
Mariyechelân (Elw: Мариечелон, Mariechelon) is an Elwynnese bailiwick at the eastern-most point of the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic. Located by the White Elwynn, it has a population of 1,436,583 (1680) inhabitants. The bailiwick borders Bandar-e Mojaheddin in the west and Faizabad in the south. Across the river lies the Sovereign Confederation, with which Mariyechelân has considerable trade. The official languages of Mariyechelân are Babkhi and Elw.
The name Mariyechelân (Mari-ye-chelân) is Babkhi for "Mari's haunted forest", and refers to to the area of today's Mariyechelân as a holdout for Elfinshi people during the Elfinshi War. These holdouts conducted a guerrilla war on the Elwynnese baronial forces, causing the Elwynnese–Babkhi troops to consider the area haunted by Mari's ghost.
Bombed and set ablaze by Tokaray al-Osman during the Coup of 1605.