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With forces moving into defensive positions and the islands effectively in lockdown, the Combined Sathrati Forces waited tensely through 1730.
With forces moving into defensive positions and the islands effectively in lockdown, the Combined Sathrati Forces waited tensely through 1730.
==Shirerithian preparations==
From the outset it was apparent that the campaign to retake Sathrati would be on a scale unlike anything hitherto undertaken during compliance operations undertaken in [[Guttuli]] or against the nobles of [[Kildare]]. The build up to '''Thuylemans' offensive''' would see the resources of the Imperial Republic marshalled on a scale unseen since the height of the [[Sxiro-Jingdaoese confrontation]], with the difference being that now the combined resources of both halves of the Imperium would be brought to bear upon the restive isles.


Revision as of 12:17, 12 May 2024

Sathrati Emergency
Part of Shiro-Benacian conflict
Invasion map of Sathrati.png
Date VIII.1730 AN – VII.1732 AN
Location Shireroth Shireroth
Result Large scale Shirerithian invasion of Sathrati  · occupation of urban centres  · ongoing guerrilla warfare  · separatist and Humanist terror campaign  · Shirerithian campaign of political repression and possible genocide  · Streïur uis Faïren
Sathrati Sathrati Shireroth Shireroth
Units involved
See also: Order of battle for Combined Sathrati Forces, 1730

Department of MASS:

Department of the West:

Casualties and losses
Catastrophic Heavy

The Sathrati Emergency was an invasion scare in the Emirate of Sathrati when an intervention by the Imperial Forces to overturn the Protocols of Erudition and depose the Council of Sathrati was expected. None of the Khaz Modanese island groups (So-Sara being the largest) except for Zy-Rodun, took the side of the Council of Sathrati. This being accounted for by the main So-Sara islands having fallen under the sway of Drak-Modan and thus outside the bounds of the Protocols of Erudition, although the presence of Imperial Legions undoubtedly helped in this regard.

The crisis would see the Honourable Company go to considerable lengths to protect its long established investments in the region.

Strategically, in the context of the Shiro-Benacian Cold War, the advantage enjoyed by the Imperial Navy of Shireroth over the Maritime Forces of the Benacian Union inhibited the Union-State from directly intervening on behalf of its clients in the Emirate, but nonetheless it was heavily commited to providing logistical and technical support to the Jaysh al-Sathrati and was further suspected, once the Imperial blockade of the islands took effect, of continuing covert resupply operations from Sabatini Isle to Mirioth via an obscure island controlled by various pirate groups and smuggler gangs.

Overview of Sathrati preparations

In Laemill (VIII) of 1730 AN, rising tensions with the Imperial government in Raynor's Keep led the Council of Sathrati to issue a "Declaration of Preparedness" amid fears of an imminent Shirerithian intervention to overturn the Protocols of Erudition and depose the Council. This directive set in motion a series of defensive measures across the Sathrati islands.

The paramilitary and militia forces present in the islands were temporarily integrated into a unified "Combined Sathrati Forces" built around the command structure and hierarchy of the Jaysh al-Sathrati. Zurvanudin Miran al-Osman, an experienced military leader, was appointed overall commander of these forces which fell under the strategic control of the Southern Banner Group of Benacia Command.

To better coordinate the defence, each of the major islands - Amity, Mirioth, Yardistan, and Zy-Rodun - was designated as its own "Defence Sector" led by an appointed commandant. The two corps of the Jaysh al-Sathrati divided responsibilities, with the I Corps overseeing Yardistan and the II Corps managing the other three sectors.

Available military assets of the Jaysh were assigned to reinforce each of the sectors based on assessments by the high command. This included significant numbers of infantry, armoured cavalry, artillery, and air support units fanning out across strategic locations on the islands.

Civil defence measures were also implemented. All airports and ports were closed except those granted specific exemptions. The Sathrati Vanguard Corps, a paramilitary wing of a major political party, mobilised defence volunteer units in each local bailiwick to assist with patrols, static defence, and security missions.

Infernal machines were spotted being laid in the waters near Novi Nigrad, suggesting preparations for coastal defense as well. Meanwhile, a "peace camp" was established in the capital, Novi Nigrad, by anti-war centenarians, though authorities allowed this protest to proceed.

With forces moving into defensive positions and the islands effectively in lockdown, the Combined Sathrati Forces waited tensely through 1730.

Shirerithian preparations

From the outset it was apparent that the campaign to retake Sathrati would be on a scale unlike anything hitherto undertaken during compliance operations undertaken in Guttuli or against the nobles of Kildare. The build up to Thuylemans' offensive would see the resources of the Imperial Republic marshalled on a scale unseen since the height of the Sxiro-Jingdaoese confrontation, with the difference being that now the combined resources of both halves of the Imperium would be brought to bear upon the restive isles.




