Higher education in Elwynn

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Main article: Benacian Academy

The People's Academy of Elwynn (funded by the Avon-El Fund) was the major source of Elwynnese higher education. However, aside those former colleges around the country, several local universities existed prior to the final dissolution of Elwynnese academia in 1699 AN.

Royal Academy of Warfare

The only government-owned university was the Elwynnese Military and Naval Academy, founded in 1575 as the Eliria Military and Naval University and named Royal Academy of Warfare 1629–1653. The Academy is headquartered in Eliria (army, marines) and Caligae (navy, airforce), but had campuses across the Republic. It trains UDF officers, and offers degrees in defence-related subjects. The Caligae campus shares all its facilities with the People's College there.

Batavian Institute in La Terre

The Batavian Institute in La Terre (BILT), founded as the Royal Julius Civilis University in Amokolia (RJCUA), known in the Batavian language as "Koninklijke Julius Civilis Universiteit in Amokolië", formerly a campus of the Royal Julius Civilis University of 's Koningenwaarde, was founded in the year 1644 by the decree of King Noah of Elwynn for the public benefit to promote and preserve the Batavian language and culture in Elwynn by advancing education, learning and research into the Batavian language and culture through the provision, support and maintenance of a University Campus and other cultural and educational establishments. After the partition of Elwynn, the RJCUA was split up with its campuses and colleges in the Shirerithian Imperial Dominion of Batavia becoming the imperial-owned vocational colleges in the Batavian vernacular. The assets of the RJCUA were reorganized to become the Batavian Institute of La Terre, with the same purpose as the RJCUA but with a much smaller student population. As such, the BILT became more of a research institute for Batavian affairs, culture and politics, as well as the school of choice for Elwynnese students wishing to study the Batavian language.

Umraid Universities

The Madrasah University of Beebullah (MUB) was a privately owned university, set up by a wealthy donation by the wealthy Umraid cleric, Beebullah of Babkha, in Allswell during the first Babkhan era. Its original name was Beebullahabad University, but was changed when the name of the city was also changed.

A notable schism occurred when half the Madrasah staff and student body defected from the MUB to the People's Academy of Elwynn in 1631. The result was six days of internecine fighting between the faculty heads and their supporters which escalated to the point that Zurvanists from neighbouring bailiwicks and the countryside began to pour into Allswell in an attempt to eradicate the Umraid community, who were long considered schismatics and heretics by the wider Babkhi community. The entire Umraid community then found itself besieged in the same university madrasah, over the control of which it had so recently torn itself apart. As such a hastily negotiated truce was arranged and the facilities were divided equally. The Umraists held on until they were relieved by the Bludgeoner-General of the Corps of Gentlemen-at-Cudgels, leading a detachment of cudgellers drawn from non-Babkhi communities in Utasia, and a flying column of Longship Guardsmen led by Fjǫrleif Hallbjörnsdóttir. Subsequently the two madrasahs have a deep rivalry, especially in extracurricular activities, that permeates the entire town and the wider Umraist community. They do however share a research library and sports facilities.

The MUB was the only university offering both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the theology and jurisprudence of the Prophet Umra, reflecting the city's Umraid heritage. Whilst not reflected in the award of degrees, the MUB also teaches the core texts of the classical Babkhan education, these being; Babkhi grammar, the courtly manners and ethics of Babak Shah, the rhetoric of Rakesh Ackbar, the logic of Abbas Namvari, the lore of poisons and their antidotes as first recorded by Baron Ardashir, mathematics, astronomy, Hesam Jahandar's theories of applied chemistry, Euran history, geography and the music of Tahmaseb Shah Abakhtari.

The institution was liquidated following the suppression of Umraism in the Benacian Union.

Ex-Feudal Institutions

Ketsire University and Echo City University were the only universities from contintental East Elwynn, that upon reunification, chose to remain independent of the People's Academy system. Although they are generalist universities, they are most famous for their natural sciences programmes as well as Præta language programmes. This is probably due to the fact that social sciences, as well as the arts, philosophy and theology, were difficult to pursue for students who were thinking "outside the box". Ketsire University is now located in the Sovereign Confederation, but Echo City University remains an institute of credibility.

Vankarha Su Mek

Vankarha Su Mek was set up and funded by Priesthood of Joy. It was a mostly unaccredited university, but its postgraduate degrees in mathematics, language and Boreal engineering were recognised. Since Vankarha Su Mek took over Mount Yaanek College, which is part of the People's Academy of Elwynn, it is considered to be part of the latter. Operating in rebel held Cimmeria and Raikoth, the VSM survived the 1699 Edict of Dissolution and continued to enrole students until 1709 AN when authorities from the mainland were able to come ashore onto the frozen isles of the north and put an end to the Ayreonist heresies propagated there.

There were subsequent indications that Raikothlin indoctrination techniques were being studied by Humanist educators for application as part of societal conditioning on the mainland.


Normark has never been part of the People's Academy System, not even during the first Elwynnese–Norse union (1592–1598). Current universities and colleges are:

  • Elian Academy for Religious Studies (Det elianske akademi for religiøs danning), Elijah's Rest
  • University of Konungsheim (Konungsheims universitet), Elijah's Rest
  • University of Nordiskehjem (Universitetet i Nordiskehjem), Nordiskehjem
  • University of Riddersborg (Universitetet i Riddersborg), Riddersborg
  • Alattio College (Høyskolen i Alattio), Alattio
  • Sårensby College (Sårensby høyskole), Sårensby
  • Dragevik College (Drageviks høyskole), Dragevik

Normark's institutions, being beyond the remit of the Congress of Chryse, were spared from the 1699 Edict of Dissolution and continued in operation into the 18th Century after Norton, albeit under closer Humanist supervision.