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Katja Magda Thorgilsdottir

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Katja Magda Thorgilsdottir
Katja Magda Thorgilsdottir.png
Physical information
Species Human
Race Norse
Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Skin color White
Biographical information
Date of birth 1644

Officially styled as The Most Illustrious Lady Katja Magda Thorgilsdottir, GRB, Marchoiness of Fontainebleau.

Born 1644 AN. Daughter of the Kaiser Dominus. Mother unknown although believed to have been a party to the Complex Marriage (a form of marriage with multiple partners) inaugurated by the Kaiser in an attempt to secure his genetic legacy before facing the coup-plotters in his unsuccessful attempt to avert the conspiracy that would culminate in the Oustfest Massacre.

ESB Foundation dossier

Raised and fostered by Eliza Carstens in Manor of Qasr-e-Qand in the Bailiwick of Mohamedion (AAR) as a beneficiary of the Tarjeisson Complex Marriage Community Trust. Precocious acuity in mathematics duly noted in earlier schooling, helped audit the Trust's books as a hobby during school breaks. Bookish girl, minimal socialization, made few friends. Discreetly sent abroad to Normark, then under Natopian rule, for her education at the onset of the Elwynnese Civil War. Graduated with honors with a bachelor's degree in management, major in financial management from the University of Konungsheim.

Interned as a junior trading assistant with the Trade Board of Normark in 1666. In 1667, took a year to leisurely visit and tour Benacia, where she received her license as a public accountant in Shireroth. Taking a leaf from her father, toured Eura in 1668, with emphasis on Raspur, where she was able to provide significant input to the development of both Dabirestân-e, and was in time to see the transition of Constancia into the Imperial State, up close. Her paid consultancy with ESB Financial Services of Raspur at an end, in 1669, she returned to Sårensby to take employment with ESB Group (Keltia) to assist with the consolidation of Caputian assets. Performance with the Caputian Asset Management Division as Business Planning Associate was above expectations, and promotions to Forensic Accounting Specialist and Senior Financial Analyst were for merit, and her lineage was never taken into consideration with her career prospects. Applied for, and accepted, into the very competitive and high-pressure role of Senior Trader, this time representing ESB in the Trade Board of Normark. Grew portfolio by 94% in one year, to the amazement of ESB Keltia management. Declined C-suite offers to transfer to less demanding roles in the ESB Foundation, and, very unusually, insisted on repaying ESB Foundation allowance grant with interest at close of every fiscal year. Rumors of inappropriate behavior with male and female colleagues in office premises after hours never fully substantiated, but noted in her file. Verbal disciplinary warnings sole management action. ESB Foundation guardians took appropriate action.

Given lateral transfer to the Euran Directorate to examine new business opportunities with the establishment of the Republic of Alduria in 1671, in the position of Senior Manager, Risk Assessment Division. Received permission from ESB Foundation Board to enter into a short-term committed non-marital romantic relationship with Aldurian male in 1672. Discreet protective security detail provided to subject on her request, expenses deducted from ESB Foundation allowance grant. Note provided by Security Directorate to Financial and Legal Directorate on appointment of subject as Secretary of the Department of the Interior of Alduria.

Given lateral transfer to Benacian Directorate on recommendation of ESB Foundation at the close of 1672. Promoted to Assistant Vice President of the Imperial & Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia. Superintended 1.2-billion Natopo strategic investment program in Benacia. Advised Board of Directors, through the Financial and Legal Directorate, of opportunities in eastern Benacia. Recruited by Financial and Legal Directorate effective 1.I.1674 with concurrent position as Assistant Vice President of the Imperial & Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia. Appointed chief of the ESB Representative Office in Goldfield, 20.IV.1674. Advised ESB Foundation Board that short-term committed non-marital romantic relationship with Aldurian male was suspended indefinitely, citing "irreconcilable differences". Took charge of largest direct Group investment for 1674 in the Kingdom of Ransenar.

Promoted to the role of Vice President of the Imperial and Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia, and Country Director for ESB Financial and Legal Directorate in 1675. Appointed to both the Board of Directors of the Imperial and Emirati Bank of the Sathrati Islands and Gold Star Ferry Corporation in 1676. Appointed further to the Board of Directors of the ESB Bank, ESB Fidelity, and ESB Provident in 1677. Resigned as Country Director for ESB Financial and Legal Directorate at close of 1676.

Recommended restructuring of ESB Keltia to the Financial and Legal Directorate, for which she was named to the Board of Directors of the Imperial Bank for Keltian Development and Vice Chair of its Investment Committee. For her accomplishments, particularly in light of the significant Group return on investment in Ransenar securities, ownership of ESB grace and favor residences in Goldfield and Konungsheim Elieru were transferred to her name, along with a significant bonus in cash, shares of stock, and options in certain ESB subsidiaries equivalent to one-half of one percent of her generated profit.

