas, is a multinational corporation incorporated under the laws of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation. Its registered office is located in The Princess Isabella Plaza, Brunopolis, Transegale, Principality of Arboria, Natopia. It is well known globally for its wide range of professional consultancy and global solutions services.

Carl Taylor-Citron has been its Chief Executive Officer since 7.VI.1684. On his death in 1718, he was replaced as Chief Executive Officer by Gunther Bauer until his death on 12.V.1724 of a brain aneurysm.

At the 1724 Shareholders and Board of Directors Meeting the next day, Ardashir Bābakān-e Osman and Prince Ichirō were elected without objections to fill the two vacant seats of the Board of Directors. Subsequently, at the meeting of the new Board of Directors and after discussion, Charlotte Watson, daughter of former Director Michael Maximillian Watson, was elected Chief Executive.


Pursuant to resolutions of its Board of Directors at its 1684 meeting, the Company resolved to:

  • register its business in the Elwynnese Republic, and set up offices in Konungsheim–Elijah's Rest, Avakair (or New Harbor), and Eliria.
  • register its business in the Republic of Alduria, and set up offices in Punta Santiago and elsewhere in Alduria as deemed appropriate by the Chairman.
  • register its business in the Unified Governorates of Benacia, and set up offices in Merensk, Sansabury, and elsewhere in the Unified Governorates as deemed appropriate by the Chairman.
  • register its business in the Kingdom of Ransenar; and set up offices in Goldfield, and elsewhere in the Kingdom as deemed appropriate by the Chairman.
  • register its business in the Democratic Federation of Sanama; and set up offices in Sanama City, Niyi, Soli, Acquecalde, and elsewhere in the Kingdom as deemed appropriate by the Chairman.
  • register its business in the Emirate of Sathrati together with the Imperial Dominion of the Marquessate of Zy-Rodun and the Counties of Yardistan, Amity, and Mirioth; and set up offices in Novi Nigrad, Erudition, and elsewhere in the Emirate as deemed appropriate by the Chairman.
  • register its business in the Wechua Nation; and set up offices in Parap, San Francisco, Judah, and elsewhere in the Wechua Nation as deemed appropriate by the Chairman.

The first of these was easily accomplished, with the Company establishing Transegale Trading Company of the Emirate of Sathrati, Inc., by virtue of a special resolution of the Council of Sathrati, having the same shareholders of the Company, and a certain Madani Simrani as President, domiciled and holding office at the Imperial and Emirati Bank of the Sathrati Islands Building, Novi Nigrad. It provides local financing as well as global marketing and logistics solutions services to local businesses.

The second of these was also easily accomplished, thanks to the services of the legal firm of Zollinger Kirchner & Co., establishing Transegale Trading Company of the Unified Governorates of Benacia, Inc., having the same shareholders of the Company, with a certain Jürgen Zollinger as President, domiciled and holding office at the Zollinger Kirchner & Co. Law Offices, Port Benacia, Unified Governorates of Benacia, with agents and representative offices in Merensk and Sansabury. It provides local financing and talent acquisition matching and recruitment as well as global marketing and logistics solutions services to local businesses.

The third of these was accomplished, thanks to the Financial and Legal Directorate of the ESB Group, establishing Transegale Trading Company of the Kingdom of Ransenar, Inc., having the same shareholders of the Company, and a certain Zacharias Avon-El as President, domiciled and holding office at the ESB Representative Office, Goldfield, Kingdom of Ransenar. It presently invests and trades in listed shares in the Goldfield Bourse and serves as a venture capital firm to promising startups in the Kingdom of Ransenar.

The fourth of these was accomplished, thanks to the Financial and Legal Directorate of the ESB Group, establishing Transegale Trading Company of Alduria-Wechua, Inc., having the same shareholders of the Company, and a certain Gunther Bauer as President, domiciled and holding office at the Imperial & Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia Building, Punta Santiago, Alduria-Wechua. It has investments with the Santander Railway Corporation and commercial interests related to the planned Port of Jirishanca, and also provides local financing and talent acquisition matching and recruitment as well as global marketing and logistics solutions services to local businesses. It was renamed to Transegale Trading Company of Nouvelle Alexandrie, Inc. upon Federation.

The fifth of these was accomplished, thanks to the Financial and Legal Directorate of the ESB Group, establishing Transegale Trading Company of Sanama, Inc., having the same shareholders of the Company, and a certain Sara Eskenderion Avon-El as President, domiciled and holding office at the ESB Residency Office, Niyi, Democratic Federation of Sanama. It provides local financing and talent acquisition matching and recruitment as well as global marketing and logistics solutions services to local businesses.

The last of these was accomplished, thanks to the Financial and Legal Directorate of the ESB Group, establishing Transegale Trading Company of Elluenuueq, Inc., having the same shareholders of the Company, and a certain Samira al-Osman as President, domiciled and holding office at the Imperial Constancian Embassy, Eliria, Elwynnese State. It provides local financing and talent acquisition matching and recruitment as well as global marketing and logistics solutions services to local businesses, and serves as a venture capital firm to promising startups in the Elwynnese State. It is also well-renowned for recruiting, hiring, and matching educated Elwynnese, particularly from the Alalehzamini Automous Republic, to well-paid jobs abroad. In accordance with actions during the 1703 session of the Congress of Chryse, the corporate charter of Transegale Trading Company of Elluenuueq, Inc., was legislative dissolved in light of the Scouring, effective 21.XIV.1695, and reincorporated as Transegale Trading Company of the Greater Elwynnese State, Inc., domiciled in Ardashirshahr, effective 36.XV.1703.

Several subsidiaries were chartered in III.1704, such as the West Natopian Shipping Corporation, Transegale Railway Corporation‎, Arboria del Sur Railway Corporation, Mar Sara Railway Corporation, Northern Arboria Railway Corporation, and Arboria Principality Power Corporation.

1724 Shareholders and Board of Directors Meeting

Upon the death of Chief Executive Officer Gunther Bauer on 12.V.1724 of a brain aneurysm, a shareholders and board of directors meeting was called for the next afternoon, no expense being spared, at The Princess Isabella Plaza, Brunopolis, Arboria.

Present were the following:

A majority of shares being represented by the shareholders present, remaining Director Her Imperial Majesty Esmeralda al-Osman chaired the meeting. Nominations were opened to fill the two vacant seats of the Board of Directors, to which Ardashir Bābakān-e Osman and Prince Ichirō were elected without objections. Resolutions of condolence by the shareholders were adopted, expressing grief at the unfortunate and untimely decease of Chief Executive Officer Gunther Bauer, Director Li Naomiai, and Director Michael Maximillian Watson.

Subsequently, the Board of Directors met, and after discussion, Charlotte Watson, daughter of former Director Michael Maximillian Watson, was elected Chief Executive.
