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Council of Sathrati/Directives

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Directives issued by the Council of Sathrati during the Emergency of 1730.

Directive 1730-001

Date issued: 19.VIII.1730
Subject: Declaration of Preparedness
  • Key points:
    1. All public and corporate bodies to be placed at the disposal of the Council of Sathrati for the purpose of maintaining the defence of the Isles.
    2. Paramilitary and militia formations of Sathrati to be integrated into the command structure of the Jaysh al-Sathrati until further notice, thereby constituting the Combined Sathrati Forces.
    3. Combined Sathrati Forces to be subordinate to Southern Banner Group of Benacia Command.
    4. With the concurrence of the officer commanding, Southern Banner Group, Zurvanudin Miran al-Osman is designated as officer commanding of the Combined Sathrati Forces (OC-CSF).
    5. Each principal island of the Emirate (Amity, Mirioth, Yardistan, Zy-Rodun) shall constitute a defence sector under a commandant appointed by OC-CSF.
      1. Defence Sectors Amity, Mirioth, and Zy-Rodun are assigned to II (Jadid Khaz Modan) Corps of the Jaysh al-Sathrati.
      2. Defence Sector Yardistan is assigned to I (Sathrati) Corps.
    6. Divisional assets of the Jaysh al-Sathrati shall be assigned in their relevant defence sectors by corps commanders in conformity with the directions of OC-CSF.
    7. Air and maritime assets of the Jaysh al-Sathrati, along with those of the N&H and ESB, shall be assigned to defence sectors in accordance with the direction of OC-CSF, and made available to the commandants of the relevant defence sectors to which they have been assigned.
      1. Taskings may be made upon these assets by higher authorities in the chain of command up to OC-CSF.
    8. All airports and ports to be closed to traffic except by the authority of the commandant of the relevant defence sector.
    9. The Sathrati Vanguard Corps, at the direction of OC-CSF, shall maintain defence volunteers in each bailiwick of the islands available to the commandant of the relevant defence sectors. These defence volunteers, drawn from the most capable cadre members of each island's vanguard division, shall be used for the purpose of conducting defensive patrols within their assigned areas, maintaining static defences, and undertaking security missions whilst maintaining appropriate levels of vigilance.

Issued by order of the Council of Sathrati,

Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman

Principal Secretary of State

Directive 1730-002

Date issued: 22.VIII.1730
Subject: Coastal Defence and Anti-Invasion Measures

Key points:

  1. Intelligence reports indicate an impending attempt by the Imperial Forces to establish a presence in the islands of Sathrati. A significant naval and amphibious invasion must be anticipated. While outmatched, all available assets must be employed to disrupt landing operations.
  2. Maksim Projector spigot mortar systems are to be rapidly emplaced to cover likely amphibious landing zones as identified by Defence Sector commandants. Projector positions should be mutually supporting and staggered to allow relocation under fire. OC-CSF shall determine the allocation of Maksim Projectors to Defence Sectors on a priority basis as they are received from ESB Sathrati.
  3. Maritime assets are to be redeployed in coastal patrol sectors to interdict landing craft:
    • 3rd/4th Flotillas (Yardistan): Northport - Southport
    • 1st Flotilla (Amity): Port St Corgi - Negrixnaht
    • 2nd Flotilla (Mirioth): Baiagaat - Grifonagaat
  4. All naval assets are to prioritise countering landing forces whilst they are on their approach to shore. Actions against Imperial capital ships are prohibited due to the likelihood of overwhelming enemy superiority.
  5. The Defence Sector Commandants are directed to employ air assets solely for defensive counter-air operations and battlefield air interdiction of landing zones. Surviving aircraft must be dispersed after each sortie.
  6. Civilian populations in potential landing areas are to be evacuated 15 km inland beyond the range of naval bombardment. Port facilities and infrastructure in these areas are to be prepared for demolition.
  7. The Sathrati Vanguard Corps shall provide the manpower for Maksim Projector crews and establish mobile anti-landing reserves from the respective division in each Defence Sector to counterattack any successful beachheads.
  8. Jaysh al-Sathrati armoured divisions are to be held in reserve by Defence Sector Commandants to counter any attempts by Imperial Forces to break out from established beachheads.
  9. The Commissariat shall make all necessary defensive preparations in the rear areas of each Defence Sector, at the direction of OC-CSF.
    1. Static defenses around key points like command nodes, airfields and redoubts are to be thoroughly prepared and reinforced to resist ground assault.
    2. Reserve stockpiles of arms, ammunition, medicines, rations and fuel are to be pre-positioned in dispersed caches for sustained resistance operations.
  10. The highest state of readiness is to be maintained, but a practical view of our limitations must prevail. The objective is to render any invasion as protracted and costly as possible.
Issued by order of the Council of Sathrati,

Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman

Principal Secretary of State