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"MCK" redirects here. For the sovereign nation with a similar name, see United Kingdom of Meckelnburgh.
Meckelnburgh flag.png


Meckelnburgh coat of arms.png

Coat of Arms

Motto: "Aŭguro de pli bonega tempaĝo" (ao)
"An Omen of a Greater Age"
Anthem: "Ode to Our King and Flag"
Map of Meckelnburgh.png
Map versions 16.8.4–
and largest city
Official language Istvanistani
National languages Meckelnish · Aspiranto · Alexandrian
Recognized regional languages Eastmoorlandish · Froyalanish
Ethnic groups 76.8% Meckelnish (all tribes)
7.6% Britannics
3.5% Froyalaners
2.7% Valtians
1.2% Seal Fishers
0.6% Black Travellers
0.4% Jääkieli
7.2% Other
State religion Church of Meckelnburgh
Religious affiliation 57.0% Irreligious
37.1% Nazarene
—27.3% Albigensian
—7.1% Catholic
—0.8% Orthodox
—1.9% Other
3.2% Ethnic religions
1.1% Ashkenatzi
1.6% Other
Demonyms Meckelner
Adjectives Meckelnburghish · Meckelnish
Government Unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy
• Monarch Ĉielero III
• Chancellor Masterman Gibbs
• Vice Chancellor Christine Alfons
• Viceroy in Hergilsey Sir Óðinn Gunnarsson, Bt.
• Lord Speaker Lord Wilburn Arkwright, 7th Baron Townsville
• Chamber of Deputies President Émilien Plamondon
• Chief Justicar Lord Colin Blackwood, Lord Ordinary of Appeal
Legislature Parliament
• Upper house College of Lords
• Lower house Chamber of Deputies
Formation (Norton)
Admitted to the Micras Cartography Society 13.V.1685 AN
Current constitution 2.XV.1697 AN
Formation of the Meckelnburghish realm 23.XIII.1709 AN
Meckelnburgh Partition 1.X.1721 AN
• Total 429,900 km2 (165,985 sqmi)
• Water 1.767%
1728 AN estimate 6,945,554
• Density 15.37/km2 (41.84/sqmi)
Currency Meckelnburgh rixdollar (Ʀ) (MBD)
Time zone CMT-1 (MBT)
Calendar Norton Calendar
Driving side right
Abbreviation MCK
Internet TLD .mb

Meckelnburgh (/mɛk.əln.bɜɹg/ MEK-əln-burg), also referred to as metropolitan Meckelnburgh or Meckelnburgh proper, is a northern Apollonian country that is part of the United Kingdom of Meckelnburgh. The state is one of four constituent countries that form the kingdom, along with Branniboria, the Prince-Archabbacy of Salem and the Grand Duchy of Iselande; the people of all four being Meckelnburgish citizens. It has a total area of about 153,000 km2 (59,000 sqmi) with a population of 6.6 million as of 1722 AN. The capital and largest city is Alexandretta.

The country lies on the Genevelond Peninsula at the end of the fabled Teir'Dal Corridor, bordering with Lac Glacei and Ashinthael. Meckelnburgh holds Glanurchy Island in the north, as the Palatinate of Hergilsey, and the Treynor Archipelago to the south, as the province of Siegrwangria. The Comstokia Mountains cross its east and the Koranga Plains in its west. The majority of the population resides around Alexandretta and the second largest city Victoria, along the Crowsilver Sea and at the end of the Siegrwang Peninsular.

Meckelnburgh is a unitary state with four provinces, a royal city, and an autonomous region. Meckelnburgh is divided between "mainland" Meckelnburgh—which includes the Treynor Archipelago—and the Palatinate of Hergilsey. Hergilsey has privileges of a devolved province with the Queen-in-Right as Countess Palatine, but votes in Meckelnburgh national elections.

The country is a parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy with an empowered head of state, Queen Ĉielero III. Parliament is the bicameral legislative and highest judicial authority of Meckelnburgh, consisting of the noble College of Lords and the common Chamber of Deputies. The head of government, as Chancellor, is Masterman Gibbs, who is likewise responsible to Parliament. The Church of Meckelnburgh is the state religion.

