1714 Vegno Elections

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1714 AN Vegno Elections
Vegno flag.png
1709 AN ←
1714 AN
→ 1716 AN

All 150 seats to the Assemblea Nazionale
76 seats needed for a majority
  First party Second party Third party
  Forza Vegno party.png Ppv.png Partito Comunista.png
Leader Luca Zarrella Shalva Mancuso Tito Bettella
Seats won 34 29 24
Seat change 2 8 6
Popular vote 461.862 420.254 390.676
Percentage 20,28% 18,45% 17,15%

Fourth party Fifth party Sixth party
  PNV.png PDC.png Vegno Vivo Party.png
Leader Michelangelo Lèvati Antonio Visciglia Haldi Rinaldi
Seats won 25 18 10
Seat change 5 3 10
Popular vote 367.184 232.883 182.271
Percentage 16,12% 10,22% 8%

Assemblea 1714.png

Turnout: (% of entitled)
Results by coalition

Party Leader % Seats ±
Centre-right-coalition Luca Zarrella 38,72% 63
Right-Green Alliance Michelangelo Lèvati 23,82% 35
Centre-left coalition P. Antonio Visciglia 27,37% 42
Vegno vivo Haldi Rinaldi 8% 10
Partito Indipendentista Vegnese Lewis Newhouse 2,08% 0
Swyndyrr Party 0% 0
This lists parties that won seats. See the complete results below.

The 1714 AN Vegno Elections will be the third ever general elections of the Republic of Vegno and will see the election of the President of the Republic of Vegno and the composition of the Parliament, the Assemblea Nazionale.

The Parliament will meet for the first session of the 3rd legislature on early 1714 AN. Following the constitutional reform approved in 1708 by the Mancuso I Cabinet, each legislature will last from now on, from three to five years.

As the General Election of Vegno, population will vote both for the President of the Republic, with the two most voted candidates accessing the final ballot a week after, and for the composition of the Parliament, which will reflect the formation of the new government.

Voting system

The electoral law in force is the "Rinaldellum", which regulated the previous elections of 1709 and provides for a mixed electoral system, where:

  • 81,33% of the seats (122 of 150 in the Assemblea Nazionale) are assigned through the proportional system in multi-member constituencies on the basis of blocked lists; the allocation of seats is carried out at regional levels.
  • 18,66% of the seats (28 of 150) are assigned with a single-round majority system (2 seats for the two most voted party in each single region;

In accordance with the Constitution, modified by the Mancuso I Cabinet 150 deputies are elected. Furthermore, the composition of the parliament and the mandate of President of the Republic will now last for five years instead of three.

The voting paper, which is a single one for the majority and the proportional systems, shows the names of the candidates to single-member constituencies and in close conjunction with them the symbols of the linked lists for the proportional part, each one with a list of the relative candidates. The voter is able to cast their vote in three different ways, among them:

  • Drawing a sign on the symbol of a list. In this case, the vote extends to the candidate in the single-member constituency that is supported by that list.
  • Drawing a sign on the name of the candidate of the single-member constituency and another one on the symbol of one list that supports them; the result is the same as that described above. Under penalty of annullment, the panachage is not allowed, so the voter cannot vote simultaneously for a candidate in the uninominal constituency and for a list which is not linked to them.
  • Drawing a sign only on the name of the candidate for the uninominal constituency, without indicating any list. In this case, the vote is valid for the candidate in the single-member constituency and also automatically extended to the list that supports them; however, if that candidate is connected to several lists, the vote is divided proportionally between them, based on the votes that each one has obtained in that constituency.


From the previous elections of 1709 AN for the 3rd legislature, a fragmented political framework had resulted: the Partito Popolare Vegnese had the relative majority of the Parliament as a single parliamentary group, while Forza Vegno was the most voted party in the country, having his secretary elected as President of the Republic. After nearly one month of difficult negotiations between the main parties, the President of the Republic Luca Zarrella entrusted the formation of the government to Shalva Mancuso, the secretary of the PPV. The Mancuso I Cabinet, supported by a Forza Vegno-PPV-PDC majority, took office on 1709 AN and adopted a liberal political line, characterized by the flag measures of the two majority parties.

The Mancuso I Cabinet has worked for 5 years, with the continous support of FV, PPV and PDC, not without critisims and critics from the opposition of PNV and PC. It managed anyway to end the legislature and a already months before the new election the parties started already their electoral campaign.

Electoral campaign

The former President of the Republic and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Visciglia doing and electoral rally in his home city of Sancrus, during an electoral tour in Vegno ahed of the 1714 Elections.

Following the dissolution of Parliament with the end of 2nd legislature, the electoral campaign officially began. Within the government coalition, the "Partito Democratico Costituzionale" (PDC) secretary Antonio Visciglia ruled out an alliance for the following elections with Luca Zarrella's Forza Vegno (FV), thus trying not to lose another slice of the left electorate to the advantage of the Communist Party (PC). Visciglia said that the government agreement with FV and PPV to reach a majority for the good of the country was not understood by all its electors and brought an "irreversible break" between the letf-wing electors.

