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Sacred Lakes Lodge

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The Sacred Lakes Lodge is a private social, dining and recreational establishment that is open only to members of the Order of the Holy Lakes, incorporated formally by Autokratorial Decree under the laws of the Imperial State of Constancia as the Society of the Sacred Lakes. It serves as the Constancian chapter of the Order of the Holy Lakes. It is located in a discreet location within the Radiant Sun Plaza, Aqaba.

Unsurprisingly, the aforesaid discreet location is also the Aqaba Gate (or bryggjor) of the Hurmu Gate Network. It is heavily guarded, internally and externally by the Imperial Constancian Armed Forces, Borders Control Agency and the State Protection Authority. Identities are verified, all the more so for arrivals.

A special flight of Javelin H-5 Sovereigns the Imperial Constancian Air Force is always ready to fly Companions of the Holy Lakes and their entourages from Aqaba to Astérapolis, Petropolis, Raspur, or elsewhere in the Imperial State of Constancia, for free. As a matter of financial propriety (insisted upon by Princess Rosamund), expenses of flights of Companions of the Holy Lakes who are private citizens, not otherwise government officials of Hurmu or their nationality (and therefore cannot be considered official or working visits), are fully reimbursed from private funds of the House of Santiago-Santander.

Officers and Members of the Court of Governors

Former officers