State visit to Shireroth by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan
State visit to Shireroth by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan | |
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Original title | State visit to Shireroth by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan |
Language | Common Tongue |
Author(s) | Gustaaf Vermeylen, Ric |
Genre | Historical narratives |
Location(s) | Shireroth |
(main) characters | Jaaguzan, Zahra al-Osman and Salome |
Timeframe | 12–17.II.1726 |
The State visit to Shireroth by the Shahanshah of Çakaristan occurred 12–17.II.1726.
Day 1:
- Arrival of the Shahanshah, the Shahbanu, the Vali Ahd, Grand Vizier, Abu Turbati, and Vizier ud-Dawla.
- A welcome ceremony at the airport
- The royals are taken to their residence. The state officials to the Çakari embassy.
Day 2:
- The royals visit the Kaiseress
- Inspection of the guard, the Apollonian Guard
- State banquet in Raynor's Keep
Day 3:
- Visit to the Valley of Mors to visit the graves of Kaiseress Noor and Kaiser Ayreon IV, followed by a visit to Raynor Mausoleum
- Visit to the Palace of Zirandorthel,
- Visit to the Metzler University
- State officials hosted for a dinner by the Steward of Shireroth.
Day 4:
- Departure of royals to 's Koningenwaarde, state officials return to Agra.
- Arrival and meeting and lunch with Frederik Alfons des Vinandy and Farzana Casimira, titular King and Queen of Batavia, and Duke and Duchess of 's Koningenwaarde, at the Koninklijk Paleis of 's Koningenwaarde
- Visit to the city: the Cathedral and finally Blanckenhof Palace, where they are hosted by Hendrik Leopold des Vinandy, Duke of Gascony, former king of Batavia and uncle of the Shahanshah, who then escorts them to Vinandy the day after.
Day 5
- Departure and arrival at Vinandy
- Visit to Château des Vinandy
- Return to Çakaristan
Prince Atreyu, the eldest son of Prince Rubin – the unofficial heir apparent to Salome, had been charged with overseeing the state visit from the Shahanshah and the Shahbanu or the Duke and Duchess of Brandenburg, Prince and Princess of Shireroth (as they were known in Shirerithian law and court).
It was Atreyu's first real task of diplomacy – he needed to prove himself to his father and grand-aunt the Kaiseress, to show them that he was fir for difficult and complex tasks.
This was after all no ordinary state visit. This was a visit marinated in complexities stemming from 1651 when the two sides of the Ayreon-Kalirion dynasty split – one into the exiled side (from which the Duke of Brandenburg descends) and one Shirerithian side (of which the Kaiseress now is the head). The exiled side did not give up their ties or claims to Shireroth despite their exile until after the collapse of Stormark in 1685, having, in Shirerithian law then, held such claims in pretense. But with Salome's opening, following the accession of Jingdao and Batavia to Shireroth, the exiled sides of her family were slowly brought back into the warmth again, and reparations were made. Citizenship was restored to Hakim bin Alsalam in 1711 with the title of Duke of Brandenburg. Eleven years later, he was restored to his rightful place in the Imperial Family of Shireroth with the predicate Prince of Shireroth for himself and his legitimate children. This also meant to an ex post facto restoration of his mother's rights and claims in Shireroth, including her share of the inheritance from the death of Kaiseress Noor in 1650.
With the release of the inheritance in 1722 with the restoration of the rights, Hakim had used his share of the inheritance to purchase a palace in Shirekeep, called the Hadiqat al-Nakhil (garden of palms), which after four years of renovations was now ready to welcome its owner and master, the Duke of Brandenburg.
The Kaiseress and Shahanshah were first cousins, both being grandchildren of Kaiseress Noor, both emperors of their respective regimes, and both members of the Ayreon-Kalirion dynasty. This visit, organized on the Shirerithian side by Prince Atreyu, would reunite the two sides of the family, and finalize their reconciliation.
Prince Atreyu was nervous. He was now standing at Mattlore Devious International Airport in Cabbagefall, waiting for the aeroplane carrying the Brandeburgs back to their ancestral land of Shireroth to land. Red carpets were prepared, a military orchestra, an honour guard from the Apollonian Guards of the Western Imperium, clad in the ceremonial 16th century uniform with gold tunics and titanium plates and helmets and spears, with the new flag of Shireroth painted on their shields.
Prince Atreyu's welcoming committee also included his younger brother Prince Valdemar al-Aziz, as well as Steward Professor Louis Thuylemans, the first non-noble head of government in Shireroth's history.
