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Anti-Vanicism is an umbrella term used by many different nations, organizations, religions, and governments on Micras to describe their opposition, distrust, and disgust with the Vanic religion and nation and their associated entities. Opposition to the Vanic nations has ebbed and flowed over the years. It has grown organically and globally among disparate sectors and political spheres of Micras. In recent years it has gone from begrudging toleration of the slow-creep of pornographic images and narratives into Vanic Elwynn to the major events that eventually brought about the Auspicious Occasion. Natopia was at one time a close ally of the Vanic nation but it eventually had no choice but to cut all ties with the Vanic nation when King Noah refused to repeal a pro-rape, prima nocta law in his Natopian province under the Vanic claim that rape is an important component of Viking, and therefore Storish, culture. These events prompted the Uppheaval. A culture of opposition to the Vanic nations began in Drak-Modan after Clara Sundara moved there after divorcing Arkadius IV after he began to force her to give revisionist speeches regarding the Froyalanish exodus.

Jingdao shares many of the concerns of the Anti-Vanic nations, but is not commonly counted among the Anti-Vanic nations and does not use that name. In 1674, the Jingdaoese Imperial Palace expressed its support for the Auspicious Occasion citing the "extreme, complete and unspeakable vileness" of the Storish people. While Jingdao has not enacted explicit travel prohibitions, blanket banning most visits from foreign nations, it has called the Storish ethnicity a "pest" and members of this ethnicity would not be protected by the law when visiting Jingdao. Jingdaoese concerns do only apply to Stormark, and historically Froyalanish Elwynn. Relations with other Vanic nations (again, a term not used by Jingdao) are usually strained, but for unrelated reasons.

Anti-Vanic nations

The following nations have enacted a quarantine prohibiting travel and communications, at any level, to or from Vanic nations. In many of these nations this reflects a formal public policy against associating with Vanic nations.

  1. Nouvelle-Alexandrie
  2. Drak-Modan
  3. Elwynn
  4. Floria
  5. Goetia
  6. Kalgachia
  7. Natopia
  8. Ransenar
  9. Sanama
  10. Unified Governorates of Benacia
  11. Constancia
  12. Palesmenia
  13. Thraci Confederation
  14. Phineonesian Confederation
  15. Batavia (liberated 1685)
  16. West Amokolia (liberated 1685)

Anti-Vanic religions

The following religions or religious denominations have beliefs that find the Vanic ritual practices to be abhorrent and non-consensual.

  1. Bovinism (On the Threat of Vanicism)
  2. Somanes
  3. Umraism
  4. Melusinianism
  5. Nazarene
  6. Holodomatic School, specifically in its systematic destruction of the immanent spirit through hedonism, abuse, child molestation, drugs, etc as evidenced by their propensity to histrionics, indifference to cruelty, and megalomania
  7. Nárhitihnism
  8. Restored Church

Whilst certain other religions, being less concerned about the non-consensual aspects, find Vanic ritual practices and theology to be merely abhorrent:

  1. Cedrism
  2. Zurvanism

Anti-Vanic events

The following events are direct results of various parties' refusal to interact with those associated with the tainted Vanic nations.

  1. Auspicious Occasion
  2. Uppheaval
  3. Clara Sundara's divorce from Arkadius IV.
  4. Controversy over Vanic attendance of the funeral of Ayreon IV, specifically in the pro-Vanic Franco-Batavian state attempting to send their heads of state without invitation, leading to a mass cancellation by other dignitaries until it was decided that any Vanic-associated delegation would be barred from entry.
  5. Collapse of Stormark, in which matters finally came to a head.
  6. Autokratorial Decree: On the Froyalanish Error[1]
  7. Resolution of the Board of Directors of the ESB Group bearing date 3.VII.1685 at Aqaba[2]De
  8. Decree of the Princess and Council of Arboria: On the Froyalanish Error [3]
  9. Western Tapfer Claim and Reconstruction Act 1685 of the Frenzy of the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation

Anti-Vanicism in sport

  • Boycotts of the 2020 Benacia Cup hosted in Batavia.
  • The following national football teams may not be drawn against any of the Vanic nations' representatives in FMF competition. Where such fixtures are unavoidable, i.e. in tournament knock-out stages, these teams have expressed their intention to forfeit such matches (an automatic 5–0 defeat as per FMF rules):

Anti-Vanic movements and parties

  1. Nationalist & Humanist Party (particularly the doctrinal strain within the N&H thought known colloquially as Livvism)
  2. Free Juice and Bagels Party
  3. Party for Reunification (specifically focused in Wintergleam which was once occupied directly by the Harald Entity)
  4. UNPR
  5. Verionist Union (claims to have been at the vanguard of Anti-Vanicism on account of the feuding between the House of Verion and the House of Ettlingar Freyu during the days of Vanic Elwynn)

Vanic nations

The following nations are considered Vanic or tainted by the Vanics. As of 1717 AN, all of the nations listed below have either been liberated, reformed, collapsed of their own accord, or otherwise been relieved of the burden of existence:

  • Stormark and all Storish subjects, the source of all Vanic corruption on Micras. Presently confined to the realms of the infernal abyss.
  • Franco-Batavian Empire, one or more constituent member is allied with Stormark, and by that logic therefore defended Vanic sexual misconduct
    • Francia, allied with Stormark, and by that logic therefore defends Vanic sexual misconduct. Presently confined to the Arbor Isles.