Bailiwicks of Elwynn

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Elwynn is divided into 227 bailiwicks, of which 126 are in the Elwynnese Congressional Counties, 56 in the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic, 31 in Normark, and 14 in Northern Tellia. Each bailiwick is traditionally styled "Worshipful Municipal Corporation of Aldermen of the [official name of bailiwick], Guarantors of its Ancient Liberties", except in Normark, where they are simply titled "Bailiwick of [name]", and in Northern Tellia, where they are called "The Most Serene Bailiwick of [name]" (il Serenissimo Commune).

Bailiwicks of Elwynn (Leng and Raikoth not shown).

List of bailiwicks

Below is a list of bailiwicks with their population, with their traditional county (if applicable), whether they are in Congress Elwynn (Congress), the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic (AAR), or in Normark, as well as the percentage of native speakers per language. If figure is 0, it means "less than 1%". If the figure is "?", it means an unknown percentage.

Northern Tellian bailiwicks are listed below the main table, because there has yet to be held a census for the area.

Bailiwick Population County Auton. Rep. Elw Babkhi N Amokolian Mishalanese Norse Agnesian Præta Istvanistani Rai Lengois Cimmerian Reinish Other
Aderstein 45,135 Normark Normark 1 0 0 0 44 0 0 1 0 0 0 52 2
Aire 38,171 Vattnaland Congress 35 3 37 3 15 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 3
Alattio 60,850 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 1
Alderbaai 377,115 Vattnaland Congress 16 1 40 9 22 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 2
Alin 109,250 Agnesia Congress 52 13 0 0 7 17 4 4 0 0 0 0 3
Allswell 1,657,100 Alalehzamin AAR 7 67 0 0 4 3 3 15 0 0 0 0 1
Alumelith 246,196 Agnesia Congress 42 8 0 0 11 7 1 5 5 0 14 0 5
Amareazerke 481,811 Utasia AAR 55 28 5 2 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2
Amon Aranui 33,847 Cape Farewell Congress 85 2 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Ancolemerinde 445,964 Araxion Congress 61 15 4 5 7 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 2
Andelarion 53,990 Cape Farewell Congress 48 16 1 0 27 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 3
Annike 346,920 Vattnaland Congress 11 1 58 14 8 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 1
Anun 1,097,273 Automatica Congress 12 2 68 11 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
Aptan 167,437 Automatica Congress 5 0 76 13 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Araxion 2,752,234 Araxion Congress 59 15 3 4 9 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 2
Ardashirshahr 5,292,015 Alalehzamin AAR 12 65 1 1 4 4 5 2 0 0 0 0 4
Arsalani 1,325,622 Alalehzamin AAR 22 60 0 0 3 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 4
Aryastan 506,352 Transelwynn AAR 15 55 1 3 3 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 14
Asantelian 1,518,499 Asantelian Congress 3 0 0 0 0 0 43 35 0 0 0 0 18
Aslanshahr 700,596 Alalehzamin AAR 8 72 0 0 5 4 3 4 0 0 0 0 2
Auchentoshan 23,450 Iserdia Congress 63 9 5 0 6 1 3 10 0 0 0 0 3
Azeroth 657,882 Transelwynn AAR 8 35 0 0 1 0 27 13 0 0 0 0 16
Azshara 242,164 Illumination Congress 67 8 0 0 6 4 2 2 1 0 8 0 2
B'cawshrine 188,729 Agnesia Congress 16 8 0 0 17 35 1 2 5 0 13 0 2
Babran 1,800,994 Alalehzamin AAR 14 68 0 0 0 4 5 2 0 0 0 0 5
Bagelton 30,391 Iserdia Congress 62 12 2 0 6 1 2 12 0 0 0 0 2
Baldersborg 93,226 Normark Normark 1 1 0 0 82 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 7
Baltyshahr 822,128 Alalehzamin AAR 22 55 0 0 7 2 3 5 0 0 0 0 5
Bandar-e Mojaheddeen 445,094 Alalehzamin AAR 23 53 0 0 5 4 5 5 0 0 0 0 4
Bandar-e Tahmaseb 869,853 Alalehzamin AAR 13 69 0 0 4 2 8 3 0 0 0 0 1
Bembemhai 155,533 Vattnaland Congress 34 8 16 34 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Boazodoalloguovlu 76,649 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 2
Calerose 64,067 Illumination Congress 44 1 0 0 15 7 2 0 1 1 26 0 2
Caligae 176,549 Cape Farewell Congress 35 18 2 0 24 1 3 8 2 0 4 0 2
Capa 378,760 Automatica Congress 1 0 91 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Capadia 487,741 Automatica Congress 4 1 86 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Civitas Nova 275,193 Cape Farewell Congress 32 25 12 3 16 2 3 2 1 0 2 0 1
Connemara 34,065 Iserdia Congress 67 12 0 0 5 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 2
Cornaboxun 94,745 Vattnaland Congress 65 5 15 12 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cromswind 34,200 Cimmeria Congress 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 92 0 0
Dakhm ul Jinn 604,535 Alalehzamin AAR 9 72 0 0 3 3 5 4 0 0 0 0 2
