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Non-Aligned Movement for Peace and Prosperity Summit

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The Non-Aligned Movement for Peace and Prosperity Summit[1] was a series of high-level diplomatic meetings and conferences organized by Caputia's Foreign Minister, George Blakeslee, held between 1.II.1657 AN and ending around 12.XIII.1657 AN. The summit was held in Zalae, Caputia at Bellesea Palace. The summit took place in the aftermath of the Hammish Civil War and the birth of Hamland's successor nation, Caputia. A major contributing factor to the organization of this summit was the ongoing Sxiro-Jingdaoese Confrontation between two major rival alliance blocs in Micras: the Raspur Pact and the Union of States around the Sovereign Oceans (USSO). The ongoing confrontation had a huge influence over the Hammish Civil War and it had come to a direct conflict prior to the Hammish Civil War with the War of Lost Brothers in Floria.

The main goal of the summit was to create a third block of non-aligned nations to offer a new alternative to countries that did not want to be caught between the confrontation between the the Raspur Pact and the USSO. Another important goals was to bolster membership and the importance of the Micras Treaty Organization as a major international body for diplomacy and problem-solving. Fearing that Caputia would be drawn into a confrontation it could ill afford after a [[brutal and decimating civil war, Caputia's Foreign Minister, George Blakeslee drafted several treaties and conventions for the summit to consider. Among them were the Zalae Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement, the Zalae Convention on Biological Weapons, and the Zalae Protocol on Free Trade and Commerce. Out of all three treaty drafts, the only treaty that was signed and ratified by many attending countries was the Zalae Convention on Biological Weapons.


Due to the devastation experienced by Caputia (formerly known as Hamland) during the Hammish Civil War, the Caputian government sought to concentrate the summit around its capital city of Zalae, noting that security and reconstruction efforts were strong in the capital city. Other locations were considered but was ultimately rejected by summit planners due to insufficient venues and concentration of the international communication and media facilities in Zalae.

Foreign Minister George Blakeslee and Prime Minister Christophe Landry were the main planners of the summit, stemming from an idea that Landry had during a special dinner with Caputian leaders and community representatives from around the country after the end of the Hammish Civil War. George Blakeslee was named head of the State Committee for the Organization of the Non-Aligned Summit. The conference brought together 15 independent states, including Caputia. In addition to them, there were representatives of political parties from different nations, trade unions from Jingdao and from the Micras Treaty Organization. Differences between many of the participants, mainly Caputia and Kalgachia, were great and from the beginning many nations did show differing interests. The

Foreign Minister George Blakeslee and Prime Minister Christophe Landry only partially succeeded bringing together the attending nations around the proposed treaty drafts, with only the Zalae Convention on Biological Weapons seeing major progress and achieving signing and ratification by several attending nations. The conference also resulted in Caputia signing several treaties of friendship and cooperation with many of the attending nations, resulting in several bilateral trade deals that helped fuel the national recovery.

The conference was followed by thousands of journalists, activists, and officials from around Micras.


Treaty Status Signatories Overview of Treaty
Zalae Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement Not signed or ratified None A proposed treaty aimed at defining the principles, objectives, and actions of the Non-Aligned Movement. It faced disagreements and was never signed or ratified.
Zalae Convention on Biological Weapons Signed and ratified Caputia Caputia, Wechua Wechua, Natopia Natopia, Shireroth Shireroth, Hoenn Hoenn, Senya Senya, Eklesia Eklesia, Raspur Raspur, Craitland Craitland, Gerenia Gerenia, Wechua Wechua A treaty prohibiting the development, production, and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons, as well as their destruction.
Zalae Protocol on Free Trade and Commerce Not signed or ratified None A proposed treaty aimed at promoting free trade and commerce among participating nations. Although not signed or ratified, its principles were adopted through individual bilateral trade agreements with Caputia.


The list of attending nations and representatives is below:[2]

  • Caputia Caputia
  • Wechua Wechua
  • Senya Senya
    • Barnaby Hands, President of Senya
    • Ystëna Denisenka, Prime Minister of Senya
  • Hoenn Hoenn
    • Yamanobe Jiroh, Prime Minister of Hoenn
  • Craitland Craitland
    • Craitman V, King of Craitland
    • Anika, Queen of Craitland
  • Nova England Nova England
    • Merehwit Knight, Representative of the Kingdom of Nova England to Caputia
  • Vyktory Vyktory
    • Megan Porter, Prime Minister of Vyktory
  • Floria Floria
    • Adam Cooke, President of Floria
  • Kingdom of Coria Coria
    • Jovan Aksentijevic, Deputy Prime Minister of Defense of Coria
    • Luka Maksimovic, Opposition Leader in Coria
  • Raspur Raspur
    • Azardokht al-Osman, Grand Vizier of the Raspur Khanate
    • Kūruš Artashata Osman, Khanzada (Crown Prince) of the Raspur Khanate
  • Gerenia Gerenia
    • Karl Scets, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
  • Stormark Stormark
    • Esther of Anglia, Storjarla of Stormark, Storish Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Union of Caputia
    • Lieutenant Andrés Vésteinsson of the Storish Air Force
  • Kalgachia Kalgachia
    • Bitt Perkian Knotty, Chief Emissary to the Tumultuous Wastes
  • Constancia Constancia
  • Shireroth Shireroth
    • Juana Beazcoetxea, Lady Dragonmoor, Imperial Plenipotentiary to the Micras Treaty Organisation, High Representative to Other Nations, Chargé d'Affaires of the Imperial Shirerithian Embassy in Zalae

See also

References and links