Abortion laws by nation

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Abortion laws are those laws which restrict or allow access to abortion for various reasons. Abortion has been seen as a controversial topic by many nations and religions, and as such laws regarding it vary widely by nation.

Summary of legality by nation

Legal grounds on which abortion is permitted
Nation Woman's
Rape Incest Fetal
Aerla Aerla Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Akhidia Akhidia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Benacian Union Benacian Union Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No
Çakaristan Çakaristan No No No No No No No No
Calbion Calbion Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
Cisamarra Cisamarra Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No
Constancia Constancia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Daau Daau No No No No No No No No
Floria Floria Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Highpass Highpass Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Imperial Trade Union Imperial Trade Union No No No Yes Yes No No No
Lanzerwald Lanzerwald Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meckelnburgh Meckelnburgh Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nouvelle Alexandrie Nouvelle Alexandrie Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
Sanama Sanama Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Senya Senya Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Suren Suren Yes No No No No Yes No No
United Principalities United Principalities Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No
Vegno Vegno


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zeed Zeed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Abortion in Aerla

Although seen as highly immoral by those in the church, abortion is de-facto legal within Aerla, as most debates on abortion ends in deadlock or vetoed.

Abortion in Alduria

Abortion in Alduria is mainly regulated by Order 11 of the Transitional Government of the Republic, issued by President Alejandro Campos in 1670 AN. The Democratic Socialist Party has proposed legislation in the past in the Aldurian Parliament to further liberalize abortion in Alduria. The efforts have never been brought to the floor of Parliament for consideration.

Abortion in the Benacian Union

All forms of abortion are prohibited in Elluenuueq and the Unified Governorates, in accordance with the 1699 Edict on Reproductive Health, except in instances where the foetus manifests an evident defect or the pregnancy physically endangered the life of the prospective mother. The Worshipful Guild of the Sacred Carnifices was also empowered to authorise discretionary terminations, usually in instances of pregnancies arising from reported or suspected incest or amongst protected persons. There have also been longstanding rumours that a programme of population control has been unofficially instituted in the bailiwicks of Elwynn that participated in the Great Revolt, where every year the agents of the Carnifex induce miscarriages in one out of ten pregnancies borne by Amokolian or Elw mothers selected by means of a secret lottery. The mere act of spreading the rumour of the existence of such a preposterous programme, described officially as Calbionese propaganda, is enough to condemn an individual to fifteen years of servitude with the Benacian Labour Reserve.

Abortion in Calbion

Though a strictly traditional nation, Calbion has a pragmatic approach to abortion. Although the Calbain Church has no history of being actively against abortion, there is a strong traditional focus on families to progenerate. Advancing the Calbain people is perceived as a duty. These values clash with the idea of abortion, especially that of abortion on demand, which may be used as an alternative for contraception. However, the Calbain government realises that this is a multi-faceted issue and allows abortion up to 12 weeks for most reasons.

Abortion in Daau

As a rather conservative nation, Daau has traditionally been against abortion as it conflicts with the ideas and ethos of the nation. All regions under Daau are against abortion. There however have been attempts to allow abortion to be legal, most recently the Abortion Act but was dismissed by the president himself stating it "too vogue".

Abortion in Hurmu

Hurmu's abortion policies are largely based on Elwynn's, with the law not having been updated since Hurmu's association with Elwynn. Before its entry to Elwynn in the 1570s, Hurmu's abortion law was unique by which post-natal abortion, up to the time when a baby starts cooing (usually around 2 months of age), was considered a legal and morally acceptable method to keep population down, regardless of the health of the baby.

Abortion in Jingdao

Until 1692, abortion was seen as a normal medical procedure in the Jingdaoese Empire, doctors were only ordered to prevent discrimination on the grounds of mental disability. This did not mean the option to perform an abortion means one is dispensed from the duty to produce offspring. All women were expected to give birth to multiple children. The option was available because women are also expected to participate in society in other ways and the pregnancy can arrive at an unfortunate moment. In 1692 the Chidao Emperor outlawed abortion in all cases, except to save the life of the expectant mother, as the population growth lagged behind government targets and because moral views had shifted.

Abortion in Lanzerwald

No legislation exists on the subject, legislation that previously existed in Sankt Ludwigshafen (see below) has been removed from the lawbook. Especially in the Saxon community, abortion is still often seen as highly immoral.

Abortion in Sanama

Due to the devolved structure of Sanama, abortion is regulated in four different entities. While all entities allow abortion if the mother's life is in danger due to a ruling from the National Judex, the laws vary on other abortion rights. Several cases has made it through the national court system, but the National Judex has so far not struck down any laws restricting abortion except for the one exception.

See Abortion in Sanama for more information.

Abortion in Sankt Ludwigshafen

Abortion is not considered to homicide in Sankt Ludwigshafen and not treated different in criminal law, it can be considered self-defense, manslaughter or murder depending on the circumstances. Human life is considered to have started when the zygote is formed. The procedure is not criminally prosecuted when the life of the mother would otherwise be in danger. Failure to report such a procedure having taken place makes all individuals with knowledge of the procedure liable to be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder.

Abortion in Vegno

In 1707 AN, the Assemblea Nazionale approved the Abortion Law, which allows women to end their pregnancy within the twenty-fourth week in public facilities without paying any cost. Women are not asked to give any reason to have an abortion.