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Ama language

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The Ama language is a Cosimo-Benacian language spoken mainly in Sanama. It has around 20 million speakers and is related to Sani, with which it has limited mutual intelligibility, and the highly divergent Estarisan.


SAN Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu Ëë Pp Mm Tt Nn Kk Qq Ngng Rhrh Rr Ff Ffff Ss Shsh Xx Hh Ww Whwh Yy Ll Lhlh
AMA Aa Ee Ии Oo Уу Әә Пп Кк Ққ Ңң PЬpЬ Pp Фф ФЬфЬ Cc Шш Xx Ҳҳ BЬвЬ Йй Лл ЛЬлЬ