New Zimian Standard
Recent Headlines
Date | Headline | Subject | Summary |
1:48 AM 09/01/35 PSSC | Tja Fever Spreads to Austral Isles | Health | Health officials representing the Medical College of Cannassas have confirmed reports regarding the spread of Tja Fever to the Austral Isles, of western Corum. In a series of television appearances yesterday evening, officials warned that the westward spread of the deadly infectious disease could threaten public health around the world.
"The appearance of Tja Fever in western Corum, in particular in the Austral Isles, should be regarded as an international health crisis," said one official, appearing on a prominent news program late last night. "Given the regional proximity of the most recent outbreak to the territorial holdings of Natopia in Princely Isle, we must worry about the possibility that Tja Fever may now spread to Tapfer. From there, there is an extremely real likelihood that it will spread to all of the continents surrounding the Central Sea. This is not something to take lightly. Tja Fever is not a disease to be ignored." The current outbreak of Tja Fever was first detected on 57/3/34 PSSC, when late last year doctors working in the Inner Desert of central Corum discovered that several Gamesman communities had been decimated by the illness. Despite a number of appearances in the Realm of Bayen and rural parts of the Kingdom of New Zimia, Medical experts working for the Medical College of Cannassas have, until now, been successful in their efforts to contain the illness. With the sudden appearance of the disease near the western coastal city of Aiji, however, officials are less than optimistic regarding the future. "Unfortunately, it must be said that with the recent, ongoing increase in communication and shipping lanes between Princely Isle and mainland Natopia, the spread of Tja Fever to Tapfer is all but a certainty," says Mo Phen Bo, Junior Chief of Staff at the Medical College of Cannassas. "All we can do is strive to increase our efforts to reduce, and rapidly eliminate Tja Fever wherever it appears, and to work with whatever nations may be impacted by a widespread outbreak. As of today, there are few nations who are not threatened, and so there is a need for widespread cooperation. Unfortunately, with the ongoing militarization which is occurring around the world, I'm not sure how likely this is to occur. I am afraid that we should prepare for the worst." Regarding possibility of an outbreak in the Realm of Redwood-Brugge, which lies to the southwest of the most recently infected regions, Phen Bo expressed confidence that with existing measures in place, an outbreak is unlikely. That said, the Junior Chief of Staff also warned that should measures fail, then it is much more likely that the disease may spread to eastern Eura. "While we are of a common mind that our current protocols and policies are sufficient to prevent a widespread outbreak in Redwood-Brugge," said Mo Phen Bo. "we are nevertheless highly conscious of the likelihood and implications of failure. We are doing everything we can to preemptively assure that should Tja Fever appear in Redwood-Brugge, the disease does not reach the region's vital ports or the shipping lanes which run through the region. We have already begun working to ensure that the disease does not enter into, or exit out of the ports of Redwood-Brugge." |
3:50 AM 07/01/35 PSSC | Passio-Corum Offers Terms for Cessation of Targeted Taxation | Politics | The government of Passio-Corum has confirmed via press release that it will end its policy of targeted taxation of ships representing Shireroth, so long as the Imperial Republic ceases its policy of supplying arms and munitions to the National Provisional Authority of Hamland.
"While the government of Passio-Corum appreciates and embraces the more humane, more cautious approach which Shireroth and its allies have adopted in regards to the Hammish Civil War in recent in recent days and hours," reads the government press release, issued early this morning. "It nevertheless remains the position of the Council of Courts, and the New Zimian War League that until Shireroth ceases to provide tangible material support to the military dictatorship of Hamland - that is the National Provisional Authority led by General Eliphas - the Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms shall not cease its policy of targeted taxation of ships representing the Imperial Republic." The announcement from the Pallisican government comes hours after reports of a ceasefire in Neo Patrova, following a stand-off between the Shirithian navy and forces representing Jingdao and Gerenia, two nations now allied with Passio-Corum under the terms of the freshly ratified Treaty of Voorpost. The Pallisican government made no mention in its press release of tensions in Apollonia, though it did express hope for a future in which Passio-Corum grows ever closer to the other nations which constitute the newly established Union of States around the Sovereign Oceans (USSO). "It is the belief of the government of Passio-Corum, and most notably of Crown Opyeme Amor himself," reads the government's statement, released earlier today. "That closer relations, particularly with our oldest friends in Craitland, will help to bring an era of broad peace and prosperity the world over. We look forward to developing this new alliance to its fullest potential and beyond." |
7:55 PM 03/01/35 PSSC | Crown Opyeme Amor Issues Statement Amidst International Tensions | Politics | Crown Opyeme Amor has issued a sternly worded statement, rebuking the international community for its support for the perpetrators of genocide and slavery in the ongoing Hammish Civil War. In the statement, Amor specifically criticized nations such as Natopia and Alexandria, on the basis that the two nations have avowed open, official support for the Sxiro-Hammish Agricultural Mission.