Day 1
"It is a good thing that family ties are being restored", said the Shahbanu. "Indeed", confirmed the Shahanshah. "Micras needs new alliances", the Shahbanu continued. But her husband was not listening; he was too busy playing Tahmaseb chess with his son. Realising it was better for her to put the subject to rest, Zahra said, "Hakim, let your son win for once". But her husband shook no and after a few moments said, "The boy must learn that the goal is not winning, but the road to victory". There was a knock on the cabin door, as her husband was still too busy playing chess, Shahbanu answered the knock. The captain entered and said, "Your majesty, we are approaching our destination. We wish to commence landing." "Good", the Shahanshah replied.
The plane carrying the state officials had flown ahead by a different route. The Grand Vizier and the Vizier ud-Dawla (foreign minister) watched Air Çakar One land at Mattlore Devious International Airport. Not much later, the moment had arrived when the the Shahanshah, the Shahbanu and the Vali Ahd set foot on Shirerian soil. Hakim, born on the Benacian continent, had a strange feeling of coming home. After they descended the stairs, they were warmly received by the welcoming committee.
"Your Serenity", Hakim spoke to Prince Atreyu, "my father always spoke of your grandfather with great respect and awe. His memory has been taught to us as if your grandfather was our grandfather". To Prince Valdemar al-Aziz, he said, "we are very grateful to you for your efforts in organising this". When the Shahanshah shook hands with Louis Thuylemans, he spoke in Batavian: "Ondanks uw grijze reputatie heb ik u nog nooit betrapt op een tong van een vinandist". As both men laughed, the others looked confused. This state of confusion was broken when the Çakari anthem began to play:
The Grand Vizier, Abu Turbati, and Vizier ud-Dawla had joined the party, jointly holding a short reception in the airport building. There, the Çakari ambassador to Shireroth, Sita Padhi, also made her appearance. The Vali Ahd found all the formal ceremonial a hassle and was visibly bored. He received a scolding from his mother. Not much later, the royals were driven to the Hadiqat al-Nakhil.
Day 2
Everything was ready at Raynor's Keep for the arrival of the Shahanshah-Duke and the Shahbanu-Duchess. Prince Atreyu was resting, having breakfast with his aunt the Kaiseress. The rare times he was allowed to be with her in private, it was always good. She was warm and caring. Whenever there were others around – even staff – she would appear colder, more distant, more contemplative. Perhaps her warmth displayed when alone with him was a testament to her trust with him. She now had the fourth-longest reign in Shireroth's near two thousand years of history, only a few years shy of the length of reigns of the Kaisers John II (1375–1441, 66 years) and Raynor IV (660–720, 60 years). Her own father – Atreyu's grandfather – reigned for 21 years. But if she wanted to beat the record – the reign of the very first kaiser – she would have to reign for another 35 years.
That said, her reign was an anomaly. No kaiser had reigned as long as her for over two centuries. Before the permanentation of the Ayreon-Kalirion dynasty on the Golden Mango Throne during the reign of Kaiseress Noor, the reign of kaisers averaged around 3 years. They were forced to abdicate, for various reasons, or they were assassinated. Indeed, her three imperial predecessors were all assassinated, and two kaisers before them were also murdered, though, after their reigns had ended. Salome knew what price sitting on the Golden Mango Throne asked.
Salome's reign began with a Shireroth on Benacia without even access to the sea. Her father had ruled over most of the Benacian continent, but almost all was lost upon his death. Since then, Shireroth had grown to regain Batavia and Kildare, and expand to parts of Apollonia that never before had been touched by the radiant sun. Shireroth was more stable now, though the existence on the map of the Benacian Union, Tellia and Sanama remained painful eyesore reminders of the Kalirion Fracture. This visit would help cement the reconciliation between the two estranged sides of the dynasty – bringing them back together, in unity, as one family, bringing healing to the pains of the past. It had been over 70 years since the estrangement began. Millions of people had died as a result of it.

Atreyu respected the gravity of this occasion. This visit needed to go on smoothly. As he buttered his last piece of toast, adding some desertberry marmalade on top, he looked at his aunt, a lady of 61 years. She looked calm, happy, maybe even excited. He did not dare ask her what her thoughts were about the meeting.
"Thank you, your Magnificence," he said after finishing his toast. They both knew he had to leave now to receive the motorcade carrying the two guests, while Salome would put on something more formal and regal to wear.
Atreyu hurried down to the entrance of the keep. He saw the limousine going through the Bâb-an-Nûr. He thought about how fitting it had been that the grandson of Kaiseress Noor would return to his ancestral palace through the gate carrying her name and bearing the motto of the House of Ayreon-Kalirion, شیر شما درد نکنه (šir-e shomâ dard nakone, "may the lion not hurt [you]" – referring to what the then Shah of Babkha (Babak) told Princess Isa of Brookshire just before she married Eskender Arsalani (arsalan also meaning "lion") and founded the lineage from which the Kaiseress, Atreyu, the Shahanshah and even the Shahbanu descended).
