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Defence Against Anomalous Phenomena

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Defence Against Anomalous Phenomena
  • DAAP
Formation 1680 AN
Type Combined Function Command
Status Active
Headquarters Demonsfall
Reporting agency Joint Military Council of the Raspur Pact
Contributing nations
Manpower establishment 7,200 personnel

A Combined Function Command of the Raspur Pact, subordinate to its Joint Military Council, tasked with defending the territories and interests of the Pact's member states against so-called "anomalous phenomena", particularly objects and entities outside the normal range of human experience for which regular and sensible, frequently kinetic, responses might prove insufficient. The organisation inherited the equipment, methodologies, personnel, and equipment of the Ordo Imperii Decimæ Divæ and Vigiles Arcani, or at least such as could be salvaged by the Black Legions in the aftermath of the Kalirion Fracture.

Watch list

Key: (A) Animal, (M) Machine artificial-intelligence, (P) Paranormal, (X) Xenos: offworld or inhuman alien life.


From 1686 to 1717, the directing magistra of the Defence Against Anomalous Phenomena was Samira al-Osman. Operation Jagdbeute (1724), and subsequent reprisal against the information and communications infrastructure of the command, would have a deleterious impact on its workings and hierarchy for several years afterwards.


Cohort Status Station Assigned Role
VA-HQ Active Demonsfall, Ynnraile (Ransenar) Organisation Headquarters and Central Office
I Active Demonsfall, Ynnraile (Ransenar) Data Analysis (IMINT, SIGINT, OSINT)
II Active Demonsfall, Ynnraile (Ransenar) Incursion Monitoring (MASINT)
III Active New Blackstone Dionysian Heresies
IV Active Lichkeep, Shirekeep Rapid Reaction Force
V Active Demonsfall, Ynnraile (Ransenar) Special Forces Unit trained in combat and survival within Daemonic Plane
VI Active Panalkey, Kezan Special Forces Unit trained in combat and survival within Daemonic Plane
VII Active Leng Containment Unit
VIII Inactive
IX Inactive
X Active Demonsfall, Ynnraile (Ransenar) Exorcism, Reintegration Operations
XI Active Demonsfall, Ynnraile (Ransenar) Occult Research
XII Active Panalkey, Kezan Containment and Decontamination Operations
XIII Active Panalkey, Kezan Deep Technology Research
XIV Active Demonsfall, Ynnraile (Ransenar) Temporal Phenomena
XV Active Tirlar Investigation & Enforcement
Jurisdiction: Apollonia
XVI Active Shirekeep Investigation & Enforcement
Jurisdiction: Benacia
XVII Active Walstadt Investigation & Enforcement
Jurisdiction: Cibola
XVIII Active Raspur Investigation & Enforcement
Jurisdiction: Eura
XIX Active Parap Investigation & Enforcement
Jurisdiction: Keltia
XX Active Lindstrom Investigation & Enforcement
Jurisdiction: Tapfer



Operational activity

Having been formerly listed as an entity to watch, Mondo has managed to form a favourable relationship with the Raspur Pact, indeed bringing much of his sphere of influence into the Pact. As such he is more likely than not to be consulted on matters of arcane threat rather than be regarded as such.

Digital archives of the Defence Against Anomalous Phenomena were severely degraded, and in many instances thoroughly erased, by exposure to a cyber attack originating from the organisation's compromised Kezan station as it reverted back to Shirerithian control on 21.III.1724. To date, this has been the only application of Case Orange (Self-Decapitation) in the organization's history.


  1. ^ Noted incursion on Mount Lacara occurred in mid 1723 AN. Details pending. Vegno gov to provide explanation at earliest opportunity.