"To Natopia, I warn you that either your intelligence has failed you, or you have lost your sense of morality and duty to your common man," said the Pallisican ruler in his statement. "Either you have allowed yourselves to be misled by your so-called allies in Shireroth, or you have forsaken the guiding principles which have historically compelled you to the heights of greatness. To Alexandria, you have sinfully abandoned your true friends and allies in the people of Hamland, who have long loved and supported you during your own periods of tribulation. You, as an ally of Hamland, owe it to the people of Hamland to oppose the genocide and system of slavery which Shireroth supports. Failing this, you can never again be trusted by anyone as a friend or ally. Your support for these crimes will tarnish your legacy for eternity." In contrast to his harsh condemnation of Natopia or Shireroth, Crown Amor praised the Kingdom of Constancia for its measured, informed response to ongoing tensions. "To Constancia, you alone have adopted a reasonable, forward thinking approach to our current situation," said Amor. "It is your wisdom, and compassionate consideration, which shall lead us to resolve this conflict, and to bring about peace in Hamland." Amor's statement comes two days after a television appearance by Chelkra Teada, in which the Supreme Arbiter bluntly mocked Shireroth for leading a disinformation campaign in an effort to distract from its support for Hammish war-crimes. Though Crown Amor did not specifically refer to his Supreme Arbiter's television appearance, he did re-enforce the idea set forth by Mr.Teada, that Passio-Corum will remain steadfast in its opposition to Shireroth and its involvement in the Hammish Civil War, regardless of international pressure. "Passio-Corum will not buckle in its opposition to the heinous atrocities which continue to be committed in Hamland," said Crown Amor, in his concluding remarks. "History will judge us all for our role, or lack thereof in the crisis which now faces the continent of Keltia. If Passio-Corum is to be judged alone, then so shall it be." |
9:57 PM 01/01/35 PSSC | Passio-Corum Mocks Shireroth: "You've Been Paying Taxes for Years" | Politics | The Supreme Arbiter of Passio-Corum has sparked international controversy by issuing a statement condemning, and apparently mocking the decision by the government of Shireroth to deploy forces to the Sea of Storms. Appearing this morning on a popular talk show, Supreme Arbiter Teada bluntly accused Shireroth of bluster, stating that the Benacians were feigning opposition to the policies of the Pallisican government in order to distract from their support for the ongoing genocide and enslavement of the people of Hamland.
"The simple fact is that Shireroth has been paying the Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms since at least the 6140's ASC," said Supreme Arbiter Teada in this morning's television appearance. "They've never had an issue with it before now. And the simple fact, furthermore, is that the nations to which they have reached out have never paid the Tax Guild. Talenore and Natopia, unlike Shireroth, are two nations which despite the best efforts, have traditionally resisted any taxes...What it boils down to is that Shireroth is feigning indignation against the Tax Guild, in order to distract from their support for the violence which is occurring in Hamland. They are supporting a policy of slavery and genocide, and they are attempting to hide it by assailing the policies of Passio-Corum. It is shameful behavior. The government of Shireroth should know better, and be better." Representatives of the government of Shireroth are expected to respond to the statements by the Pallisican Supreme Arbiter, by the end of the week. |
4:04 AM 57/03/34 PSSC | Medical College of Cannassas Issues Warning Regarding Outbreak of Tja Fever | Health | A panel of the most highly esteemed doctors representing the Medical College of Cannassas has confirmed reports of an outbreak of Tja Fever in central Corum, and has issued a strict warning that the illness - the most feared of all illnesses endemic to Corum - could soon arrive in the Realm of Bayen and the Kingdom of New Zimia.