Meckelnburgh is the original constituent state of the wider United Kingdom. As the country proper constitutes the majority of the kingdom’s land area and population, it is responsible for much of the kingdom’s administration and governance, whose capital is likewise Alexandretta.


The name "Meckelnburgh" derives from the Old Holzer term for the Alexandretta Fortress, where it meant "broad fortress." The original fortress stands still on the shores of the Gulf of Geneva, since renamed for the capital city it lies in. Following the unification of the Meckelnish tribes, the name was adopted as a symbol of the kingdom as a whole after unification.

Both "Meckelnburghish" and "Meckelnish" are demonyms for people and things associated with Meckelnburgh. "Meckelnburghish" refers to the government of Meckelnburgh and its institutions (e.g. Meckelnburghish throne) while "Meckelnish" refers to the peoples of Meckelnburgh and their culture (e.g. Meckelnish language). The distinction is especially important to maintain the relationship between the three traditional cultures of the country.


Minimalist physical map of Meckelnburgh.png



The United Kingdom of Meckelnburgh is one of the coldest nations on Micras, with all but Branniboria residing almost entirely within polar tundra and boreal climate zones.

In the north, the Palatinate of Hergilsey is covered in "severely cold" boreal (Dd classification), save for a sliver of warmer southern shores. Most of the remaining country, including the majority of the Genevelond Peninsula, is continental boreal (Dc classification). Due to the influence of Tallandor Bay, the far eastern shore of Cumberland province, the Treynor Archipelago and the southernmost part of the Siegrwang Peninsular, near the city of Victoria, are classified as humid continental with "warm" summers (Db classification).

Parts of Meckelnburgh have only a few months with an average temperature above 10 °C, as in Hergilsey, and reach −38 °C in deep winter. In most of Meckelnburgh, the coldest months of the year reach below an average of −3 °C, though the height of summer may reach as high as 22 °C near Tallandor Bay. In the few warmest corners of the country, the average temperatures range above 10 °C for half the year, but still drop below 0 °C during the winter.

Biodiversity and conservation

The growth of iron ore mining in the north Comstokia Mountains in Meckelnburgh has sparked local development initiatives and exponential economic activity. However, this expansion has also posed certain challenges, including environmental concerns related to mining practices and the need for sustainable resource management. Mining has numerous hazards, from habitat destruction by mining camps to acid mine drainage and toxic mining tailings.

One of the prominent advantages of Meckelnburgh's reliance on nuclear power is its minimal contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Nuclear reactors produce negligible amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants during operation, aligning with Meckelnburgh's commitment to environmental responsibility and reduction of its carbon footprint.






Early settlement
United States of Ummah 4.5.5
Imperium of Menelmacar 4.7.2–6.6.1
Slobovian Empire 6.6.2–6.7.3
Empire of Panzerland 6.7.4
Slobovian Empire 6.7.5–6.7.6
Empire of the Alexandrians 6.7.9–6.8.1
Kingdom of Slobovia 6.8.4–6.8.7

Classical history (1446–1539 AN)

The earliest inhabitants of Meckelnburgh were the Infernals, who arrived circa 1446 AN. The Infernals based their cult out of New Dagora, situated midway between modern Tuft and St. Cloud. For two years the Infernals held open the portals to Micras' nether regions, letting countless demons into the world and shrouding the region in darkness. The Flying Islands of Jasonia and other powers mounted an offensive against the demons that culminated in pushing them back into the bowels of the earth. Following the Infernal War of 1448 AN1450 AN, the region came under the sway of Ashinthael (ancient Ashintully), a kingdom within the Imperium of Menelmacar, who renamed New Dagora to Gehenna and were charged with keeping the portals sealed and the two worlds apart.