Dar ul Tazim 679,306 Alalehzamin AAR 9 74 0 0 2 4 2 5 0 0 0 0 3
Daryapur 822,281 Alalehzamin AAR 8 79 0 0 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 1
Dharmanadi 698,857 Agnesia Congress 15 5 0 0 3 58 6 12 0 0 0 0 1
Dragevik 107,221 Normark Normark 1 1 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2
Dragonskeep 1,080,470 Agnesia Congress 35 10 0 0 12 25 5 11 0 0 0 0 1
Dravotih iker 769,640 Wintergleam Congress 18 3 0 0 43 3 16 14 0 0 0 0 3
Drønderlag 45,689 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 5
Echo 1,839,742 Greater Eliria Congress 36 17 2 1 7 1 15 13 1 0 0 0 5
Edradour 16,638 Iserdia Congress 61 8 6 2 7 1 3 8 0 0 0 0 3
Eikbu 207,056 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5
Elesmari 59,209 Iserdia Congress 57 17 0 0 6 7 3 8 0 0 0 0 2
Elfenplatz 225,293 Vattnaland Congress 8 2 65 8 12 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1
Elfinshiyehafir 862,990 Alalehzamin AAR 14 69 3 5 3 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 2
Elgjaby 208,434 Wintergleam Congress 14 3 0 0 53 0 9 20 0 0 0 0 0
Elianshinde 31,971 Illumination Congress 55 3 0 0 15 6 2 3 1 0 10 0 3
Eliria 2,887,489 Greater Eliria Congress 44 27 2 1 5 1 4 5 1 0 1 0 7
Elkheim 174,072 Normark Normark 1 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5
Eltezion 493,858 Araxion Congress 60 22 3 3 4 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2
Erdes 46,137 Araxion Congress 54 2 25 15 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Eribazistan 636,832 Transelwynn AAR 8 56 0 1 2 0 12 7 0 0 0 0 13
Erion 66,231 Agnesia Congress 53 9 0 0 5 11 1 18 0 0 0 0 2
Eskenderiyebandar 731,039 Alalehzamin AAR 9 71 0 0 3 2 9 2 0 0 0 0 3
Eskimas 51,883 Iserdia Congress 65 3 12 6 7 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2
Faizabad 879,419 Alalehzamin AAR 17 49 0 0 4 3 8 13 0 0 0 0 6
Falkeron 855,506 Greater Eliria Congress 47 35 0 0 8 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 3
Farde 421,591 Automatica Congress 7 1 78 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
Fenririe 833,783 Utasia AAR 42 27 0 0 7 0 8 9 0 0 0 0 5
Fieldburg 825,955 Co Fieldburg Congress 8 7 0 0 12 15 10 33 0 0 10 0 4
Fort Eluin 986,256 Araxion Congress 56 25 3 4 5 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2
Fremort 475,064 Wintergleam Congress 12 10 0 0 24 1 25 28 0 0 0 0 0
Frieden 523,573 Iserdia Congress 38 13 8 2 18 3 2 11 0 0 1 0 4
Frystekapp 59,915 Normark Normark 2 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4
Ganaraja 204,339 Agnesia Congress 15 12 0 0 6 55 2 2 0 0 5 0 1
Gendringen 107,522 Vattnaland Congress 5 1 56 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Glenfiddich 130,057 Iserdia Congress 45 18 2 0 7 8 2 15 0 0 0 0 2
Graignamanagh 25,975 Illumination Congress 55 7 0 0 9 8 1 2 0 0 15 0 3
Gusfandshahr 519,466 Alalehzamin AAR 24 56 0 0 3 3 6 7 0 0 0 0 1
Hagbard 135,200 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 7
Hallucion 171,412 Agnesia Congress 68 5 0 0 7 12 1 6 0 0 0 0 1
Halwar 447,019 Alalehzamin AAR 12 62 0 0 5 5 9 5 0 0 0 0 2
Herzenstadt 133,594 Vattnaland Congress 8 6 49 17 12 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 2
Høgmarken 44,668 Normark Normark 1 0 0 0 87 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 5
Icefire 73,832 Cimmeria Congress 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 0 86 0 0
Inver 55,419 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 91 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 4
Ironstone 565,595 Utasia AAR 41 38 0 0 5 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 5
Islus 1,922,145 Utasia AAR 35 42 0 0 4 2 3 11 0 0 0 0 2
Ismailabad 1,227,435 Alalehzamin AAR 12 48 0 0 2 1 15 15 0 0 0 0 7
Jazâ'ir ul Zjandariyah 1,047,376 Alalehzamin AAR 17 59 0 0 5 6 7 4 0 0 0 0 2
Johansstrand 153,131 Normark Normark 1 0 0 0 87 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 3
Jonsvik 45,853 Wintergleam Congress 14 5 0 0 60 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 7
Kaidere 764,438 Greater Eliria Congress 56 6 0 0 4 2 16 12 0 0 0 0 2
Kantor 102,243 Vattnaland Congress 28 5 15 1 42 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 2
Karman Jomrim 45,380 Cape Farewell Congress 75 5 1 0 11 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2
Kilkadesh 724,424 Alalehzamin AAR 23 62 2 0 2 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 1
Kimrynore 287,233 Utasia AAR 67 21 2 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2
Kongsviken 254,525 Normark Normark 1 0 0 0 89 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 4
Konungsheim Elieru
(Elijah's Rest)
1,245,743 Normark Normark 4 0 0 0 65 0 0 12 0 0 0 3 16