"It is the position of the Medical College of Cannassas," reads the statement from the college, based in the New Zimian Region of the East. "that an outbreak of Tja Fever amongst the nomadic Gamesman peoples of the Inner Desert may pose a threat to the public safety of the Pallisican nation. The government of the Greater Pallisican Trade Association is advised to immediately prepare to adopt measures aimed at stopping the spread of Tja Fever across northern Corum." In addition to its advice for the government, the College of Cannassas also issued advice for the nation's people, instructing them to seek medical care at the first signs of infection. "Any person who believes that they may be suffering from the symptoms of Tja Fever," says the Medical College of Cannassas in its statement, released earlier today. "or who experiences a sudden rash or insomnia should seek medical care at once. Failure to do so may result in death." One of the world's most notorious infectious diseases, Tja Fever is believed to be responsible for the collapse of the handful of nations who occupied Northern Corum prior to the establishment of the Wallis Islands. The disease - actually a bacterial infection - is known to cause symptoms including insomnia and paranoia, as well as a rash which eventually results in open, festering sores. Tja Fever is fatal in virtually all cases, with one notable exception being Queen Evahn I, who survived the illness after being deliberately infected in an attempt against her life. Relatively uncommon in the modern era, especially since the establishment of the Medical College of Cannassas, experts now worry that an outbreak of Tja Fever today could spell very bad news not only within Corum, but around the Sea of Storms. "The fact is that the last Tja Fever epidemic occurred well before the establishment of widespread commerce across the Sea of Storms," says Mo Kund Fo, Associate Dean of the School of Health Sciences at the University of Port Brent. "Today, Corum sits at the center of a trade network which extends across the sea, into Keltia and around Eura. An outbreak of Tja Fever in Corum could potentially spread to these regions as well. We will have to be very careful to ensure that this does not happen. The current outbreak amongst the Gamesman, must be contained as soon as possible." It is unknown how many people, if any, have died as a result of the current outbreak of Tja Fever. The Medical College of Cannassas is expected to publish such figures later this month. |
4:19 AM 46/03/34 PSSC | Commander Jun Ko-Bo Confirms Support for Hammish Resistance | Military | In a move which has been met with widespread criticism across Passio-Corum, the Commander of the New Zimian War League confirmed that the nation will issue support for the National Salvation Front, the military force which leads the opposition against the military dictatorship which has claimed the capital of Hamland in that nation's civil war. Appearing before members of the media earlier today, Commander Jun Ko-Bo issued a statement regarding the nature of the support, before beginning to receive questions from reporters.