Menelmacar helped push the tide against the tribes of the Teir'Dal Wasteland, that stretched through the Genevelond Peninsula. The area would then remain under Ashinthaler control for several decades until Menelmacar's collapse of circa 1500 AN. By this time the location of the Infernal portals had been lost. The collapse paved the way for the barbarians Slob tribes to migrate into the area from the south. The Ashinthalers were pushed west to their stronghold at the Ash Fort while the Slob tribes established the first Kingdom of Slobovia. The Slobovian state also lasted for several decades before succumbing to internal strife circa 1539 AN.

Southern Meckelnburgh history
Kingdom of Lovely 7.0.3–11.2.0
Kingdom of Amokolia 11.3.0–13.1.1
Confederation of Gralus 13.4.0–13.5.5
Kingdom of Novatainia 13.6.0–13.8.6
Gralan Empire 13.8.7–15.4.0

Colonialism (1539–1663 AN)

The vacuum created by the collapse of Slobovia allowed Shireroth to establish the colony of Comstokia while the state of Treynor arose around the region of Hurboldt and Savalim. Meanwhile, the Hob tribes from Lovely moved into far southeastern corner to compete with the Slobs, eventually establishing Hoboland. Alas, these states held but a tentative hold over the region and were soon replaced by another colonial power: Beaugium. The Beaugians were soon replaced by New Brittania who renamed the peninsula the colony of Koranga. But even their colonial ambitions faltered and the nearby behemoth of Gralus took over the region sometime after 1551 AN. The Gralans proved themselves to be the most impervious in this age.

As Gralus' New Territory, the peninsula continued to be treated as a far-flung colony; so it was with little effect when Gralus fell sometime after 1572 AN. The remaining tribes failed to organize themselves into a cohesive state and remained in a disorganized jumble. The region was free from foreign influence until settlers from Shireroth established Crowsilver in the mid-17th century as a colony. The colony lied in the modern provinces of Siegrwangria and The Clanlands, and surrounding areas. Constant struggles for independence erupted, not helped by the the ESB-Jörmungandr Group's chemical disaster on the Everstone Peninsula in 1657 AN. Crowsilver would only last a few decades until 1663 AN.

Centuries of Treynor
United States of Ummah 4.5.5
Imperium of Menelmacar 4.8.0–5.2.0
Kingdom of Ayllu 6.1.0–6.3.0
Slobovian Empire 6.4.0–6.7.3
Empire of Panzerland 6.7.4
Slobovian Empire 6.7.5–6.7.6
Empire of the Alexandrians 6.7.9–6.8.1
Independent Colony of Treynor 6.8.3–6.8.4
Republic of Aerlig 6.8.5
Grand Commonwealth 6.8.6–7.0.6
Grand Principality of Beaugium 9.1.0–9.5.0
Kingdom of Amokolia 11.3.0–13.1.1
Confederation of Gralus 13.4.0–13.5.5
Kingdom of Novatainia 13.6.0–13.8.6
Gralan Empire 13.8.7–15.4.0
Imperial Republic of Shireroth 15.6.3–16.2.2

Meckelnish independence (1663–1685 AN)

During this time, the Three Tribes of Meckelnburgh first settled around Victoria, New Rochelle, and St. Cloud in the late 16th century. The languages of these tribes were Meckelnish, Alexandrian, and Istvanistani, respectively. In the early 17th century, the Meckelnish peoples began extensive trade routes that met at the modern capital in Alexandretta. The city grew into a formidable economic capital with all peoples in the region, and at this time the Alexandretta Fortress was built. The Three Tribes and surrounding peoples banded together into a united confederation of local counts and dukes. During this time, the Froyalanish and Eastmoorlandish peoples of Hergilsey came under Meckelnish control.

But after two decades of Meckelnish growth, Shireroth attempted a final resurrection of their empire in Crowsilver in 1684 AN; it collapsed almost immediately and the colonizing invaders repelled back into the ocean. The unified Kingdom of Meckelnburgh was finally declared in the Treaty of Nakko on 13 Apprile/V, 1685 AN. Duke Vilhelmo IV, of the Istvanistani-speaking peoples, was declared its first king. The monasteries of Salem were conquered shortly after in a bloodless operation.

