When razzia becomes revolution
When razzia becomes revolution is an article series that appeared on the ESB Intelligencer on 1.XI.1739, later syndicated by ESB Media to the Ransenar Daily Mail and The Aldurian Sun, from which it was picked up by wider global media.
In 1737 AN, Dervish Çelebi, sultan of Jaihabar, died; he was succeeded by his son, Süleyman Çelebi. The young sultan faced declining investment from Agra. In turn, the Ataliq (regent), Zahra al-Osman, had reduced investments to Jaihabar as a result of the international Recession of 1737. This became one of the reasons that the Shahanshah, Xunpadshahan, fired her. Civil unrest soon ensued due to tax increases and an otherwise-moribund local economy.
Protest groups led to a major demonstration. At 10:03 am on 11.XI.1737 AN, shots were fired from one of the buildings on the square, causing great chaos. This soon led into an insurgency, eventually resulting into the Lake Norton agreement, where it was concluded that the Çakari flag would be lowered over Corum by the end of 1739 AN at the latest. Only Jazirat Al-Borani, more commonly known as Devil's Island, would be retained and would be handed over to the Imperial Federation.
On 13.V.1738, sensing a hostile takeover opportunity under the guise of a Razzia, elements of ESB-Jagdverbände, volunteers from the ESB Security Directorate based in Constancia, as well as other volunteers from Constancia, disembarked from the Admiral Deimos Jasonides, Ignatius-class amphibious transport dock vessel, to deploy and secure the otherwise-empty island formerly known as Grand Wulfram in the South Sea Islands, accompanied by KP Koudouras, a Logistic Support Vessel and Andronikos-class Auxiliary Cruisers Astyánax and KP Neoptolemos.
At a subsequent meeting nearly a year later, 2.X.1739 at Petropolis, the Board of Directors of the Honourable Company resolved to create a Resident-General for ESB Isle, with the rank of OF-7 and Deputy Director, possessing the usual powers of a resident and plenipotentiary powers subordinate to the Chair and Board of Directors, to be appointed only on majority vote of the Board of Directors and serving at pleasure. Residency on ESB Isle beyond 48 hours is subject to the permission of the Resident-General, unless superior Imperial Constancian or Group officials declare otherwise.
At that same meeting, Anders Koeppen was appointed first Resident-General for ESB Isle.
Resident-General Koeppen was dispatched by Imperial Constancian Air Force flight to Naya Island, followed by transshipment to ESB Isle via the Marcellus Paixhans Ignatius-class amphibious transport dock vessel of the Corporate Seafaring Transportation Service that was coasting offshore.
Crisis and opportunity
A command conference took place aboard ship, where the continental condition was provided, with the details of the events of the Jaihabar Vortex added to the briefing. The next day, over breakfast, as he saw the island on the horizon, and noting and conferring with senior staff aboard that it was terra nullius, considering further that this particularly large portion of Green was but a hop-and-skip away from Eura, it necessitated, at the very least, a very observant eye to note what the natives were up to.
A 40-man kentarchia of Imperial Constancian Marines remained aboard for ship security, as well as another kentarchia's worth of a gaggle of elements of ESB-Jagdverbände, volunteers from the ESB Security Directorate based in Constancia, as well as other volunteers from Constancia.
They landed on this unnamed island on 15.X.1739 at 1027H, planted the Imperial Constancian flag, and claimed the territory in the name of the Basilinna Esmeralda al-Osman and the ESB Group.
For lack of a better name, they named it ESB Isle Northwest, in the dispatch sent to the Imperial Court, the Office of the Autokrator of Constancia, and ESB Group corporate headquarters.
Holding the island with such a paltry force was anxiety-inducing, so repeated dispatches urged the hastening of reinforcements and supplies. It was, unsurprisingly, the ESB Group, specifically its Security Directorate, that responded the fastest, considerint the legendary bureaucracy of the Imperial Constancian Armed Forces, that usually required the approval of a senior official who considered themselves impervious enough from the wrath of the Autokrator of Constancia were things to go sour.
Zurvanudin Miran al-Osman, Director of Security of the Honourable Company and a concurrent Stratárchis (Field Marshal) of the Imperial Constancian Army, considered himself such a man. Thus it came to pass that nearly a month later, on 16.XI.1739, a Rhodondra-class amphibious assault ship and Logistic Support Vessel, escorted by a Dominator-class missile cruiser and 3 Klimatariá-class Missile Corvettes found their way to the location, disgorging 4 Trump Radar Tracking Autocannon, Snatch Land Rovers, Light Trucks, more than sufficient small arms and ammunition to arm everyone and his brother's cousin's bullies, and enough Superabundance Foods products to nauseate a peacetime banner group on half-rations.