1686 Council of Eliria elections
On 1.VII.1686, voters in Elwynn will elect one member per autonomous country in the Council of Eliria. These elections are the first direct elections to the Council of Eliria in Elwynnese history. They are held at the same time as the 1686 Sænate election.
After the Amokolian Revolution toppled the Frankish authority in West Amokolia in 1685, the Elwynnese government set up the Commission for the Integration of Amokolia in order to plan and organize an eventual Amokolian reunification. When it became likely that West Amokolia would rejoin Elwynn, negotiations between the West Amokolian side and the Elwynnese side disagreed on a range of matters related to the Constitution of Elwynn. As such, compromises were worked out, whereby autonomous republics would be renamed autonomous countries, and Amokolia would be represented by two autonomous countries in the Council of Eliria, the Amokolian-speaking Union of Amokolia and the Principality of Mishalacia. Furthermore, the new agreed constitution stipulated that each automomous country would be represented by three (instead of two) representatives in the Council of Eliria. This third member would be elected by the voters in that autonomous country. As such, elections were planned for 1.VII.1686. The late date of these elections was warranted due to the time necessary to implement Elwynnese law fully in Amokolia and Mishalacia. The Council of Eliria thus decided that elections would be held at the sametime throughout the Elwynnese State on this date. Unlike the princely elections where there are a second round if, in the first round, no candidate receives a majority, elections to the Council of Eliria are first-past-the-post.
Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic
Upper Elwynn