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Gong Suweiai

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Tianchao Jingdao
Emblem of the Grand Secretariat.png

Constitution of the Empire

Emblem Household.png Heavenly Light

The Chidao Emperor

Imperial Household | Imperial Stewardship

Teachings of the Empire
Tianchaodao | Jingbuist Absolutism | Chidaoism

Emblem of the Grand Secretariat.png Grand Secretariat

Emblem Diwang.png Diwang

Ministries & Secretariats:

Ministry of Truth | Ministry of Purity | Ministry of Stability

Chao Suweiai formerly known as National Diet

Gong Suweiai | Sifang Suweiai

Defunct: Emblem Seanad.png The Seanad | The Imperial Yuan Emblem Yuan.png

Political Factions:

Guanchang | Kantai-ha (Navy) | Gunbatsu (Army) | Shanghu (Traders)

Defunct:Kuominliantang logo.png Kuominliantang | Nokarodo logo.png Nokarodo Faction | Badao logo.png Badao Party

Other institutions

Tianchao Chuandui | Imperial Armed Forces | Young Wandering Society | Tegong


The Gong Suweiai, or Public Council, acts as a public advisory council of the Jingdaoese Empire. It consisted of several court officials, nobles and bureaucrats. With the crackdown on the Imperial Yuan and Seanad in 1659 AN, its main goal was to aid the Chidao Emperor in His daily tasks as Heavenly Light. In contract to the Sifang Suweiai, the decisions and debates in the Gong Suweiai are open for the public. Decisions are publicised in newspapers across the Empire.

Members are appointed by Imperial Ordinance, and often based on certain merits like wealth, family ties and ethnic origin.


The Council, while depending on the goodwill of the Emperor, is responsible for a certain amount of issues:

  • proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Empire,
  • proposed amendments to the Imperial Household Law,
  • matters of constitutional interpretation, proposed laws, and ordinances,
  • proclamations of martial law or declaration of war,
  • treaties and other international agreements,
  • matters concerning the succession to the throne,
  • declarations of a regency under the Imperial Household Law,
  • matters submitted by the Heavenly Light. generally on the advice of the Grand Secretariat or Sifang Suweiai.

Chairman of the Council

Position Holder Tenure
Chairman of the Council Zhong Yin, Viceroy of Bangou (Bureaucrats) 1659 - 1660
Yikuang Xan, Head Steward of the Palace (Bureaucrats) 1660 -