"It is the unanimous opinion of the Council of Courts," said Commander Ko-Bo in his statement. "that whereas the conflict in Hamland has escalated at an alarming rate, to the extent that the way of life of most citizens is now threatened, we have chosen to provide funding - around 80,000 polis worth - to the side in the conflict which we believe offers the greatest potential for bringing the conflict to a rapid, desirable conclusion. With that said, we have provided funds to the National Salvation Front, which has already in turn invested in the Shirley Stock Fund. As a result of their investment in the Fund, the National Salvation Front has already begun receiving shipments of goods and arms, with which we hope, and we believe, that they will be able to make the crucial push to capture New Kirrie and other important cities." When pressed for clarification regarding the extent and nature of Pallisican support for the National Salvation Front (NSF) - a force which currently controls around half of Hamland's home territory - Commander Ko-Bo stressed that the New Zimian War League would not be directly engaging in any form of conflict in support of the NSF. The Commander would not confirm or deny whether the the forces commanded by the National Salvation Front will receive training from the War League, but he would not rule it out as a possibility for the future. "At this time, it is our view that the National Salvation Front is properly trained, and properly disciplined enough to accomplish their mission without our direct support and without needing us to provide training," said Commander Ko-Bo. "While we are prepared to provide moderate assistance should the need arise, we are confident that the NSF is capable of attaining victory without need for additional foreign assistance." Regarding criticism of the decision by the government of Passio-Corum to involve itself in the Hammish civil war, Commander Ko-Bo was understanding, but also adamant in reinforcing the idea that the Pallisican government has acted out of a desire to bring an end to to the conflict in Hamland. In his statement, Ko-Bo appealed to the long-standing friendship between Hamland and Passio-Corum, stating that after centuries of Hammish support for Passas, the Pallisican people could not stand idly by while the Hammish state descended into chaos. "The identity of the Pallisican nation, in many ways, owes its continued existence to the faith and friendship of the Hammish nation," said Ko-Bo. "It is our obligation, therefore, to support the Hammish nation during their own period of existential crisis. Where they have acted to support us in our times of need, so too must we now support them in theirs. It is my hope that those objected to our involvement in this conflict, shall come to understand this as well." |
Sai 12, 904 WG | Queen Esper I Abdicates Following Annexation of Passas | Politics | Queen Esper I has abdicated from her position as the Crown of Passio-Corum. The announcement, made official earlier today, came in the form of a brief written letter addressed to the people of Passio-Corum, in which the nation's third ruler - and the first of its so-called Oracle Monarchs - expressed thanks to the government of Hamland and the MCS, as well as tremendous pride in the accomplishments of the Greater Pallisican Trade Association.
"First of all, I am thankful, of course, to the government of Hamland, and to the Administrative Council of the MCS," said Queen Esper in her letter to the people. "without their support and friendship, we would not have been able to accomplish what we have accomplished. I am glad that now, as a result of the significant efforts of our various diplomats, we may now turn our attention toward the future. It is with humility, and yet assuredness, that I express the belief that the ideas which we have crafted, and the strength and depth of the culture which we have created, will ensure that the future towards which we now turn, is a bright and bold one for all. My time as Crown - as queen - now comes to an end. My role has come to an end. But the role of Passio-Corum, of New Zimia, and of the Greater Pallisican Trade Association, is only just now beginning. May we move forward from the glory of today into a better, brighter tomorrow." Fifty-two years after succeeding Queen Evahn I, Queen Esper is almost universally beloved within the Realm of Passio-Corum. Much of the admiration and love for her stems from her efforts to expand the economic and political rights of all peoples who inhabit the region surrounding the Sea of Storms. These efforts culminated in in the late 800's WG, when the queen oversaw the negotiation of the Treaty of Bel-Air, which allowed for the return of Passas to Pallisican control. For her work relating to Passas, Queen Esper is regarded by many leaders of the Pallisican Religion as a modern Enlightened One. Some however, remain highly critical of Esper I for her religious views, and express concern that her heir, Opyeme Amor, will work to legalize the Stripping Path, a prominent, vaguely Pallisican religion which is widely practiced by the Haifan people of central Keltia. "This abdication marks the end of the Pallisican Religion as we know it," says Abd Di Butre, Junior Minister for the Church of the Darkened Path in the city of Cannassas. "I have little doubt that the Oracle - the new king - will now begin to legalize the Stripping Path, and that this will result in a fundamental change in the philosophies and teachings of the Pallisican Religion. The religion of the Haifans, and its messenger the Oracle, will corrupt our way of life. It has already corrupted the life of the queen." For his part, Opyeme Amor, who has already succeeded Queen Esper I as Crown of Passio-Corum, has not yet issued any formal statements. Amor's last public statements, which related to the relationship between the Pallisican Host Spirit and the god of the Haifans, were met with stern rebuke from across the nation, and have resulted in an increase in distrust and animosity towards him in recent days. In addition to the animosity which he has elicited from the public since his comments on religion, the new King of New Zimia has also faced criticism for being the first Pallisican ruler since King Lucien III to enter into a monogamous relationship with a woman. "It is absolutely highly unusual for a Pallisican ruler to remain committed to one particular sexual and romantic partner," says Mer Vi Adrala, Chief Political Analyst for the Regional Investor of the Realm of Bayen. "This relationship between Oracle Amor and Kan Zen - whoever she is - is highly unusual, if not actually inappropriate. I simply do not know what to make of it. We will have to see what happens." Following the conclusion of the abdication process, Queen Esper I is expected to retire to a humble palace on the edge of Erlo Sinders Regional Forest a region settled at her behest fewer than ten years ago. There she is expected to remain in privacy, and luxury, for the foreseeable future. Her heir, Opyeme Amor, has already begun the process of settling into the residence of the national government. He and his cabinet, the new Council of Courts, are expected to be fully moved into Lucinspire Castle by the end of this month. It is unclear when the new government will begin issuing decrees, and implementing new policies of its own. |
Sai 8, 904 WG | Office of the Oracle: "Host Spirit is the Vector of the God of the Stripping Path | Politics, Religion | In an unplanned appearance before the Houses of Pallisican Chelkra, Opyeme Amor, holder of the Office of the Oracle, has issued a stunning statement describing the Pallisican Host Spirit as the vector through which the god of the so-called Stripping Path has been introduced into central Keltia.
