Shirerithian Customs Area

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The Shirerithian Customs Area (SCA) is one customs area constituting Shireroth, Sathrati, Talenore, and, since 1669, Batavia. There are no tolls and checks between these countries. Furthermore, the Shirerihian Ministry of Trade determines import and export dues for non-Raspur states.

On 20.XI.1678, the Frankish Empire was met with sanctions for its unlawful repudiation of a treaty with a Raspur Pact member state, and the Ministry of Trade announced that there will be a full export and import ban from and to the Frankish Empire into the SCA from 1.XII.1678. With the formation of the Franco-Batavian Empire in late 1684, the Shirerithian government expelled Batavia with 36.XV.1684 being the last day of the applicability of the SCA on Batavia. On 11.III.1685, the Imperial Judex ruled in De Klijne v The Kaiseress that the unilateral ending of the applicability on Batavia was illegal and contrary to imperial law as well as the treaties. After the judgment of the Imperial Judex, the Shirerithian government took immediate steps to re-set up the SCA in Batavia.

Import dues

Country Import dues Notes
Alduria Alduria Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Alrig Alrig Import banned
Alperkin Alperkin Payable 50% on all products
Antakia Antakia Payable 50% on all products
Bassarid Empire Bassarid Empire Import banned
Bassarid Periphery Bassarid Periphery Import banned
Caradia Caradia Payable 50% on all products
Constancia Constancia Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Craitland Craitland Free trade 0% on all products
Subject to Treaty
Dragonera Dragonera Payable 50% on all products
Drak-Modan Drak-Modan Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Elwynn Elwynn Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Florian Republic Florian Republic Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Franco-Batavian Empire Franco-Batavian Empire Import banned Ban refers to products from Francia Francia
Freeland Freeland Payable 50% on all products
Goëtia Goëtia Payable 50% on all products
Gran Verionia Gran Verionia Payable 50% on all products
Graustark Graustark Payable
Guttuli Guttuli Import banned
Hadlow Hadlow Payable 50% on all products
Jääland Jääland Free trade 0% on all products
Jingdao Jingdao Import banned
Jezeraah Jezeraah Payable 50% on all products
Juclandia Juclandia Payable 50% on all products
Kalgachia Kalgachia Payable 50% on all products
Krasnocoria Krasnocoria Payable 20% on all products
Subject to Treaty
Leylstadt Leylstadt Payable 50% on all products
Lostisland Lostisland Payable 50% on all products
Mercury Mercury Payable 50% on all products
Natopia Natopia Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Nijima Nijima Payable 50% on all products
Nova England Nova England Payable 50% on all products
Palesmenia Palesmenia Payable 50% on all products
Phinbella Phinbella Payable 50% on all products
Ralgon Ralgon Payable 50% on all products
Ransenar Ransenar Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Refliasia Refliasia Payable 50% on all products
Réunion Réunion Payable 50% on all products
Rulak Rulak Payable 50% on all products
Sanama Sanama Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Sanpantul Sanpantul Payable 50% on all products
Sathrati Sathrati Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Senya Senya Payable Varies, subject to Treaty
Stormark Stormark Import banned
Talenore Talenore Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Tellia Tellia Payable 50% on all products
Thracistan Thracistan Payable 50% on all products
Unified Governorates Unified Governorates Freedom of movement Raspur Pact
Wechua Wechua Freedom of movement Raspur Pact