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Samlageð XC2RP/RP2XC (t/a XC2RP and RP2XC), founded in 1691, is a private Hurmu trading company, specialising in soliciting import/export between Xäiville Convention countries and Raspur Pact countries. Making use of Hurmu's unique position as a country with free trade with both Xäiville Convention countries and Raspur Pact countries, XC2RP/RP2XC imports products from an XC or RP country and sells it with profit in the opposite trade area.
Anahuaco: RP2XC Anahuaco (alternative trademark AN2XC), est. 1711
Aemilia: XC2RP Aemilia (alternative trademark AEM2RP), est. 1728
Constancia: RP2XC Constancia (alternative trademark CON2XC), est. 1691
Craitland: XC2RP Craitland (alternative trademark CR2RP), est. 1691
Dark Berry Islands: XC2RP DBI (alternative trademark DBI2RP), est. 1720
Nouvelle Alexandrie: RP2XC NAX (alternative trademark NAX2XC), est. 1691 as WE2XC
Imperial Federation: RP2XC Impfed (alternative trademark IF2XC), est. 1707
Meckelnburgh: XC2RP Meckelnburgh (alternative trademark MK2RP), est. 1724
Mercury: XC2RP Aemilia (alternative trademark ME2RP), est. 1691
Moorland: RP2XC Moorland (alternative trademark MOR2XC), est. 1719
Mondosphere: RP2XC Mondosphere (alternative trademark MON2XC), est. 1716
Natopia: RP2XC Natopia (alternative trademark NAT2XC), est. 1691
Normark: RP2XC Normark (alternative trademark NO2XC), est. 1703
Oportia: XC2RP Oportia (alternative trademark OPO2RP), est. 1719
Sanama: XC2RP Aemilia (alternative trademark SNM2RP), est. 1720
Senya: XC2RP Senya (alternative trademark DES2RP), est. 1691
Shireroth: RP2XC Shireroth (alternative trademark IRS2XC), est. 1691
South Sea Islands: XC2RP SSI (alternative trademark SSI2RP), est. 1695
Suren: RP2XC Suren (alternative trademark SU2XC), est. 1692
Tellia: XC2RP Tellia (alternative trademark TEL2RP), est. 1691
Vegno: RP2XC Vegno (alternative trademark VEG2XC), est. 1718
Zeed: RP2XC Zeed (alternative trademark ZD2XC), est. 1702
Former filials
Benacian Union: RP2XC Benacian Union (alternative trademark BU2XC), est. 1703 (merger of ELW2XC and UGB2XC), suppressed in mid 1728 by order of the Lord High Censor following the discovery of propagandistic messages sown into garments offered for sale in Merensk. Company representatives and local agents referred to Magisters-Carnifex for investigation. Detainees transferred to Leng. Employees were subsequently charged with violations of the Union Covenant as well as the 1716 Act for the Regulation of Occult Practices.