  • 1731.I.1: With the execution of Abner Shas, the flow of Benacian reports from Shirekeep to the Council of Sathrati is ended.
  • 1731.I.24: Reports of significant Shirerithian forces "in transit". Circulars issued to defence sectors restating the importance of adherence to directive 1730-002 on anti-invasion measures and coastal defences.
  • 1731.V.11: Despairing of a negotiated accomodation, the Council of Sathrati published the Articles of Just Secession, severing ties with the Imperial Republic until such time as it would declare its own willingness to recognise the Protocols of Erudition.
The circa 6,000 Batavian paratroopers of the Luchtmobiele Brigade, led by Tribune (Mid Grade) Mark Konincksberg, land nearby the Chel Modan Airfield and kick off the military intervention.
  • 1731.V.13: The Luchtmobiele Brigade secures the Chel Modan Airfield with its paratroopers on the Isle of Zy-Rodun and establishes a forward operating base, enabling further reinforcements and supplies to be brought in from So-Sara Island. They begin to advance towards Zy-Rodun, facing sporadic resistance from Sathrati loyalists and the mercenaries of the United Free Company.
  • 1731.V.14: The Luchtmobiele Brigade reaches the outskirts of Zy-Rodun town, where they are met with heavy resistance from Sathrati loyalist forces and the United Free Company. Despite this, they manage to break through the city's defenses, partly aided by superior air support coming in from Arg-e-Isabella.
  • 1731.V.16:
    • The 40th Inspectorate Regiment surrenders the island of Zy-Rodun to Shiro-Batavian Tribune (Mid Grade) Mark Konincksberg after the last resistance is destroyed near the outskirts of the town of Zy-Rodun. In the aftermath of a surprise attack on the island, a small force of survivors from the United Free Company melted into the jungle rather than participate in the surrender of the 40th Inspectorate Regiment.
    • Making use of the diversion and lack of Benacian naval support, the Shirerithian Navy blockades the ports of Amity, Mirioth and Yardistan, preventing resupply or reinforcement from reaching the region by sea. This significantly threatened the opportunity of the Sathrati forces to enjoy further resupply by sea. Novi Nigrad International Airport is shelled by a shore bombardment of the Shirerithian ships in the Novi Nigrad Bay but with little success. It was further assessed that RAS Panopticon Blimps operating in international waters from Sabatini Isle gave the main island defence sectors sufficient warning to disperse to their assigned positions.
Within days of being named as a prominent officer involved in the capture of Zy-Rodun, kompromat regarding the private life of Mark Konincksberg began to appear on global data networks. The involvement of Benacia Command cyber-intrusion units in the leaks was strongly suspected.
  • 1731.V.17:
    • Combat air patrols by N&H Expeditionary Air Wing and Jaysh al-Sathrati resume over Amity, Mirioth, and Yardistan.
    • Patrol patterns of RAS Panopticon Blimps in international waters strongly indicated active ISR surveillance of 4th Fleet assets in theatre, including passive monitoring of electronic communications and emissions.
    • A Floret AWACs aircraft, escorted by four F-9 Ashavan III fighter jets attached to the Southern Banner Group of also passed back and forth on a course between Sabatini Isle and Neridia. Further indicating that realtime tactical information was being relayed to the defence sectors on the island. Notably, these aircraft remained scrupulously outside of Sathrati airspace whilst on station, even to the extent of requiring air to air refuelling from allied assets in theatre.
  • 1731.V.18: School children and pensioners from working class neighbourhoods paraded through Novi Nigrad carrying anti-war banners and singing Cedrist hymns to the goddess Viviantia. Stewarded by guards from the Sathrati Vanguard Corps, the marchers listened to speeches by the organisers of the centenarian peace camp before being led away to the buses that would convey them to the airfields at Fesanasja, Lunasja, and Vjemajnstaan, as well as to Novi Nigrad International Airport. Once in place at these secure and garrisoned facilities, the carefully selected and vetted volunteer activists would serve as peace observers, ready to document and bear witness to any Shirerithian war crimes against the sites which would house their auxiliary peace camps.


  • 1732.V.15: Thuylemans' offensive is unleashed upon the islands after months of preparatory bombardment. The coordinated use of large scale amphibious landings on each of the three main islands, and lighting fast air assault attacks against the remaining dispersal airfields operated by the Sathrati Combined Forces disoriented and overwhelmed the defenders at the point of engagement, allowing for viable bridgeheads and lodgements to be established. In spite of some successes, such as a spirited counterattack by the ESB-Jagdverbande on Yardistan, the Imperial Forces finished the day in possession of the majority of their initial objectives, heavy losses amongst landing craft notwithstanding, and were able to continuously ferry ashore reinforcements and supplies in the ensuing days.