As soon as the Shahanshah and Shahbanu stepped out of their limousine, a fanfare sounded over the Keep. Atreyu bowed his head to the guests, shook their hands, and led them inside the Keep.
"Welcome to the palace of our ancestors!" he exclaimed. Indeed, the Shahanshah and Shahbanu could both claim descent from Kaiser Raynor I who built the palace 1600 years ago. But more so, the Shahanshah's grandmother reigned from this palace.

"Please follow me," he said, leading them to the throne room where Salome would receive them, where they, according to the imperial decree restoring them to the Imperial Family, could "make their faithfulness known" to the Kaiseress. On the way there, the Apollonian Guard, dressed in Leonid style in honour of the Ayreon-Kalirion descent of the Shahanshah, stood guard.
The Çakari flag on the bonnet of the car fluttered happily in the wind as the car arrived at Raynor's Keep. The car stopped at the red carpet, the passenger door was opened and the occupants got out. "Wow!", is Aurangzeb's first reaction when he sees the castle. His father had the same feeling, as he too is at this place for the first time. At the bottom of the stairs, the royals were greeted by the court master, who escorted the royals inside. In the reception hall, the Kaiseress was waiting. The meeting was held off-camera, so there was still some relaxing informality.
Together, the family sat down to tea. The tension of the first moment was clearly off. "Perhaps it is a good idea to have some kind of extra-political line of communication, so that family affairs do not unnecessarily mix diplomatic relations between countries. So let us avoid a political dispute leading to a family schism like the one we have had," Hakim spoke. Salome thought that was an idea. "Perhaps I am being very direct now, please forgive my Batavian roots," Hakim continued. After an assenting nod from Salome, Hakim continued, "We hope your assent on marriages will not lead to too much discussion". Salome replied after a few moments, "There is no ban on marriages, only the maintenance of membership to the imperial family with the title 'prince of Shireroth'". Hakim nodded understandingly.
After tea, the royals went to the courtyard. There, the Apollonian Guard was set up. The heads of state inspected the Apollonian Guard. Meanwhile, the Imperial Apollonian March was played, which had previously been used at the inauguration of Flavius Myksos as Dutch of Kildare:
Then there was an official photo opportunity. Aurangzeb was particularly interested in the tour that followed. Various parts of Raynor's Keep were shown to the visiting family. Especially the link with Kaiseress Noor, the common foremother of Hakim and Salome. Finally, a state banquet was held. All kinds of state officials, other members of the imperial family and dignitaries were present. Upon entrance of the royals, the heads of state walked into the hall side by side. The orchestra present began to play the Song of Vinandy. When everyone was in their seats, the Kaiseress stood up and spoke, "It is a great honour for me and for my country to welcome you, Shahanshah, Shahbanu and Vali Ahd, here. Our meeting just now gives us great pleasure. Our desire to mend the family rift has succeeded as far as we are concerned. For that, we express our thanks." After the Kaiseress, it was the Shahanshah's turn. "Thank you, your majesty. We were completely surprised and delighted when you issued the imperial decree of Restoration of Validity. This brings us to owe you eternal gratitude. The least we can do, to show that gratitude, is to confer upon you the First Class in the Order of Çakar." All those present stood up and raised a toast.
Day 3
A cortège of cars then took the Shahanshah-Duke and the Shahbanu to the Valley of Mors. Twelve people are buried in these arid grounds – seven kaisers, two kaiseresses, one Natopian emperor, one prince, and one steward.
Plenty of time was allocated for the guests, accompanied by Prince Atreyu, to visit the graves. By protocol, visits go first to the most recent tombsite of a kaiser, that of Kaiser Ayreon IV – Jaaguzan's cousin, and then to all other kaisers in order of interment. In Ayreon IV's tomb are also buried Emperor Nathan II, husband of the kaiser, and Prince Kir – Ayreon's eldest son – the brother of the Kaiseress. Atreyu could not help but ponder what feelings went on in Jaaguzan's heart as the Shahahanshah laid two wreaths of flowers – one for Ayreon IV his cousin and one for Emperor Nathan II. The Shahbanu laid a wreath of flowers for Prince Kir. Jaaguzan owed his Shirerithian dukedom to Ayreon – while at the same time oversaw the rift between their branches of the family. After the kaiser's death in 1671, his body was kept frozen awaiting an appropriate time of burial. An appropriate time only came 14 years later. There had been negotiations between the branches of the family leading up to the funeral, and there had even been invitations for Jaaguzan's father and mother to attend – but alas, it never came to be. Did Jaaguzan perhaps think of his father and mother at this point? Atreyu did not know, but Jaaguzan appeared to him solemn-eyed and quiet.