"It is through our Host Spirit, the host of the Pallisican peoples," said Opyeme Amor in his unplanned appearance before the government of the New Zimian Temple Authority. "that the god of the Haifans has found his way to Micras. The Host Spirit has behaved as the agent of the Haifan god." The Oracle's comments have drawn intense rebuke from a large sector of the Pallisican Religion, most notably from followers of the Darkened Path and Flowing Path, two denominations of the religion which have recently opposed the spread of the Haifan religion, as well as from followers of less opposed denominations, such as the Heart Path. "Oracle Amor's are simply inappropriate and unfounded," says Mo Vo Foond, former advisor to the Chief Ministry of the Heart Path. "Even as Oracle, if not especially so, he has no business speaking such heresies as this. It is unacceptable that he would say such things about the Host Spirit." Notably absent from those who have criticized the Oracle for his comments is Queen Esper I, who has recently been suspected of engaging in certain ritual practices associated with the cults of Dionysus, the god of the Haifans. This silence from the queen has also drawn critiscm, as some point to it as evidence of her support for the foreign religion. "Queen Esper I must condemn this statement by the Oracle," says Foond. "In order to preserve the integrity of the Pallisican Religion, which seeks above all else the realization of order and peace, must reject the chaotic and violent religion of the Keltians. She must speak out in rejection of this heresy." |
Sai 6, 904 WG | Passio-Corum, Hamland Agree to Joint Administration of Passas | Politics | The Minister of the Homeland of the Commonwealth of Hamland has issued an order to enact Article IV of the Treaty of Bel-Air, thereby establishing temporary joint-administrative control of Passas between Hamland and the Greater Pallisican Trade Association. The order, which comes following a preliminary rejection by the MCS Administrative Council of the terms of the Treaty of Bel-Air, is expected to remain in force until the MCS recognizes the total control of Passas by the government of Passio-Corum.
"We are pleased with the decision by the government of Hamland to enact Article IV of the Treaty of Bel-Air," said a spokesman for the Pallisican Foreign Office. "and we look forward to continuing to work with Hamland to ensure that our agreement reaches its complete fruition." |
Almase 27, 902 WG | Dancing Epidemic Afflicts Followers of Darkened Path | Health, Mystery, Religion | Hundreds of practitioners of the Darkened Path, the denomination of the Pallisican Religion which emphasizes the interpretation of dreams, have been afflicted by an apparent dancing mania. The mania, which appears to cause those afflicted by it to dance uncontrollably in public, often in the nude, is believed to have begun earlier this week in the city of Afrikaania. Soon after first being first being identified in Afrikaania the mania appears to have rapidly spread across the Region of the Center, and into the Region of the West. It is believed that around four-hundred people in the nation's capital have been afflicted by the dancing epidemic, most of them female followers of the Darkened Path, and most of them the wives and sisters of merchants who have recently traveled abroad.