Mancuso during an electoral debate in the telecast of "Terza Torre", directed by Nicola Cavolo, ahed of the 1714 Vegno General Elections.

Zarrella accused Visciglia of being "arrogant and hypocritical",having first been in government for 8 years together with post-electoral agreements and then not agreeing to form this alliance in view of the elections of 1714. Mancuso and Partito Popolare Vegnese declared themselves to be part of the centre/centre-right pole and not distant from FV ideals; their campaign centered around the Flat-tax, already established for a part of the population, and the positive period Vegno had in the previous two governments . Visciglia criticized FV for their past nearness with PNV and nationalist measures. PDC ran for a wealth tax, minimum wage, support for civil rights such as egalitarian marriage, a law protecting against sexual orientation discrimination, and ius scholae reform to allow children of immigrants who live and study in Vegno to apply for citizenship.

In 1713 AN, the Partito Nazionalista Vegnese (PNV) and the Greens of Peppe Freeda (PF) officially launched their joint alliance for the upcoming election within the "Per il Vegno e per l'Ambiente" coalition, finding an agreement on many points of the program regarding the reclamation of some vegnese areas and on the theme of the environment. After a few days, Lèvati was appointed political leader of the alliance on a black–green platform.

In early 1714 there was another twist in the Vegnese political panorama: a centre coalition was formed before the elections, by Forza Vegno (FV) and Partito Popolare Vegnese (PPV). Zarrella and Mancuso found an agreement on the distribution of single-member districts between the allies and agreed also on the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, which would be proposed by the party that gains more votes. They campaigned on a mixed-program based on the flat tax, constitutional reforms and minimum wage; though the two parties and leaders had their differences, and their manifesto lacked details they strongly focused on a favorable government experience in the past 5 years and also in the first government of Vegno.

The new logo presented by H. Rinaldi for his new party "Vegno Vivo" ahed of the 1714 Vegno elections.

Finally in late 1714 AN Visciglia's PDC signed an alliance with Tito Bettella's Communist Party (PC). These alliance caused tensions between Visciglia and Rinaldi (one of the main PDC deputies and vice-secretary of the party). The latter, being a strong supporter of economic liberalism and nuclear power, considered impossible a coalition between himself and the far left-wing PC. So, Rinaldi broke the alliance with PDC, publicly declaring that "Visciglia has shit in his head"; with these strong statements, the relationship between the two great and historical exponents of the PDC seemed to have broken forever. PC, led by Tito Bettella and Edoardo Diotisalvi, decided to remain in the centre-left coalition with PDC, marking the end of the federation between them and Rinaldi. One month after, Haldi Rinaldi signed an agreement to create a centrist party led by himself and other dissidents from PDC, using a new symbol named "Vegno Vivo" (VV). The new party led by RInaldi, ran a pro-nuclear power, a pro-regasification campaign and a liberal program as solutions for the Vegnese Country.

Two months before the elections, Marco M. Unno (candidate for the PNV) tweeted a video of a rape committed by a 27-year-old Interland against a 55-year-old woman in the city of Sancrus, Falange. Visciglia immediately labeled Unno as "indecent", adding that "the Vegnese right-wing has no respect for the victim, not caring about her rights", while Tito Bettella stated that Unno should be ashamed of herself. Marco Unno accused Visciglia of lying, saying that the video was taken from the official website of a vegnese newspaper, adding that he did not have to apologize because it was done for solidarity with the victim.

Electoral Debates

As usual in Vegno, ahed of the 1714 general elections there were organized some electoral debates, on the main vegnese TV channel, between the leaders of the main candidates parties. Different from the past elections the Partito Indipendentista Vegnese will appear only in the constituencies of some regions and not in the national lists, and therefore loses the opportunity to participate in national debates. It will also be the first appearance of Haldi Rinaldi as leader and secretary of the Vegno Vivo party, at the first participation in national elections after the detachment from the PDC.

1714 Vegno General Elections Debates
Date Organiser Moderator PDC FV PNV PC VV
10 October Vai

("Finestra a Finestra")

Giovanni Ape Antonio Visciglia Luca Zarrella A Edoardo Diotisalvi Haldi Rinaldi
18 October TeleV

("Terza Torre")

Nicola Cavolo Antonio Visciglia Papu J. Papasso Michelangelo Lèvati Tito Bettella A
31 October TeleV

("Linea Politica")

Gerry Aldente Miguel Sposato Luca Zarrella Marco M. Unno Tito Bettella Haldi Rinaldi
7 November Vai

("Il Vegno di Domani")

Michele Buonanotte Antonio Visciglia Nick Fish Michelangelo Lèvati NI Haldi Rinaldi