They walked next to the tomb of Kaiseress Noor – the grandmother Jaaguzan never knew. Like Atreyu, Jaaguzan would only have known Noor through stories and family legends. Atreyu could not help but wonder what stories were told in the Alsalam family of Noor's life and deeds.
Almost always, visits to the Valley of Mors - even by dignitaries – are restricted to visits to just outside the tomb. This was the case for the Shahanshah's visit to Ayreon's tomb. For the visit to Noor's tomb, a surprise was in store for the visiting couple. Atreyu had secured access into the actual tomb, and not told the diplomatic staff in either Shireroth or in Çakaristan of it.
Atreyu himself had visited the tomb only once before. Access to tombs were largely restricted to some select few – maintenance workers, masons, and the highest priests of the Cedrist order known as the Children of Mors, and sometimes for members of the Imperial Court on rare occasions. Atreyu had visited the tomb of Ayreon twice, during the interments of Prince Kir (1703) and Emperor Nathan II (1717), though his grandmother, the reclusive Imperial Mother Isidora Octavius-Teleni visited the tomb of Kaiser Ayreon IV daily, living on the Valley of Mors premises. She was here today to herald the reconciliation of her family with that of Jaaguzan's. Dressed in mourning dress (which she had continued to do since the death of Kaiser Ayreon IV fifty-five years ago, she greeted Jaaguzan.
"My dear duke of Brandenburg, welcome to the tomb of your grandmother, Noor." As she led the party down the tomb tunnel, illuminated only by the torches held in hand by the little party walking down the cold subterranean tunnel, she related the story of Noor's funeral. After Noor was murdered by her son Adam (the father of Kaiser of Ayreon IV), the body of Noor was placed on a tower of silence, for the carrion birds to eat of her body, and after her bones had been exposed and bleached by the radiant sun, her bones were placed in a sarcophagus clad with lead on the inside and gold on the outside.
After leaving the first unadorned cold corridor, the party was now taken to a highly-decorated corridor, with side chambers that document the different phases of Noor's life and reign in painted relief. They next moved on to the last accessible chamber (the chamber with Noor's coffin being sealed shut after her interment). It was decorated by images of Noor performing her sacred duties as Kaiseress and high priestess.
A priest, which had followed the party in the darkness, started chanting prayers. A beautiful echo from the chant filled the room. Atreyu bowed his head in prayer while the chanting continued. Hakim, Zahra and Aurangzeb were deeply impressed. They could not have imagined the exclusive access to the tombs. While the rites were different from what they are used to, they still found it very solemn. They thanked Atreyu for the viewing.
The grand vizier arrived at the Palace of Zirandorthel. There, he was saluted by the Scholae Equites Singulares and received by Tinker Sprocket, the Prætor of the Landsraad. He was given a tour of Statuary Hall, before being escorted to the main meeting room. There, he was received with applause by the members. The Prætor opened the session and invited the grand vizier to speak. The grand vizier spoke, "Honourable Prætor, honourable members of the Landsraad, on behalf of the Shahanshah, his wife and his son, may I convey thanks for the cordial reception here in Shireroth. On behalf of my country, I express my thanks for the path of peace we are walking together. Although in my country's early days it seemed that our countries would not enter into friendship, we have come together. We are very grateful to have Qyzylqaystan under our banner. The restoration of family relations, both with the Kaiseress and the King of Batavia, make us very hopeful.
The recent diplomatic conflict with our mutual neighbour, Floria, has made us in Agra realise that relations with Shireroth are essential for peace on Apollonia. Although the situation now seems under control, the conflict appeased, vigilance remains necessary. Our call is not to wait for the next conflict with anyone, but to make ties unbreakably strong now. Also not to let any friction between them turn into conflict. Our Shahanshah has personally impressed upon me that any hairline crack in relations must be closed immediately. A schism within the family, between our countries, must not happen again.
May the sixteen-pointed star and the cresent moon illuminate Micras together for a long time to come. Long live the Kaiseress, long live the Shahanshah!"
Premature termination
Just when the programme for the state visit was to switch from Shirekeep to Batavia, news arrived that the ataliq (regent), Adarsh Farrah, had died in a tragic accident. This caused the Shahanshah to have to return to Agra. Still in the Hadiqat al-Nakhil, the Shahanshah took the decision to temporarily appoint his wife, Zahra, as ataliq. So the couple had to fly back separately.