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Demesnes of Western Natopia

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There are eleven (11) demesnes of Western Natopia, with each demesne (equivalent to a province, state, or region) serving as the top sub-national territorial division in Western Natopia. Each demesne is allowed to govern itself within the limits of the law, established by the Proclamation of Dos Gardenias and the law. Each demesne maintains its own forces, which all form part of the Western Natopian Demesnial Forces to be used in disaster and humanitarian relief, the maintenance of public order, enforce lawful directives of the demesnial governments and judicial courts and serve as reserve forces for the Natopian Defense Force. Each demesne is also responsible for electing and/or appointing senators to serve in the imperial legislature, the Frenzy of Western Natopia.

The eleven demesnes of Western Natopia are located all over Micras, spanning several continents and islands. Each of those demesnes is then further subdivided into further administrative divisions, which may have political (local government), electoral (districts), or administrative (decentralized services of the state) objectives. All the demesnes are represented in the imperial legislature, the Frenzy of the Western Natopian Empire. All the demesnes are granted rights to have a devolved government under the Proclamation of Dos Gardenias.

All the demesnes in Western Natopia have been granted their own devolved local governments, with departmental and local collectivities below the demesnial level.

Demesnes of Western Natopia

Demesne Name Map Population Capital Flag Coat of Arms Government Notes
1 Arboria XX,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Tirlar Arboria flag.png ARB coA.png
2 Whales 683,085 (1700 AN) Walstadt Whales flag.png Whales coa.png
3 Dos Gardenias XX,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Dos Gardenias Dos-Gardenias-Flag1-1.png DosGardeniasCoA.png
4 Tapfer XX,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Chancellorsport TapferFlag1-1.png TapferCOA.png
5 Baudrix XX,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Paine City Baudrix-Flag-1-1.png Baudrix-COA1-1.png
6 Arboria del Sur XX,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Cape Isabella Arboria-del-Sur-Flag-1-1.png Arboria-del-Sur-1711AN.png
7 Saint Andre X,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Port St. Andre Saint Andre flag.png StAndre.png
8 Transegale XX,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Brunopolis Transegale-Flag-1-1.png Transegale-COA1-1.png
  • Viceroy/Top Noble
  • Executive
  • Legislature
9 Mar Sara 2,932,210 (1656 AN) Augustgrad Mar Sara flag.png MarSaraCoA.gif
10 Neridia XX,XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Redquill Neridia-Flag-1-1.png Neridia-COA-1-1.png
11 Imperial City of Geneva XXX,XXX (1711 AN) Geneva Geneva-Flag-1-1.png Geneva-COA-1-1.png

Devolved governments


See also