Sabbatical granted for graduate school education during 1678-1680. Graduated from Euran University with a Master's Degree in Economics.

Incorporated Kamator Corporation, a company registered under the laws of the Thema Oranjesion of the Imperial State of Constancia using her own capital in 1680. Promoted to the role of Managing Director, ESB Financial and Legal Directorate, and Senior Vice President of the Imperial and Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia in 1681, with concurrent oversight responsibilities over ESB Bank, ESB Fidelity, and ESB Provident. Granted one floor independent office and residential space in Euran Sunshine Building, Radiant Sun Plaza after personal written petition to the Director of Financial and Legal Services.

Received permission from ESB Foundation Board to enter into a short-term committed non-marital romantic relationship with Alduro-Constancian business magnate with known significant business interests affecting ESB. ESB Security Directorate approved relationship, subject to strict disclosure conditions to prevent unusual conflict of interests.

Masterminded ₦5,200,000,000 credit facility for the ESB Group in 1683, for which she was rewarded with significant shareholdings and a board directorship in ESB Power, consolidating similar portfolios for better efficiency, which was also her brainchild. Net worth approximating a few million ₦ at this point, due to performance and shrewd investments under Kamator Corporation.

Came up with idea for Euran Sandy Berm Pipeline in 1684, for which she was again rewarded with a board directorship and significant shareholdings. In 1685, Promoted to the role of Senior Managing Director, ESB Financial and Legal Directorate, and granted designation as Official Receiver for seized SEKEF and Stormark assets as well as repossessed Longships Islands assets, and signing authority for disbursements involving dependent minor subjects and nationals.

In 1685, her recommendation and negotiation resulting in a 50-year service contracting of power production, supply, and distribution within the Principality of Arboria, as well as with the Imperial State of Constancia merits further board directorships and significant shareholdings. Kamator Corporation becomes a billion ₦ corporation at this point, and is subject to cheerful, teasing threats of a not-so-hostile takeover by the Director, ESB Financial and Legal Directorate and the Chairwoman of the Board. Invitation to become Minister of the Imperial Constancian Government politely rebuffed.

Suggestions that the ESB Group delve into shipbuilding and shipping business are well-taken. Resigns as Senior Vice President of the Imperial and Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia in exchange for a seat on its board of directors at the close of 1686. In continuing role as Senior Managing Director, ESB Financial and Legal Directorate, advises the ESB Board of emerging business and investment opportunities in the nascent Wechu part of the Alduria-Wechua Federation as well as in the Kingdom of Ransenar. Review of Ransenar investment portfolio impels her to give advice regarding the Benacian Directorate with respect to Article the Fifth of the original Memorandum of Association. Concurrent appointment as Administrator, Special (Goldshire) Fund, ESB Foundation, and named to the Board of Trustees of the ESB Foundation at 1.IX.1687.

Further advises ESB Board of commercial and investment opportunities regarding the fiefdom of the Chairman Emeritus in the County of Apis. Named to the Board of Directors of Education Services Business.

Resigns from the Board of Directors of Education Services Business at the close of 1689 in order to take new role as member of the Board of Directors of the ESB Shincha Business. Promoted to Deputy Director, ESB Financial and Legal Directorate at the first day of 1690. Portfolio responsibility increased with her appointment to the Board of Directors of ESB Media, with administrative, legal, and financial oversight over the new Constancian bureau.

In 1692, days after she was granted the Imperial Constancian honor of Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the Royal Blood during the 1692 New Year's Investiture, she was designated ESB Corporate Liaison to the Raspur Pact Economic Cooperation Subcommission.

Confirmed to be in a relationship with shipping tycoon Maximinus Kerularios in 1694. Appointed to replace him as CEO of Kerularios & Company and Director for Keltian Operations of ESB on his appointment as Secretary of State of the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie. Easily ratified by shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Honorable Company, accordingly.

Raised to the Imperial Senate at the conclusion of the Twelfth Imperial Synkletos in 1716.

In 1721 AN, on the occasion of their fortieth birthdays, reporting restrictions were lifted in Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie concerning the fraternal twins born in 1681 AN to Katja from her long-standing relationship with Maximinus Kerularios. Athanasia Katja Kerularios and José Emmanuel Thorgils Kerularios were revealed to be employees of the Honourable Company, assigned to the Keltian Directorate of Operations. On the occasion of their birthday, and the public confirmation of their service in the Honourable Company, both were rewarded with appointments as Residents for the ESB Group; assigned to the ESB East Bay Residency and Parap residency respectively.

At the end of 1724, she relinquished her role as CEO of Kerularios & Company to her stepdaughter, Jacqueline Kerularios

Career Highlights