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Operation Jagdbeute

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Operation Jagdbeute, enacted on 20.III.1724 AN was the codename given to a series of actions inaugurated by Inspectorate and Commissariat formations of Apollonia Command and Benacia Command to seize, secure, and recover assets of strategic importance to the Raspur Pact from the territories of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, and to decommission any assets that could not be safely evacuated to Pact loyalist territory within a reasonable timeframe.

Whilst reported by sources within the Raspur Pact as an orderly series of evacuations ahead of a significant policy change affecting the alliance, the operation would be characterised by hostile commentators as a crude attempt at conducting the first intercontinental razzia in the history of Micras.


The declaration of the Second Thuylemans Government concerning its withdrawal from the integrated military command structures of the Raspur Pact necessitated the commencement of actions to recover and draw down long established Pact assets located within the Imperial Republic.

Mobilised formations


IV.1724: a party of officers from the General Inspectorate attempted to gain access to the Musica Naval Arsenal, disguised as Imperial Marshals.
  • 20.III.1724: Action Klaus
  • 21.III.1724: Action Schwab
    • The exfiltration of loyalist officers from Shirekeep, entailing the activation of the 2nd Directorate of the General Inspectorate of Benacia Command, with the Provosts Regiment assigned to force security missions within the city.
    • Defence Against Anomalous Phenomena personnel commence with the burning of documents, destruction of hard drives, and placement of demolition charges at cohort field offices in Lichkeep, Kezan, and Shirekeep.
      • Upon receiving destruction orders, the DAAP Panalkey Station Commandant and Deputy Commandant were relieved of their duties by the camp prefect. Subsequently, datalinks to other DAAP Stations were terminated, cutting the remainder of the organization off from real-time bathymetric readings, 4D mapping of the Daemonic Realm, and research archives. A response message delivered to DAAP Station Demonsfall consisted of the words "Bless the Realm" and a tapeworm. The tapeworm spread rapidly through the DAAP Station Demonsfall computer network, infecting servers, workstations, handheld computers, and peripheral devices, locking out users and initiating a mass delete command. Organizational records and equipment firmware were replaced with copies of an audio recording of the Hymn of the Anticans, which began to play on repeat. The tapeworm successfully escaped to other DAAP Stations and the general internet, though only DAAP systems were affected by it.
  • 22.III.1724:
    • Inspectorate missions establish field forces in Modan and Highpass in order to provide for a secure environment during the recovery and evacuation process.
    • General Inspectorate of Apollonia Command commenced movement of personnel and equipment towards Gaelen's Landing and Port Nevermore for inventory, pending evacuation.
    • An argument was observed between officers of the General Inspectorate of Benacia Command and Imperial Marshals after the former were noted to be moving 80,000x M1525 9 mm pistols and associated ammunition cases across the border into the Governorate of Austland in a convoy of trucks. Other vehicle convoys, escorted by the Schwinn Circle Field Force are subsequently observed heading towards the borders with Austland and East Caverden.
  • 23.III.1724: Grand Commissariat of Benacia Command established at Citadel in East Caverden in order to facilitate the reception of personnel and equipment evacuated from Brookshire and Modan.
    • A note from Benacia Command delivered to the Imperial Government clarified the intention to withdraw from Shireroth:
      • All personnel directly employed by the Pact, along with their associated equipment, documents, and stores;
      • Items previously transferred into Imperial Arsenals by Benacia Command:
        • 243,838x – M1591 7.62 mm rifles
        • 110,750x – M1656 9 mm sub-machine gun
        • 80,000x – M1525 9 mm pistols
        • 79,188x – M1508 Martini-Rossi 11.56 mm rifles
  • 1.IV.1724: a party of officers from the General Inspectorate attempted to gain access to the Musica Naval Arsenal, disguised as Imperial Marshals. They had gained access to the docks before their subterfuge had been uncovered and they were obliged to flee. Reportedly they were discovered after one in their number had stopped to pet the dog belonging to an elderly dock foreman.
  • 2.IV.1724: Artillery and area defence assets observed to arrive at Ohttrazdbarh (Holwinn).