Modern era (1685 AN–present)

The new unified Meckelnburgh ultimately caused conflict between the local counts and dukes that still reigned over their vassal states. Following the sudden death of King Vilhelmo IV in late 1685 AN and the accession to the Meckelnburghish throne by Queen Ĉielero III, disgruntlement grew. Continued devolved powers were granted to the local nobility as central power waned. As only the national government represented the common people, through the Chamber of Deputies, popular unrest also gained momentum. In 1696 AN, popular protests finally exploded throughout Meckelnburgh in demands to end the increasing feudal order. On 13 Marche/IV, 1696 AN, a constitutional convention was organized by representatives of each corner of the kingdom, who pressured the College of Lords into accepting a referendum on the issue, to be held in Decembre/XIV.

The new constitution was approved by 64.3% of voters. Adhering to the law, the new constitution came into effect on 2 Intercalarie/XV, 1697 AN, with a yearlong transition. With the reformed constitution of 1697 AN, the semi-feudal structure of Meckelnburgh was thus replaced by a common provincial system. The new system abolished the regional laws and devolved noble governments, replaced by a strong unitary monarchy and appointed regional authorities. The former nobility nonetheless retained their estates and positions in the College of Lords. The constitution has remained in force since, and enjoyed celebrations of its 30-year anniversary in Intercalarie/XV, 1727 AN.

Government and politics

See also: United Kingdom of Meckelnburgh § Government

Meckelnburgh emphasizes durable rights in speech, equality and political representation. At the same time, Meckelnburgh has an established social stratification between common and aristocratic classes. Nonetheless, the kingdom is considered a "full democracy" by the Micras Democracy Index. A continuous social democratic coalition has held power in Parliament through the kingdom's history, resulting in numerous social and labor reforms.

Administrative divisions

Details of Meckelnburgh administrative divisions
Province Abbrev. Capital Maj. langs. Pop. % of pop. Area % of area Density Lord Lieutenant
Mainland Alexandretta 6,595,820 95.0% 406,320 km2 94.5% 16.16/km2
Alexandretta Alexandretta,
Royal City
ALX Alexandrian
Brittnay BRT Boulonne Alexandrian
The Clanlands TCL Sanktago Istvanistani
Cumberland CMB St. Cloud Istvanistani
Siegrwangria SGW Victoria Meckelnish
Hergilsey Hergilsey, Palatinate HGY Fríða Eastmoorlandish
349,734 5.04% 23,580 km2 5.48% 14.83/km2 Sir Óðinn Gunnarsson, Bt.
Meckelnburgh Meckelnburgh MCK Alexandretta 6,945,554 100% 429,900 km2 100% 16.16/km2 Ĉielero III (Queen)

Constitutional arrangement

Law and criminal justice


Meckelnburgh emphasizes the welfare state within an advanced mixed market. Its government has large ownership positions in many sectors, including industrial and entertainment. Gambling is the largest income source for the Crown itself. In Meckelnburgh, manufacturing—automotive, electronic, and consumer goods—is the largest economic sector. Meckelnbuirgh is also known for its construction toy sets from LUZO Byllundt, headquartered near Alexandretta.


Meckelnburgh has an annual electrical energy consumption of approximately 100,800 GWh, with around 5,100 GWh reserved for Hergilsey. Power sources in Meckelnburgh include nuclear, wind, geothermal, and waste-to-energy. Hydropower has not been built in Meckelnburgh's history due to environmental conservation bans, while solar has limited effectiveness at the far northern latitudes.

Nuclear power is the primary and dominant source of power supply in Meckelnburgh, consisting of 73.0% of the total energy supply across four plants and 11 reactors. The completion of reactor KP4 in Kingsport in last increased capacity in 1724 AN. Nuclear plants in Meckelnburgh utilize nuclear fission with uranium fuel to generate electricity. Advocates for nuclear energy in Meckelnburgh highlight the stringent safety measures and regulatory oversight in place, while skeptics raise concerns about potential accidents and long-term waste disposal. Disposal is currently made in salt dome formations on the northern Jääland Peninsula. All nuclear reactors and constituent parts must be imported as Meckelnburgh has no domestic manufacturing.