In a joint press conference, the Supreme Arbiters of the Temple and Secular Courts have attempted to reassure the public regarding the epidemic. "While it is our belief that this mania will soon pass, and that most of those afflicted will recover without suffering any needless harm," said the Chief Justice of the Secular Court, flanked by the Chief Justice of the Temple Court and a top advisor in their press conference. "we must stress that it is of the utmost importance that those afflicted, and those close to the afflicted, attempt to seek spiritual solace, and that they seek the support of the New Zimian Temple Authority. For those of you who seek the support of the monasteries, we attempt to offer you whatever aid is required." For his part, the Chief Justice of the Temple Court was quick to dismiss rumors that the dancing mania is related to the recent stance of the Darkened Path against the emergence of the Stripping Path, a religion based along the Strait of Haifa, which derives considerable influence from the Pallisican Religion, but which teaches a radically different set of messages. "It is not true that this madness is related to the positions of the Darkened Path, or of any other Paths," said Chief Justice Edar Fino. "It is nevertheless true, however, that those afflicted should seek the support of the proper Pallisican authorities. If this mania is evidence of a spiritual affliction, then it is important that it is addressed by the spiritual authorities." |
Memia 11, 896 WG | Crown of Passio-Corum Political Corruption of MCS Administrative Council | Politics, Religion | Queen Esper I has officially condemned the Administrative Council of the Micronational Cartography Society for alleged political corruption. In a formal complaint lodged to the MCS earlier today, Queen Esper I criticized members of the council for political bias, stating that the council members in question have adopted a policy which grants arbitrary preference for certain nations over others, and which disenfranchises historically politically unpopular nations such as Passio-Corum.
"It is the official stance of the queen that a portion of the Administrative Council has adopted a set of secretive policies which arbitrarily impose limitations upon certain nations regarding their ability to have their territorial claims reviewed," said a spokesman for the queen, in brief interview with the New Zimian Standard. "Passio-Corum can no longer continue stand for this corruption within the sacred council. Upon this basis, we condemn the current state of the MCS Administrative Council." The condemnation of the council by the government of Passio-Corum has been seconded by Jingdao. In a rare move of solidarity with Passio-Corum, Jingdao has expressed discontentment over an ongoing vote within the council, in which claims by Shireroth have arbitrarily been assigned preference in the voting process. The reasoning for the condemnation, furthermore, was acknowledged by the Administrator General of the MCS, who expressed hope that the council members who face criticism will step forth to address the issue. "I can't make excuses for others' availability or voting behaviours, so I shall wait to see their views on this issue with you," said the Administrator General. For its part, the government of Passio-Corum has attempted to dispel notions that current issues may result in a permanent rift between the nation and the MCS. "Despite its condemnation," said the spokesman for the queen. "Passio-Corum remains committed to the cause and purpose of the MCS, and we aim to work with the MCS to resolve this issue. We are confident that any issues within the council will be resolved fairly and openly." |
Momia 28, 894 WG | Queen Esper I Expands Council of Courts to Include Heir | Politics, Religion | Mere days following the conclusion of her visit to the Free Associative Kingdom of Constancia, Queen Esper I has authorized an expansion of the Council of Courts. Early this morning, the queen, along with other the members of the Council, approved the establishment of the Office of the Oracle, an office which will be held by the person who will succeed the queen following her future abdication.
