About Calbion
Calbion ( Calbic: Gwlad y Calbain, literally: Land of the Calbain) is a sovereign island nation in the Central Sea. The nation occupies the islands of the Aeronesian archipelago. The Calbain islands are located between the continents of Tapfer and Cibola, on the latter continent, Calbion also has a presence with the coastal region of Cybwlach and the Ynys Fforst. Calbion is a Monarchy, although it can be described as a 'Crowned Republic' because of the limited role of the Prince of the Calbain, who serves a largely symbolic and unifying function. The Calbain nation is one of the oldest civilisations on Micras, and was first established as a political entitiy in 1596 AN. Through its history, Calbion has gone through several changes in administration, often being an autonomous territory of larger empires. After 1685, Calbion is once again a wholy sovereign and independent state. The Western expansion of 1686 saw Calbion occupy the entire Aeronesian archipelago, as well as a coastal region of Cibola. This means that the Calbain nation currently is at its greatest extent.
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