Nuclear energy facilities
Plant name Unit no. Type Status Capacity (MW) Operational
Kingsport KP1 PHWR Decommissioned 200 1670 AN1690 AN
KP2 BWR Operational 600 1685 AN
KP3 BWR Operational 650 1699 AN
KP4 PWR Operational 900 1715 AN
KP5 PWR Operational 1100 1724 AN
La Rochelle LR1 BWR Operational 600 1688 AN
LR2 BWR Operational 850 1712 AN
LR3 PWR Operational 900 1720 AN
Townsville TV1 BWR Operational 600 1690 AN
TV2 BWR Operational 850 1710 AN
TV3 PWR Operational 900 1719 AN
Hellani HL1 PHWR Operational 450 1693 AN

Agriculture and natural resources

The economy of Meckelnburgh relies significantly on its agriculture and animal resources sector, which stands as the second largest contributor to the region's economic activity. This sector plays a crucial role in supporting both local food needs and external export markets.

Cereal grains form a substantial part of Meckelnburgh's agricultural output. The favorable climates found in the Treynor Archipelago and around Crowsilver Sea facilitate the cultivation of staple crops such as wheat, barley, and oats. These grains not only provide sustenance for the local population but also serve as a vital resource for the production of cereal grain alcohols, contributing to the region's manufacturing sector. Meckelnburgh also includes a significant focus on animal husbandry. Sheep husbandry is a prominent activity, yielding high-quality wool that finds applications in textiles and clothing production. Additionally, the eastern Clanlands are home to a diverse array of wild game, providing a valuable source of furskins. These furs are sought after for their warmth and aesthetic appeal, building Meckelnburgh's traditional fur trade.

The extraction of forest resources, particularly timber, is another fundamental Meckelnburgh industry. The practice of forest cutting has been a longstanding tradition, supplying the region with quality timber for construction, furniture making, and other industries. A substantial portion of the timber is processed into wood pulp, a key ingredient in the manufacture of paper products, and major export. The expertise of Meckelnburgh's paper production has resulted in the creation of a variety of paper products for book manufacturing and visual arts.

Mineral resources

The north Comstokia Mountains in the Brittnay province, characterized by their mineral-rich composition, have become a focal point for the burgeoning iron ore mining industry in Meckelnburgh. The exploration and extraction of iron ore are driven by the demand for this vital raw material in industrial applications, most notably in the production of steel. The establishment of the iron ore mining sector has brought several economic implications for Meckelnburgh. The newfound availability of iron ore caters to domestic manufacturing for personal automobiles and light-duty trucks, as well as potential export.

Water supply and sanitation




The majority of Meckelnburgh's population is white Meckelnish, descendant from its three traditional language groups on the Genevelond Peninsula: Istvanistani, Alexandrian and Meckelnish. A sizable minority of Britannics, Froyalaners and Valtians reside in the far north on Glanurchy Island, whose languages receive local recognition. The Aspiranto language is official in Meckelnburgh as well, as the liturgical language of the church.




National symbols

Type Symbol Image
Animal Common seal (Phoca portus)
Bird Tuft puffin (Fratercula floccum)
  • Blue, which represents the waters of the Tallandor Bay.
  • Green which represents the fields of the Koranga Plains.
  • White which represents the ice and glaciers on the Northern Sea.
  • Silver which represents the bounty of the Comstokia Mountains.
Fish Sulfur Creek salmon (Oncorhynchus tallandora subsp. sulphur)
Flower Highlands poppy (Huelrosa montana)
Mammal Jäärrish oxen (Ovibos snelandia)
Mineral Silver (Ag)
Motto Aŭguro de pli bonega tempaĝo ("An Omen of a Greater Age")
Sport Curling
Tree Crowsilver sequoia (Proterosequoia semperignis)