The decision by the Council to establish the new office comes following weeks of reports that a new oracle, or prophet, has been recognized in Zidado West, and years of critiscm of Queen Esper over her unwillingness to appoint an heir. An oracle herself, Queen Esper addressed crowds earlier today in order to affirm the reports, and to comment on the establishment of the new office. "I am humbled that the birth of this new prophet means the end of my reign," said Queen Esper I. "in due course I shall be expected to abdicate in favor of my new spiritual heir, as my predecessor abdicated in favor of myself. I am humbled, yet eager. I am eager to begin working with the new oracle, and to begin fulfilling my profound duty of introducing him to the life and roles which he shall inherit from me. And I am furthermore hopeful that by establishing this new office for him, the Office of the Oracle, we have taken the first step towards fulfilling this duty." The oracle, according to the Pallisican Religion, is an individual who maintains a close, personal, spiritual connection to the Author of the Pallisicans, or the Host Spirit. This individual, it is believed, derives the right to rule the Pallisican nation from their close connection to the Host Spirit, which is itself demonstrated through miracles. Queen Esper, for her part, was recognized as an oracle after apparently being miraculously conceived in the Monastery of Krey'Aken. The new oracle, a Passasian who's name has been confirmed as Opyeme Amor, attained his newfound status after performing a miracle in which he cured a group of poor Haifan beggars of their blindness. At only eleven years old, Amor is expected to immediately begin his work and training as the newest member of the Council of Courts. It is unclear when he will succeed Queen Esper for the Crown of Passio-Corum, as the queen has not yet announced any intention to abdicate. |
Momia 24, 893 WG | President of the National Bank of Passio-Corum Expresses Optimism Over SCUE Collapse | Global Finance | The President of the First National Bank has expressed a sense of cautious optimism in response to the ongoing crisis facing the Standardized Currency and Unified Economy. In a memo released to the media earlier today, Bank President Ura Sin expressed regret regarding the decision of nations such as Shireroth and Natopia to leave the international economic institution, as well as hope that as nations leave the Standardized Currency, they will increase their efforts to develop viable, independent economic models.
"It is certainly unfortunate that Shireroth and Natopia have responded negatively to the reforms proposed by the new SCUE administrator," said Sin in the memo released by her office earlier today. "On the other hand, I am hopeful that the aforementioned nations, now free from the perceived limitations of the Standardized Currency, will begin the necessary work to develop their own respective economies. I am optimistic that the dissolution of the SCUE may be followed by a new era of meaningful economic innovation." For its part, Passio-Corum was a member of the SCUE until 837 WG, when the nation resigned its membership following a breakdown in diplomatic relations. Prior to its departure, Passio-Corum was a leading contributor to the Standardized Currency, at one point serving as the institution's only active member. Today, Passio-Corum maintains a healthy and active economy, independent from any international organizations. |
Ondemia 18, 888 WG | Queen Esper I Reserves Right to Recognize Religious Paths | Religion | In what many view a stunningly aggressive move following a period of relative silence from the nation's ruling body, the Council of Courts has approved a measure which will reserve to the Crown of Passio-Corum the exclusive authority to recognize, or refuse to recognize the legitimacy of potential new philosophies within the Pallisican Religion. The decision, which was announced moments ago, aims to address criticism from within the New Zimian Temple Authority that the Council has failed to stifle the spread of the so-called Stripping Path, an upstart religious movement in the Strait of Haifa which encourages piracy and other forms of organized crime.
"Let it be known here and now," said a spokesman for the Council of Courts, which is believed to have approved today's decree without the popular support of the Houses of Corum or the Houses of Pallisican Chelkra. "That no individual or institution, be they secular or religious, judicial or legislative, save for the divine authority of the queen, shall have the power to recognize the legitimacy of any philosophy within the Pallisican Religion. Only the queen shall maintain the authority to recognize, or refuse to recognize, any new potential Higher or Lesser Paths within the Pallisican Religion." |
Ondemia 16, 888 WG | New Zimian War League Deploys Task Force to Strait of Haifa | Military | The New Zimian War League has announced that it will deploy a task force to the Strait of Haifa, in order to monitor the activities of the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa. According to a spokesman for the War League, the task force, which will consist of up to five ships including one Rey Class Submersible Destroyer and several other unspecified vessels, will remain in eastern Keltia for as long as one year, monitoring, and possibly interfering with the operations of the Maritime Markets, who the League regards as a possible terrorist organization, and a threat to commerce in the east. |
Ondemia 10, 887 WG | Council of Courts Rejects Claims of Captured Treasure Ships | Military, Finance | The Council of Courts has officially rejected claims that several of its ships were captured in the Strait of Haifa, while en route to the Free State of Haifa In a statement released earlier today, the Council denied reports from the so-called Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa where claims regarding the capture of ships began to arise this week, stating that there were no ships in the vicinity of Haifa at the time of the alleged attack. In its statement, the Council also condemned the Maritime Markets, referring to the newly established nation as "a band of terrorists." |