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Kingdom of Nidaros
Kongeriket Nidaros
Niðarósar Konungsríki
Flag of Nidaros
Coat of Arms of Nidaros
Coat of Arms
Location of Nidaros
Map versions
Capital Dronningsleve
Largest city Dagmarskai
Official language(s) Istvanistani
Nidarosian Norse
Official religion(s) Holy Nidarosian Church
Demonym Nidarosian(s)
 - Adjective Nidarosian
Government Monarchy
 - King Audon II
 - Chancellor of Nidaros Torvald Stanning
 - Legislature Folketing
Establishment 1509 (destroyed by Stormark, 1555)
1723 (re-established)
Population 3,835,813 (1734)
Time zone(s) CMT+10
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
National website -
National forum -
National animal -
National food -
National drink -
National tree -

Nidaros (in Normark/Nidarosian Norse; Storish Norse: Niðarós; Hurmu Norse: Niðaroos) is one of the Three Kingdoms on the north island of Feanoria. Before its dissolution by the hand of the Storish high king Harald in 1555, Nidaros was a client kingdom of Stormark, founded in 1509, though largely self-governing and autonomous, with a culture, religion and legal considerably different from Stormark's main one. In 1723, the kingdom was re-established with help from Calbion, Celebarad, Riskai, and Varmland. Its claimed borders are the same as the "old" Nidaros, with the exception for the territories under Celebarad. Later the same year, it joined Celebarad and Riskai in establishing the union of the Three Kingdoms.

Nidaros borders Celebarad to the north and east, and Riskai and Varmland in the south-west.


Pre-Elfinshi era (until 1470)

Elfinshi era (1470–1490)

  • 1470–1475: Elfinshi mass migration from Varja and Elpidos to Menelmacar; Local Norse and Celts turned into second-class citizens in their own country.
  • 1475: Sirithilist revolution, strife and war. Local lords in

The Green (1490–1494) and communist guerrillas (1494–1506)

Reconstruction (1506–1509)

First Kingdom of Nidaros (1509–1555)

Reign of Camillus I (1509–1515)

When in 1509, the Nazarene–Norse country of Nidaros was annexed to Stormark, the Nazarene cleric Camillus (Galinn Karisson) was declared by High King Harald to be the country's first king. As king, he appears to have been a proxy for the Vanic elite in Haraldsborg. "Unnatural" borders (but which had an aesthetic value, such as rivers within a city) delineated local governments, and the most unpopular of these changes were the province of Kjærlighet ("Love") and creating the capital of Nidaros to also be called Kjærlighet. Local Nidarosians scoffed at these changed, considering them tacky and unbecoming, creating discontent in Nidaros. Many Nidarosians supported a republican secessionist revolution, led by Stefan Anturi. In 1514, Anturi declared the Republic of Nidaros and called for its independence from Stormark. With brutal support from Stormark, King Camillus brought the revolution down, and Anturi was executed. In an effort to make amends with the people, the unpopular king appointed Anne Marie Dagmarsdottir, a popular native noblewoman, his regent in 1514, and she succeeded him in 1515 as Queen of Nidaros, taking the regnal name Dagmar after her mother, whereafter Galinn would devote his time to ecclesiastical matters, or, political matters in Haraldsborg.

Reign of Queen Dagmar (1515–1516)

During Queen Dagmar's short reign, she ensured that the court system was reformed, and Nidarosian government was streamlined. She made the monarchy dynastic. Citing commitments outside Nidaros, she abdicated in 1516, leaving the throne to her daughter, crown princess Birla Mortensdottir.

Reign of Queen Birla (1516–1519)

Queen Birla's reign was disastrous. She had no skills in running government, but relied on the advice of others.

Reign of King Karl Gustav (1519–1537)

Karl Gustav: For certain matters, such as the reform of the provinces and the incorporation of cities, were popular. In this reform, he destroyed the provinces of Kjærlighet and Paveskai. Two new provinces were created: Elvdame and Kongleve. The capital city of Kjærlighet changed its name to Dronningskai. He incorporated the cities of Dronningsleve, Dagmarskai, Birlasdame and Volsdame.

Reign of King Audon I (1537–1542)

Reign of Queen Astrid (1542–1555)

Storish yoke (1555–1685)

Dissolution of Stormark (1685) and Reorganization (1685–1723)

When Stormark suddenly collapsed in 1685, political matters of the Sólareyjar imploded too. Local Vanic lords and civil services took what they could to escape and protect themselves, leaving the civil service completely empty. As could be imagined, matters were not good for the common people of Nidaros. Poverty grew, making most people hungry and desperate.

