Holy Order Peace Camp in Sathrati
The Holy Order Peace Camp in Sathrati was founded on 21.VIII.1730 AN in protest of the threatened invasion of Sathrati by Shireroth. The initial founding members of Peace Camp included Chaghagan Khoga, Justin Guadalim, and Mozhgan Heydarpanah, all venerable members of the Order of the Holy Lakes. They were subsequently joined by Alaric of the Green Einhorns. The aforementioned would go on to constitute an organising committee for the peace camp.
The initial site of the peace camp was in Novi Nigrad. Volunteers for the peace camp would be sought amongst all members of the Holy Order who were over one hundred years old.
After the initial call for volunteers, the founders would subsequently be joined by Roderic, son of Riccard, aged 106, Adelaide-Blanche d'Gévaudan, aged 105, Johanna Zebulonsdottar, aged 102, and Frederik Anders the Younger, aged 100.