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13. Legion and 14. Legion were deployed in reserve behind screening units, who were deployed forward in distributed small units to receive initial offensive movements. All were issued radiation badges and respirators to be used in the event of exposure to fallout or chemical weapons.
13. Legion and 14. Legion were deployed in reserve behind screening units, who were deployed forward in distributed small units to receive initial offensive movements. All were issued radiation badges and respirators to be used in the event of exposure to fallout or chemical weapons.
== International response ==
* {{team flag|Sanama}}: Following the confirmation of a nuclear blast in the Benacian Union, the [[Sanaman Union Armed Services]] were put on full readiness and a general mobilisation ordered. All border crossings with Shireroth were closed and the ambassador to Shirekeep recalled. The government issued a statement condemning the use of weapons of mass destruction.

[[Category: Shiro-Benacian conflict]]
[[Category: Shiro-Benacian conflict]]

Revision as of 15:41, 28 June 2024

The Streïur uis Faïren (Praeta: kin strife), was a major conflict between the Benacian Union and Shireroth, bring to a head the longstanding geopolitical competition for hegemony over the continent of Benacia.


By the eleventh month of 1733 AN the scale of the build up in Shirerithian forces, evidenced by their reconquest of Sathrati during the previous year, had made it abundantly clear to Benacia Command and the High Presidium of the Benacian Union, that there would be no prospect of preventing the massive reinforcement of the Imperial Republic in Benacia from Greater Kildare. Moreover, the absolute advantage of the Imperial Forces in naval tonnage and manpower would place the entire coastline of the Benacian Union at risk of assault from the sea. Defensive counters, such as building up the coastal defence forces and repairing the East Wall, were both feared to be insufficient countermeasures. As such, Benacia Command came increasingly to the view that the only chance the Benacian Union had of achieving "Endsieg" would require immediate action within a rapidly closing window of opportunity.

The Ankh incident

The Ankh incident
Date 22.XI.1733 AN
Location Red Elwynn above Ankh
Forces Involved
Summary River Fencibles flotilla of three armed merchantmen and six speedboats driven off after a sharp engagement midchannel with the Shirerithian corvette IRS Lacrymosa I.
Related Articles 1733 Ankh incident

Activation of Bad Neighbour II

Assembled and calibrated on the command of Kaiseress Salome following the death of Princes Rubin and Ichiro, Bad Neighbour II received orders to fire a warning shot on 23.XI.1733 AN in response to the Ankh Incident.

At 4:13am, residents of Shirekeep were wakened by a general alert: all windows within the Inner City higher than 5 stories were to be removed or boarded up for civilian safety. Similar alerts had been issued in the months prior, usually in the middle of the day and followed by a "resume normal activity" within the hour. This time, however, the alert to remove or board up windows was repeated at the top of the hour for the next four hours. At 9:00am, another general alert was sent out, this time instructing residents to take cover. A sonic boom was felt throughout Shirekeep a few minutes later, shattering a few windows that had not been sufficiently protected in the northwest corner of the Inner City. A hypersonic object appeared on RADAR, crossing the border into Alalehzamin on a ballistic trajectory, reaching the Ardashirshahr metropolitan area three and a half minutes later. After the electromagnetic pulse dissipated, it was determined that a 350kt nuclear warhead had airbursted within the Bailiwick of Babran.

Estimates after the fact indicated that the strike claimed the lives of 599,300 subjects with a further 224,940 injured. Fortuitously the height of the airburst was such as to preclude the production of significant radioactive fallout. Nonetheless, all of the Ardashirshahr metropolitan area was under the shadow of a mushroom cloud that towered to an altitude of 16 km. Command and control for the 58th Combined Arms Army and its subordinate formations were immediately thrown into chaos, whilst communications reliant upon the Benacian Data Network in the Governorate of Alalehzamin were temporarily disrupted by the loss of a network node and the concurrent spike in data traffic.

Riposte: Musica burns

Benacia Command was still reeling from the strike delivered against it from somewhere within the bounds of the Imperial County. The Benacian Union had triggered its continuity of government protocols within the first hour of the strike, and its leadership cadres, including the staffs associated with the High Presidium and the Security Council, had dispersed. Under these circumstances operational control defaulted to the General Staff of Benacia Command. Fortunately the BUDF had been on an war footing since 1731 AN, in long anticipation of this moment. Orders, once issued via encrypted channels, were swiftly acted upon. At 10.49 am, from the Selmuliet Bastion in Ransenar and the Šlomxala Arsenal in the Unified Governorates, dozens of missiles were fuelled, prepared and launched in rapid sequence against Shireroth. In the next six minutes these were joined by a further seventy-five launches from trailer units situated in remote forested sites throughout the Governorate of Austland. The major targets were the Imperial Shirerithian Air Forces bases located in the departments of the Gaudin and the Guttuli. A further wave of one hundred intermediate range ballistic missiles followed an hour later, again from dispersed sites in Austland, this time focused more narrowly upon Shirerithian bases located within the Schwinn Circle of Brookshire. None of the Schlächters launched in the first hours carried anything other than conventional high-explosive warheads. Except one.