The Church of Nidaros took charge of the situation, with parishes giving out food and protection. By 1700, the Church had become a de facto state in Nidaros, controlling most of the territory. As Vanic warlords started fighting the church, the church understood it did not have a monopoly on sovereignty of violence in the area, which complicated matters. While Riskai and Varmland were put under sovereign Mondo rule in 1702, this sovereignty did not extend to the rest of Nidaros. This disappointed the church, especially as the church still recognised Mondo as its Cardinal Protector.

With the support of Ichirō, Viscount Audon of Varmland, the church reorganized itself into the Archdiocese of Carlstad. The church convinced Ichirō of the need of sovereignty over the Green Nidaros, but Ichirō could not do much without the support of Mondo. By 1722, Mondo had agreed to the plans. In 1723, the church declared the re-restanlishment of the Kingdom of Nidaros as an independent state. Ichirō was offered the kingship, but declined it. The crown was then offered to Ichirō's brother Jirō, who accepted the offer, and changed his name to Audon II in honour of his predecessor and ancestor, King Audon I.

Second Kingdom of Nidaros (1723– )

  • 12.XV.1723 AN: Zacharias Avon-El arranged to visit Nidaros in a private capacity after discovering his improbable place in the order of succession. As he arrived in neighbouring Riskai with a modest retinue of eight men-at-arms, two concubines, and a valet, he sought to travel through the Three Kingdoms in as incognito a manner as possible.
  • 1725: the Folketing of Nidaros passed a resolution calling upon King Audon II to take a human wife with whom he could have human children that may succeed to the throne upon his demise. The same resolution called for only humans of Nazarene faith to be allowed succession to the throne. Audon rejected the resolution, whereafter the Folketing passed a bill (Bill regulating the succession to the Crown), in which the Folketing stipulated the following: (a) Succession to the Throne is restricted to adult humans, baptised and confirmed into the Church of Nidaros, who are descended from a late monarch of Nidaros, and who are declared by the Folketing Prince or Princess of Nidaros, and (b) The King shall at all times have nominated three eligible successors, whom the Folketing shall approve before declared Princes or Princesses of Nidaros. Audon II rejected the bill.
  • 1733: Folketing elections.

Map stuff

  • Map 2: Alteria
  • Map 3.5–4.5.0: The Green
  • Map 4.5.5–6.2.0: Forod Fëanoria (Menelmacar)
  • Map 6.3.0 (AN 1481)–6.7.0 Forod Fëanoria (Oira Arnanorë Menelmacariva, Sirithilist Menelmacar)
  • Map 6.7.1–6.7.2: The Green
  • Map 6.7.3–6.8.6: Red Antilles
    • 6.8.0: Red Antilles war (c. 1498?)
  • Map 6.8.7–7.0.1: The Green
  • Map 7.0.2: Stormark claims the island
  • Map 7.0.3: Nidaros demarked, with two provinces, Kjærlighet and Paveskai, named after the capitals of each province (same names). Kjærlighet is the capital of Nidaros.
  • Map 8.0.0: AN 1514
  • Map 9.0.0: Provinces destroyed and replaced by new provinces, Elvdame and Kongleve. Kjærlighet changes name to Dronningskai. Cities of Dronningsleve, Dagmarskai, Birlasdame and Volsdame incorporated and marked on the MCS map.
  • Map 13.9.6 (1555 AN): Nidaros destroyed, merged with its southern neighbour to form Sólareyjar (Yr Ymerodreath Ynysoedd yr Haul, "empire of the islands of the sun"). Changes of local names of cities as follows:
    • Birlasdame > Landets ände
    • Dronningskai > Uråldriga slottet
    • Dronningsleve > Forntemplet
    • Dagmarskai > Uråldriga slottet (thus two towns with the same name...)
    • Only Volsdame remains Volsdame.
    • Riskai marked on the map for the first time
    • Central ruins of Gårdlösa marked.
  • Map 14.0.0 (1556 AN): Riskai demarked as its own polity; Uråldriga slottet (South; formerly known as Dagmarskai) renamed Hovgarden.
  • Map 14.1.5 (1563 AN): Riskai expanded to incorporate Port Riskai (i.e. gets access to sea)
  • Map 16.8.3b (1685 AN): Stormark turns into the Green.
  • Map 16.9.2 (1686 AN): Port Riskai claimed by Arbor, named Khalij Alhisan
  • Map 17.1.7 (1694 AN): Calbion claims a small stretch of the north east coast (Arfordid Corachod)
  • Map 17.1.9 (1694 AN): Arbor leaves Khalij Alhisan to the Green
  • Map 17.4.6 (1703 AN): By now Calbion has expanded to the same borders it has in 1723; Riskai and Varmland on the map