La Terre 1,378,369 Vattnaland Congress 35 8 28 12 14 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Ladurea 365,563 Utasia AAR 56 35 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2
Lake Camel 788,162 Utasia AAR 52 38 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 2
Lakeovum 303,450 Araxion Congress 67 12 4 4 4 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 2
Lashea 442,615 Greater Eliria Congress 51 12 1 0 8 5 2 15 0 0 0 0 5
Leila ve Moshk 271,957 Alalehzamin AAR 24 56 0 0 4 4 7 4 0 0 0 0 1
Leng 40,887 Leng Congress 16 2 3 0 3 4 6 12 2 45 2 0 5
Lichtenkirche 48,390 Vattnaland Congress 28 3 36 5 24 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Lun Ezkaron 575,726 Transelwynn AAR 14 44 2 4 2 0 9 7 0 0 0 0 17
Luther'enville 464,657 Automatica Congress 3 1 91 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Majid-e Aik 410,590 Alalehzamin AAR 8 67 0 0 3 2 11 7 0 0 0 0 2
Malexander 490,536 Vattnaland Congress 12 2 35 45 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Mannochmore 91,562 Iserdia Congress 57 6 14 3 5 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 1
Mariyechelân 1,301,476 Alalehzamin AAR 21 52 0 0 4 2 7 7 0 0 0 0 7
Maskerer 314,558 Co Fieldburg Congress 38 11 1 0 16 8 15 11 0 0 0 0 0
Mellomhånd 43,798 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 2
Metyl Themar 387,368 Transelwynn AAR 15 52 0 2 2 0 9 7 0 0 0 0 13
Michaelion 17,498 Cape Farewell Congress 65 6 2 0 18 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 2
Mikkelsvik 57,012 Wintergleam Congress 11 1 0 0 56 0 17 12 0 0 1 0 2
Mishalan 2,691,285 Mishalan Congress 3 2 7 80 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2
Mjøs 49,197 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 1
Mohamedion 480,869 Utasia AAR 43 45 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 2
Molde 369,698 Vattnaland Congress 19 7 42 5 14 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 2
Monare 696,113 Wintergleam Congress 37 23 0 0 8 1 16 12 0 0 0 0 2
Moorcorone 608,484 Utasia AAR 51 28 2 0 2 4 3 5 0 0 0 0 4
Morsnes 183,049 Co Fieldburg Congress 3 3 0 0 56 7 7 12 0 0 7 0 4
Moss 430,671 Co Fieldburg Congress 22 12 0 0 15 18 5 16 0 0 11 0 1
Nachbaai 161,096 Vattnaland Congress 19 2 42 2 31 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Nathanielsdale 82,803 Iserdia Congress 62 5 2 1 9 2 5 10 0 0 0 0 2
Nathansborg 294,398 Normark Normark 1 0 0 0 78 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 5
Naubandar 1,784,021 Alalehzamin AAR 12 48 0 0 4 3 12 6 0 0 0 0 13
Nauron Inna 724,749 Utasia AAR 62 20 1 0 4 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 2
Neuneuensdorf 156,077 Vattnaland Congress 7 2 56 29 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
New London 190,994 Automatica Congress 6 2 82 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Nordiskehjem 676,168 Normark Normark 3 0 0 0 77 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 7
Northern Tellia no data Northern Tellia AAR ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Norgale 451,464 Utasia AAR 37 42 0 0 6 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 4
Nyå 89,890 Cape Farewell Congress 34 5 3 1 52 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Orenthaven 669,547 Asantelian Congress 4 2 0 0 1 0 42 38 0 0 0 0 13
Orlisheal 35,277 Illumination Congress 56 4 0 0 8 7 1 3 1 0 18 0 1
Paanduburj 84,622 Agnesia Congress 15 9 0 0 7 51 2 2 0 0 12 0 1
Panchaputri 404,482 Agnesia Congress 20 11 0 0 8 33 5 6 0 0 15 0 1
Parisia 91,647 Automatica Congress 3 0 78 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Peikhambad 608,448 Alalehzamin AAR 8 77 0 0 2 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 3
Penzeriemaal 329,504 Agnesia Congress 56 8 0 0 9 12 4 10 0 0 0 0 1
Perez 401,469 Alalehzamin AAR 8 73 0 0 2 1 5 8 0 0 0 0 3
Pernetegh 804,786 Alalehzamin AAR 12 52 0 0 4 3 10 12 0 0 0 0 5
Peterburg 578,041 Vattnaland Congress 35 12 36 7 5 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2
Phoenix Forest 44,771 Illumination Congress 52 5 0 0 7 6 0 1 0 0 12 0 15
Port Beaumont 499,147 Automatica Congress 15 4 68 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Port Illumination 93,273 Illumination Congress 48 12 0 0 14 11 1 2 1 0 8 0 1
Qajar 327,654 Alalehzamin AAR 12 60 0 0 4 1 9 9 0 0 0 0 5
Queensgeese 130,989 Vattnaland Congress 9 1 67 9 4 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 5
Raikoth 252,738 Hyperborea Congress 5 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 87 1 1 0 0
Rastakhiz 716,782 Alalehzamin AAR 10 76 0 0 2 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 1
Regensburg 77,961 Vattnaland Congress 26 1 36 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Rekirie 70,953 Araxion Congress 56 3 34 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Riddersborg 176,439 Normark Normark 1 0 0 0 68 0 0 9 0 0 0 14 8
