1672 Elwynnese princely elections

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The 1672 elections in Elwynn for Prince took place in two rounds, round 1 on 7.XII.1672 and round 2 on 9.XII.1672, in which Ander Avon-El was declared Prince-elect of the Elwynnese Republic.


Due to a compromise between the South and North in Elwynn, the new Prince of Elwynn would be directly elected by the people of Elwynn in a majority election. If no candidate received majority, a second round would take place across Elwynn between the two highest-scoring candidates.


Candidates in the election were:

  • Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr. Alalehzamini lawyer of the Nationalist and Humanist Party (N&H). Considered a moderate within the party. Leads the Elwynnese transitional government until a Prince is sworn in. Runs on his merits of bringing Elwynn together, conquering the Boreals, and bringing peace, order and stabiliy to Elwynn.
  • Eki Verion: former princess of Elwynn (1662–1664), who claimed herself Queen in the North in the Elwynnese civil war, and who since 1669 was confined in house arrest in Cimmeria. Brought forward as candidate by the Holy Party of the Divine Icebear with ads shouting "Bring back the Queen in the North!".
  • Pedyr Mekaarveq: leader of the Elwynnese Workers' Party, led the transitional Popular Front government (with support from the Ayreonists and Verionists) before he was replaced by Mehr in a compromise with Alalehzamin. Runs on a social democratic agenda.
  • Ander Avon-El: Elwynnese academic (literature). Brought forward by the Ayreonist Independence Party with support from the Verionists. Campaigns on an agenda of national reconciliation, unity, compromise. Member of the House of Ayreon-Kalirion (a cousin with Li Naomiai) and distanced himself from the Imperial Republic, saying that he has always been an Ayreonist and an Independentist. Popular among nostalgists for the former Elwynnese independent state.

Round 1

Round 1 took place on 7.XII.1672. No candidate received a majority, and a second round was planned.

Candidate Supported by CE Percentage AAR TOTAL
Pedyr Mekaarveq EWP/AFF/MPDS 7,110,773 29.76% 2,100,824 9.04% 9,211,597 19.54%
Ander Avon-El AIP/VU 10,917,280 45.69% 6,190,274 26.64% 17,107,554 36.30%
Firdaus Abollahi Mehr N&H/Behsaz-Eluin 5,294,028 22.16% 14,827,018 63.80% 20,121,046 42.69%
Eki Verion HPDI 570,183 2.39% 120,874 0.52% 691,057 1.47%
TOTAL 23 892 264 23 238 990 47 131 254

Round 2

Round 2 occurred on 9.XII.1672, at the same time as congressional elections in the North.

Round 2 CE Percentage AAR Percentage TOTAL Percentage
Ander Avon-El AIP/VU/EWP/AFF/MPDS 16,203,736 63.76% 10,100,388 37.68% 26,304,124 50.37%
Firdaus Abollahi Mehr N&H 9,210,803 36.24% 16,704,280 62.32% 25,915,083 49.63%

As such, Ander Avon-El was elected Prince of the Elwynnese Republic. Mehr conceded defeat and vowed to work together with Avon-El in securing a prosperous Elwynn. Mehr was believed to focus his efforts in the Alalehzamini government.


  • Jeremiah Avon-El, military ruler of New Blackstone, was amongst the first to telegram his cousin (?) with congratulations on the occasion of his victory - suggesting that the victory of a candidate not endorsed by the Nationalist & Humanist Party would not be an insurmountable obstacle to relations between Elwynn and the territories directly controlled by Benacia Command.
  • Li Naomiai Avon-El, Regent of the Imperial Republic, sent a telegram to her cousin Ander Avon-El with congratulations on his victory, saying that, whether Elwynnese independence is achieved or not, she will be happy to work with him for the betterment of the Elwynnese nation. She conditioned Elwynnese independence, however, on Elwynn entering a treaty with Shireroth. She expressed a desire for Elwynn's place in the Imperial Republic as the foremost of imperial states as her preferred option of settlement.