Other stuff

  • Red Antilles (1494–c. 1506)
    • Red Antilles War c. 1498
  • Established c. 1509 (Map version 7.0.2)
    • Originally two provinces:
      • Kjærlighet and Paveskai (1509–1520)
    • Later:
      • Elvdame and Kongleve (1520–1555)
  • Birla, war with Hurmu (1515–1517-ish)
    • Hurmu's confiscation decree by Prince Andelaroin: "Until such time that the government of Nidaros publicly and sincerely apologises for the so called declaration of war against the people of Hurmu, all citizens of Nidaros are hereby banned from entering the borders of the State, and all property of Nidaros or citizens of Nidaros are to be confiscated."
    • 1519: Hurmu prince makes Nidaros decree (2): ""
  • Rashid Andelarion, king as Audon (1537–1542)
  • Reign of Karl Gustav (1542–1555)
    • Son Bjarngeir?
  • 1555: Destroyed by the will of Stormark by forcibly merging Nidaros and Dun Gail Dara (formerly Celtica) into the Sólareyjar.
  • Storish era, 1555–1685
  • Green era, 1685–1723
    • Re-establishment of Riskai and Varmland
    • Role of the Church, etc.
    • Help from Celebarad et al.


  • Monarchs
    • Camillus I (1509–1515, probably)
    • 1514: Stefan Anturi declares himself President of Nidaros, and declares the secession of Nidaros from Stormark.
    • Dagmar (Anne-Marie Dagmarsdottir, The Countess of Haldarsvik-Holmestrand, Countess of Hessen)
      • Became regent of Nidaros 1514 for King Camillus, so probably made queen 1515.
      • Abdicated 1516: Life often throws us challenges. Some are exciting and some are difficult, but with strength we can over come. I returned to my throne in Nidaros to save this country from political instability. My heart will always be with the people of Nidaros. But my heart also lies with another land that I must now give the same foundations as I gave to Nidaros. Crown Princess Birla has been a devoted Crown Princess and I know that her ideas and her plans will benefit you all. Therefore, I must today announce that it is my intention to abdicate in favour of dearest Birla in order that I might take my place in the new Grand Duchy I am responsible for. I wish you all success and prosperity.
    • Birla Mortensdottir (1516–1519 Her reign probably ended after the war..., so 1518-ish?)
      • Declared war against Hurmu in 1517, ended 1518; Supreme Court struck the legality of war down, Birla agreed.
      • Tried for treason
      • Edric Stuart attempted coup d'état
    • Karl Gustav (1519–1537, coronation in 1526?)
      • (1524) Karl Gustav gave Prince Andelarion a peerage: Duke of Oslette
      • Enacted new constitution (1537)
    • Audon (1537–1542)
      • 1537: Folketing opened.
      • 1538: Church of Nidaros makes armed resurrection
      • 1539: Church insurrection ended, peace is made. Audon is made Viscount Audon of Varmland.
    • Astrid of Valois (1542–1555)


The government of Nidaros is a semi-constitutional monarchy. There is a parliament, of two chambers (one for the clergy, one for everyone else – the Folketing). For a bill to pass, it needs the assent of either the two chambers jointly, or by one of them with the assent of the King.

The King appoints ministers and the chancellor (head of government), though the King is free to exercise the executive power himself. There is a court system, separate from the legislature and the ministers.

Local government

Nidaros is divided into fifteen administrative dioceses, with near-equal borders with the ecclesiastical dioceses of the same name.

Dioceses of nidaros.png

The administrative dioceses, along with their 1734 census population, are:

Diocese Population
Dronningsleve 646,077
Dagmarskai 586,792
Elvedal 380,805
Bølgehamn 359,987
Gullstrand 347,891
Sjøstrand 301,332
Bjørkedal 252,306
Vindfjorden 234,978
Måsevik 189,336
Lyngstrand 167,640
Solstad 136,306
Blåfjellstad 75,630
Måneskogen 61,550
Skogstjern 50,913
Fjellheim 44,272


The Nazarene Church, for example, was the main religion, and there were strong traditional patriarchal Nazarene mores in society, with the Holy Nidarosian Church also being the state church of Nidaros. As a state church, it was a government institution, in charge of registering population, holding censuses, recording births, baptisms, weddings (even civil ones), deaths, and funerals (also civil ones).

The power of the Church was so considerable that Stormark carved out Riskai from Nidaros in order to give the Church more temporal autonomy in 1537.

See also