Rikardstad 32,435 Cape Farewell Congress 37 5 1 0 52 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
Rindozerke 242,010 Araxion Congress 64 12 5 6 7 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2
Rugahi 455,201 Alalehzamin AAR 19 44 8 13 4 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 5
Ryventemple 1,005,359 Greater Eliria Congress 44 25 2 1 8 1 7 7 0 0 0 0 4
Råvirke 111,998 Wintergleam Congress 6 2 0 0 58 3 12 17 0 0 0 0 2
Saint Biffor 13,459 Iserdia Congress 51 12 14 2 8 1 2 7 0 0 0 0 3
Saint Joelle's Mount 63,221 Iserdia Congress 42 15 12 2 4 3 5 13 0 0 0 0 4
Sandtun 68,750 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 1 0 0 0 53 1
Saria 374,220 Greater Eliria Congress 68 11 0 0 5 2 4 5 0 0 0 0 3
Schalkwijk 441,437 Vattnaland Congress 2 2 67 15 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Seftenbethaus 102,235 Vattnaland Congress 16 5 45 5 25 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Shahazerke 510,453 Utasia AAR 51 41 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2
Shahershid 416,598 Alalehzamin AAR 12 72 1 0 1 4 4 5 0 0 0 0 1
Sheikhshahr 692,668 Alalehzamin AAR 8 67 0 0 3 5 8 7 0 0 0 0 2
Shemnui 67,373 Agnesia Congress 66 10 0 0 7 8 1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Shurim 733,439 Utasia AAR 56 24 1 0 3 3 5 4 0 0 0 0 4
Signe 80,725 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 4 0 0 0 8 3
Simne 249,883 Greater Eliria Congress 64 7 0 0 4 3 8 11 0 0 0 0 3
Sirishahr 550,824 Alalehzamin AAR 21 53 0 0 8 2 5 6 0 0 0 0 5
Sjøsborg 384,418 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 3
Skrubbebør 45,791 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 1
Smjörkýr 879,225 Iserdia Congress 53 11 1 0 12 2 4 14 0 0 1 0 1
Snowhawk 64,115 Cimmeria Congress 4 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 88 0 0
Spring Valley 672,417 Vattnaland Congress 16 2 47 31 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Steinwaldaue 38,046 Vattnaland Congress 32 1 38 3 11 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 4
Stolzfuss 70,133 Vattnaland Congress 6 1 54 35 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Sårensby 509,187 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 2
Sørum 71,798 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 1
Tanshuyuyyal 790,381 Alalehzamin AAR 14 61 0 0 5 1 10 4 0 0 0 0 5
Taznimskirk 31,262 Iserdia Congress 65 9 2 0 5 2 4 9 0 0 0 0 2
Tephal 1,063,986 Asantelian Congress 7 0 0 0 0 0 42 27 0 0 0 0 24
Terror 41,278 Cape Farewell Congress 35 16 5 1 26 0 7 8 1 0 0 0 1
Thorgilsby 904,831 Vattnaland Congress 15 15 35 14 11 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 2
Thunderrock 40,421 Cimmeria Congress 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 92 0 0
Timzakaai 100,936 Iserdia Congress 45 12 18 4 3 4 3 7 0 0 0 0 2
Tverland 259,286 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1
Umshurill 719,846 Greater Eliria Congress 62 23 0 0 6 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 5
Vanyam 89,748 Hyperborea Congress 6 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 82 1 2 0 2
Varpur 1,107,871 Alalehzamin AAR 10 72 0 0 4 4 7 2 0 0 0 0 1
Vatnaminne 60,670 Cape Farewell Congress 36 7 1 0 51 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
Ventura 1,242,508 Greater Eliria Congress 55 21 1 0 7 1 5 6 0 0 0 0 4
Vestkote 57,975 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1
Vidda 46,960 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1
Vigeland 190,297 Agnesia Congress 20 16 0 0 25 22 3 2 1 0 8 0 3
Vijayanagara 784 766 Agnesia Congress 21 12 0 0 12 42 1 1 1 0 7 0 2
Ville des Riches 530,361 Alalehzamin AAR 21 53 0 0 8 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 6
Vintrastad 85,404 Wintergleam Congress 17 3 0 0 52 2 7 16 0 0 0 0 3
Viskeor 644,994 Araxion Congress 62 18 3 4 6 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2
Wolfraven 210,138 Cimmeria Congress 6 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 0 79 0 2
Yaltarfalas 577,690 Utasia AAR 41 39 0 0 5 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 4
Yttreved 458,894 Wintergleam Congress 12 5 0 0 60 3 8 11 0 0 0 0 1
Yukillion 294,981 Araxion Congress 66 12 3 5 6 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2
Zarddeh 345,660 Alalehzamin AAR 26 56 0 0 2 2 6 6 0 0 0 0 2
Zionebaake 32,319 Cape Farewell Congress 75 4 2 1 12 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
Zoroaster 1,599,019 Utasia AAR 38 41 0 0 2 0 8 6 0 0 0 0 3
Ådrabekk 116,540 Wintergleam Congress 11 2 0 0 65 7 5 6 0 0 1 0 3
Åvik 171,999 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Østersand 97,405 Normark Normark 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1

