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List of Sverige Tiem FC players

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This is a list of all senior players who have been contracted to the Craitish football club Sverige Tiem FC throughout its history.

List of players

  • By default, players are listed chronologically by their first season with the club, then alphabetically by most commonly used shirt name.
  • Nationality refers to the FMF member nation which the player was first eligible to represent while at the club, irrespective of international call-ups or prior eligibility.
    • Any subsequent nationality changes are documented in the footnotes.
  • Position covers the general tactical areas in which the player was utilised:
    • GK is a goalkeeper; DF is a defender; MF is a midfielder; FW is a forward; U is a utility player (one considered to play in multiple positions).
  • Club career lists the seasons in which the player was a part of the club's senior squad. As per CrFA rules, teams must have a full squad of 25 registered players per season (previous squad limits were lower). Players who are loaned out often fall outside of this limit.
    • Noncontinuous spells with the club are entered on separate lines. Years split by a dash indicate that the player was a squad member for both seasons and all seasons inclusive. A dash with no number following it shows that the player is still registered with the club as of the 2022 season.
    • As per CrFA rules, seasons are dated by the calendar year in which they are completed. As a result, players may have officially joined the club in the previous calendar year to that which is listed first.
  • Squad numbers are the numbers which the player wore on their kit. As per CrFA rules, these are permitted to change between seasons, leading to multiple numbers for some players.
Name Nat. Pos. Club career №s
Chentzansioheraz AzÄl Chentzansio-Herä Craitland CRA MF 2003–2016 10
Demhivo MMarc Demhivo Craitland CRA DF 2003–2017 3
Donetti PPiero Donetti Gaia GAI[A] FW 2003–2014 9
Heraz HHjaņ Herä Craitland CRA MF 2003–2016 7
Hjansen LLydveldt Hjansen Craitland CRA DF 2003–2013 4
Isrdlvarien DDai Isrdlvarien Craitland CRA MF 2003–2010 8
Jansen VVorgeņ Jansen Craitland CRA GK 2003–2021 13
Johansen YYaqin Johansen Craitland CRA FW 2003–2021 11
Joznsen KKarl Jónsen Craitland CRA MF 2003–2012 2
Klevets RRen Klevets Craitland CRA DF 2003–2021 15, 12
Mantozlio EErondo Mantólio Craitland CRA FW 2003–2013 12, 17
Senovichi OOscar Senovichi Craitland CRA GK 2003–2018 1
Tereminus TTór Tereminus Craitland CRA MF 2003–2010 14
Vorgensen JJon Vorgensen Craitland CRA DF 2003–2012 6
Yaqinsen AAlexis Yaqinsen Craitland CRA FW 2003–2016 16, 18
Zyxveldtsen VVorgeņ Zyxveldtsen Craitland CRA DF 2003–2013 5
Daviddlaw JJon Daviddlaw Craitland CRA DF 2006–2022 16
Loresen DDavid Loresen Craitland CRA MF 2006–2022 19
Lydveldt JJesse Lydveldt Craitland CRA GK 2006–2023 20
Zen RRoss Zen Craitland CRA DF 2006–2024 15, 5
Omordha DDonnachaidh Ó Mórdha Kavalos KAV[B] MF 2008–2021 22
Pazi SSa Pazi Passas PAS MF 2008–2018 23
Senior CChris Senior Craitland CRA DF 2008–2010 21
Drazsen IDräsen Isrdlvarien Craitland CRA FW 2009–2020 25, 10
Phillipson PPhil Phillipson Beaugium BEA FW 2009–2012 24
Dordevic DDanijel Đorđević Passas PAS MF 2011–2023 8
Hjansen DDaniel Hjansen Craitland CRA DF 2011– 14, 2
Trask IIchigo Trask Toketi TOK[C] MF 2011–2023 21
Lamberti KKurt Lamberti Shireroth IRS FW 2013–2021 24, 9
Mcveigh BBilly McVeigh Hamland HAM MF 2013–2017 14
Santosgomez NNuno Santos Gomez Shireroth IRS DF 2013–2021 6
Charlton SStephen Charlton Mercury MER DF 2014–2022 4
Dazl LLäns Däl Craitland CRA DF 2014– 15, 6
Sonetti MMariolino Sonetti Highpass HPS[D] FW 2014– 17, 10
Georgesen LLucäs Georgesen Craitland CRA FW 2015– 24
Mazlent JJamie Mälent Craitland CRA MF 2017– 25, 11
Pancaster ZZorau Pánčaster Gerenia GRN MF 2017–2019 7
Petersen IIņvaär Petersen Craitland CRA FW 2017– 18
Cristo DDavid Cristo Caputia CAP[E] DF 2018–2022 3
Zvet SƧinkœ Zvet Senya DES MF 2018– 14, 7
Hjester CCräiĵaär Hjester Craitland CRA MF 2019– 23, 8
Yhrenhjozltsvensen JzĴäro Yhrenhjólt-Svensen Craitland CRA GK 2019– 1
Azhlmen BBrian Ählmen Craitland CRA MF 2020– 14
Brunz HHelge Bruņ Craitland CRA FW 2021–2022 17
Benk MMads Benk Craitland CRA DF 2022– 15
Jonsentozrsen KKraig Jonsen-Tórsen Craitland CRA DF 2022– 22, 4
Kozldejz JJakob K'óldeĵ Craitland CRA FW 2022– 13
Orozco JJonathan Orozco Castilona CAS MF 2022– 25
Pazde JJames Päde Craitland CRA GK 2022– 12
Ramirez CCristiano Ramirez Floria FLO FW 2022–2023 9
Caravita CChristopher Caravita Vegno VEG DF 2023– 3
Garciaesteban IIván García Esteban Anahuaco ANA[F] DF 2023– 16
Macbaird KKristopher Macbaird Victoria VIC DF 2023– 19
Slazine GGunnar Släine Craitland CRA FW 2023– 17
Spearing DDerren Spearing Victoria VIC MF 2023– 22
Alexandersen RRen Alexandersen Craitland CRA MF 2024– 21
Dazm LLanden Däm Craitland CRA MF 2024– 20
Juliajzsen JJan-Morteņ Juliaĵsen Craitland CRA FW 2024– 9
Pilcqist JJoey Pilcqist Craitland CRA GK 2024– 23

  1. ^ A Gaia GAI until 2007, Tellia TEL from 2007.
  2. ^ B Kavalos KAV until 2008, Oscland OSC in 2008, Kavalos KAV between 2008 and 2009, Monovia MON between 2009 and 2013, Hammish Monovia HMO between 2013 and 2017, Caputia CAP between 2017 and 2019, Alduria ALD from 2019.
  3. ^ C Toketi TOK until 2016, Shireroth IRS from 2016.
  4. ^ D Highpass HPS until 2014, Karalakh KAR between 2014 and 2017, Kalgachia KAL between 2017 and 2019, Sanama SNM from 2019.
  5. ^ E Caputia CAP until 2019, Alduria ALD between 2019 and 2021, Nouvelle Alexandrie NAX from 2021.
  6. ^ F Anahuaco ANA until 2024, Nouvelle Alexandrie NAX from 2024.