The missile, lofted from a bastion facility in North Lunaris, had followed a ballistic trajectory towards ancient and storied Musica, where it detonated as a groundburst directly upon the dockyards and seaport of the city. The only nuclear device in the BUDF's declared arsenal, the M1708 special munition, had a maximum yield of an equivalent to 15 kilotons. Estimates made by the Operations Directorate of Benacia Command anticipated that immediate fatalities in the city would not exceed twenty-five thousand souls. However, by electing to detonate the device on the surface, an area of 148 km² around ground zero would be subjected to over one-hundred rads per hour from the fallout plume that drifted on the wind in the wake of the 6 km mushroom cloud. The purpose of the strike had not been to exact an a death toll from the Shirerithians equivalent to the one that they had inflicted, but rather to ensure that a strategic port and its associated infrastructure had been rendered completely inoperable for the duration of hostilities.

Shirekeep and the Confluence

A little after midday on 23.XI.1733 AN, lines of communications were briefly restored to an extend sufficient to allow a single succinct order to be relayed from the Northern Banner Group HQ to 60th Siege Army in Varpûr. That order, once decrypted, was simply one word: “commence”. Within the hour orders had promulgated down the chain of command to the corps and division level and shortly thereafter 1,824 203 mm self-propelled howitzers, grouped into batteries of six apiece in prepared positions behind the Alalehzamin Security Line, began to open up against a number of pre-sighted targets in the Greenwood district of the Imperial County.

At 1.54 pm a F-18 Cyclone from the 4th Air Division of Strike Command launched four S-2/A(S) air to ground missiles whilst overflying the bailiwicks of Zarddeh and Aslanshahr. The gesture was mostly symbolic, two missiles directed against the Palace of Zirandorthel and two against Raynor's Keep.

More impactful would be the mixed packages of F-18 Cyclones and F-17 Axaranas that would shortly be ranging over the airspace of Brookshire and the Guttuli methodically hunting out Shirerithian radar sites and communication hubs.

As the second day of the war lengthened into its evening, the F-9 Ashavan II strike aircraft assigned to support the Northern, Eastern, and Southern Banner Groups were airborne on route towards their assigned combat air patrol coordinates, with the intent to counter in full force whatever the Shirerithian side might put up in retaliation.

And all this, whilst all across northern and eastern Benacia the ominous rumbling of innumerable columns of armoured vehicles could now be heard.

Operation Hiericus I: Strategic Bombing of Alalehzamin

With the opening of open conflict, His Illustriousness Zhao Feng, the Minister of Military Affairs, authorized Operation Hiericus. Bad Neighbour II was brought back up to firing speed and, by nightfall, the first sonic booms had begun to ring out again across the Imperial Capital, this time from the south of the Inner City at hourly intervals. By morning the next day, the civilian population had begun to adapt to the routine of the hourly sonic boom, followed by a broadcast message, warning civilians to avoid looking northwest for the next few minutes.

Operation Hiericus I's targets, substantially closer than Ardashirshahr's warning shot, took between 58 seconds and 1 minute 28 seconds from launch to airbursting behind the Outer Security Belt of the Alalehzamin Security Line.

Operation Blue Shield: Defense of the Alalehzamin-Shirekeep Border

Following the opening of hostilities, 5. Corps and attached civil defense and reserve troops began the evacuation of the civilian population of Greenwood southwards across the Blue Elwynn. The increased hostilities over the past few years between Shireroth and the Benacian Union had already encouraged civilians to consider seeking safer living accommodations elsewhere, making the job of civil defense a matter of identifying which homes had already been abandoned versus those that had to be evacuated.

13. Legion and 14. Legion were deployed in reserve behind screening units, who were deployed forward in distributed small units to receive initial offensive movements. All were issued radiation badges and respirators to be used in the event of exposure to fallout or chemical weapons.

International response

  • Sanama Sanama: Following the confirmation of a nuclear blast in the Benacian Union, the Sanaman Union Armed Services were put on full readiness and a general mobilisation ordered. All border crossings with Shireroth were closed and the ambassador to Shirekeep recalled. The government issued a statement condemning the use of weapons of mass destruction.