Proposed bailiwicks in Northern Tellia

Eventually changed by the Northern Tellia Agreement, the Elwynnese bailiwicks replaced by the the Bailiwick of Northern Tellia.

Elwynnese-instituted bailiwicks
Name Meaning Comment
Angularia d'Este Angularis of the East Closest to the old Elwynnese border, strong UDF presence
Angularia Settentironale North Angularis Rural
Campo Aspicano "Aspican country side"; named after the now ruined city of Aspico on the west of the border Rural
Città di Scoglitto City of Scoglitto Largest city of the region, under a functional Tellian government
Fiorecittà flower city Exclave, surrounded by the Unified Governorates. Although claimed by Elwynn, it has a functional Tellian presence
Forresta de la Regina Forest of the Queen Named for the density of the forest in the area, and after Queen Natalie (1514–1517)
Nataliana adjective form of Natalie, Gaian queen (1514–1517) A number of towns
Pecatti Named after the Pecatti region of Old Tellia Small towns, rural, borders old Elwynn, high UDF presence
Peremino Named after Lucà Peremino (Pri Minister, 1530–1534 Rural, number of smaller towns
Pittoria Name after Marco Pittori, Tellian president (1606–1625)
Reggiano From Terriorio Reggiano, "royal territory" Rural
Scrivia city with some towns around; high UDF presence
Tioruzzi Named after Matheio Tiolozzi (with L for some reason substituted by R), President of Armoria 1524–1527
Vecchio Scoglitto Old Scoglitto Original city named Scoglitto, now known as "Vecchio Scoglitto" or, informally, Vecchiacittà (old city)