Electoral Lists and Candidates

Alliance Lists Head of Party Seats at last election
Centre-right coalition Forza Vegno (FV) Luca Zarrella 36
Partito Popolare Vegnese (PPV) Shalva Mancuso 37
Right-Green Allliance Partito Nazionalista Vegnese (PNV) Michelangelo Lèvati 30
I Verdi - Peppe Freeda (PF) Peppe Freeda 7
Centre-left coalition Partito Democratico Costituzionale (PDC) Antonio Visciglia 21
Partito Comunista (PC) Tito Bettella 18
Vegno Vivo (VV) Haldi Rinaldi new party
Partito Indipendentista Vegnese (PIV) Lewis Newhouse 1
Swnndyrrr Party (PS) Michele Angelo Avvicinati 0

Parliament Results

Overall Results

Results by party

Political party

Vote Received

% of votes Deputies Elected Uninominal seats Total Parliament seats % of seats
Forza Vegno 461.862 20,28% 25 9 34 22,66%
Partito Popolare Vegnese 420.254 18,45% 23 5 29 19,33%
Partito Comunista 390.676 17,15% 21 3 24 16%
Partito Nazionalista Vegnese 367.184 16,12% 20 5 25 16,66%
Partito Democratico Costituzionale 232.883 10,22% 13 5 18 12%
Vegno Vivo 182.271 8% 10 0 10 6,66%
I Verdi - Peppe Freeda 175.365 7,7% 10 0 10 6,66%
Partito Indipendentista Vegnese 47.415 2,08%


0 0


Total 2.560.741 100% 122 28 150 100%

Results by coalition

Alliance Lists % of votes Total Parliament seats
Centre-right coalition Forza Vegno (FV) 38,72% 63
Partito Popolare Vegnese (PPV)
Right-Green Allliance Partito Nazionalista Vegnese (PNV) 23,82% 35
I Verdi - Peppe Freeda (PF)
Centre-left coalition Partito Democratico Costituzionale (PDC) 27,37% 42
Partito Comunista (PC)
Vegno Vivo (VV) 8% 10
Partito Indipendentista Vegnese (PIV) 2,08% 0
Swnndyrrr Party (PS) 0% 0

Regional results

Region FV PPV PC PNV PDC VV PF PIV Total votes
Cossa 81.659 39.054 85.209 113.612 0 21.302 14.202 0 355.038
South Coast 10.644 13.305 5.987 9.979 9.979 8.648 7.983 0 66.525
Largoprato 14.125 10.273 3.210 15.409 3.210 5.779 2.568 0 64.205
Bassovento 5.533 17.705 7.193 5.533 12.172 4.980 2.213 0 55.329
Compare 10.997 5.737 14.822 6.694 0 5.737 3.825 0 47.812
Mhazar-Campoasciutto 30.145 83.736 40.193 30.145 56.940 43.542 50.241 0 334.942
Buonriposo 96.209 42.445 56.594 0 59.423 2.830 25.467 0 282.968
Caponord 12.066 5.246 4.722 14.165 5.246 6.296 4.772 0 52.463
Falange 82.878 79.918 44.399 44.399 20.719 5.920 17.760 0 295.993
Falangina 1.425 0 907 0 2.980 713 453 0 6.478
Falangetta 800 364 73 1.563 145 509 182 0 3.636
Ponente 32.673 55.543 19.604 91.483 32.673 49.009 3.267 42.474 326.726
Badia 9.882 21.412 19.765 824 19.765 5.765 0 4.941 82.354
Pelago 72.826 45.516 87.998 33.378 0 21.241 42.482 0 303.441

Uninominal seats

Region 1° Uninominal Seat 2° Uninominal Seat
Cossa PNV PC
South Coast PPV FV
Largoprato PNV FV
Bassovento PPV PDC
Compare PC FV
Mhazar-Campoasciutto PPV PDC
Buonriposo FV PDC
Caponord PNV FV
Falange FV PPV
Falangina PDC FV
Falangetta PNV FV
Ponente PNV PPV
Pelago PC FV

Presidential Results

First Round

Coalition Candidate Vote Received % of votes
Centre-righ coalition Luca Zarrella 882.116 34,44%
Centre-left coalition Antonio Visciglia 623.559 24,35%
Right-green coalition Michelangelo Lèvati 542.549 21,18%
Vegno Vivo Haldi Rinaldi 182.271 8%
Total 2.560.741 100%

Second Round

Presidential Elections

  LoZar.png Antonio Visciglia.jpg
Nominee Luca Zarrella Antonio Visciglia
Party Centre-right coalition Centre-left coalition
Popular vote 1.249.300 805.830
Percentage 60,79% 39,21%

Elected President of the Republic

Luca Zarrella

Political party Vote Received % of votes
Luca Zarrella 1.249.300 60,79%
Antonio Visciglia 805.830 39,21%
Total 2.055.130 100%