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Operation Landslide

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Operation Landslide
Raspur Pact Raspur Pact Various local and native guerilla groups or militias
Units involved
Raspur Pact Trans-Euran Command
  • Nouvelle Alexandrie Susa Banner Command
    • I (Alduria) Combined Arms Corps
    • Euran Fleet
    • 1st Air Fleet
  • Constancia Aqaba Banner Command
    • Combined Arms Corps "Epsilon"
    • 504th Army
    • 505th Army
    • Aqaba Banner Fleet
    • Aqaba Banner Air Group
  • Constancia Constancian Expeditionary Force
    • Combined Arms Corps "Gamma"
    • Combined Arms Corps "Delta"
    • Constancian Foreign Legion
    • Black Banner Fleet
    • Expeditionary Air Group
Various local and native guerilla groups or militias

Operation Landslide is the codename of a joint military invasion and seizure of lands by Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie in central Eura. The lands invaded and seized had recently entered the lawlessness and chaos of the Euran Green due to the Thraci Confederation moving Antakia to the continent of Corum. After the completion of an ambitious but successful Project Gama, the Thraci Confederation consolidated its territory around the continent of Corum. The military operation began on 2.XIV.1706 AN by the Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie and the Imperial Constancian Armed Forces, with assistance from Zeed and the Suren Confederacy.

Operation Landslide is the culmination of decades of diplomatic tensions in the Euran continent that Raspur Pact partners Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie maintained since the Thraci Confederation's expansion westward into Razjania in 1693 AN. This motivated Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie years later to Operation Paramount, with Nouvelle Alexandrie and Constancia dividing among themselves the northern Euran Green. At the time of the Thraci Confederation's unilateral annexation of Razjania, Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie were performing military operations to secure the territory and defeat regional guerrilla groups.

The Antakian Civil War, especially the nuclear exchange on 12.XII.1706 AN between the government of the Thraci Confederation and the Black Panther rebel forces, became a grave concern for Nouvelle Alexandrie and Constancia. The nuclear exchange that destroyed the Antakian capital, Antakşehir, and the rebel capital Kwa-Pati on 12.XII.1706 AN resulted in the secret activation of military and security contingencies in both Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie, a country already on alert due to the recent rise of Vanic extremism. It was during this time that Nouvelle Alexandrie first activated and started using the newly deployed ballistic missile sensors and defenses from Project Space Armor.

Of special concern to the government of Nouvelle Alexandrie was the welfare and security of Çeridgul, an autonomous area of Antakia that is the ancestral home of the Çerid in Micras. The Çerid are a constitutionally protected minority and have an autonomous state in Nouvelle Alexandrie's region of Alduria. The nuclear exchange in Antakia, which resulted in the deaths of millions of Antakians, was feared could be further repeated

Aiming to prevent a continental power vacuum and more reckless nuclear attacks in central Eura, diplomatic representatives and legislators met at Fontainebleau from Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie over a week during XII.1706 AN. Using the Euran Economic Union secret diplomatic channels, these representatives and legislators negotiated and reached a secret agreement on how to split the former Antakian territory among themselves called the Central Euran Protocols. The agreement provided further details about how the territories would be administered, how both nations would lend support to the other to secure the territories, and the establishment of projects to connect transportation networks.






Domestic response

International response

See also