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Senate Seat 1

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Senate Seat 1 is a seat in the Eleventh Senate of the Lakes, created on 1.I.1718.


Portrait Coat of Arms Name Birth Death Tenure Faction Comment Previous tenure
Linaomiai.png Li naomiai coa.png Li Naomiai Avon-El 1627 Michaelion 1719–present (1.I.1719–present) United Chancellor (1695–present) 1690–1695 VI
1695–1701 (VII)
1701–1707 (VIII)
1708–1712 (IX)
1713–1718 (X)
MarcusAvonElMyksos.png Sara eskenderion coa.png Marcus Avon-El Myksos 1702 (Kezan) 1722 (15.VI.1722) United Prince among the Lakes