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Pyeongrang Phineaner

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Pyeongrang Phineaner
Bahase Phinéaner Phinéas Padolski
Spoken natively in Phinbella Phinbella
Region Phinéas Padolski, Tannyeugwa Settements, some parts of Rintis Island and San Furansōkyō, some parts of Yapreayan settlements in Cyborges and remote islands, Springwind Islands and some parts of Boninki Islands, also in Cyberaya, Territory of Flower, Negara Awan and some parts of New Territories
Language family


Writing system Latin
Source Gangwol, Kelantanese, Inland Terengganuan, Bruneian, Perakian, Malaccan/Hiliorian, Sabahan, Cocos, Broome Pearling Lugger Pidgin
Official status
Official language in Phinbellan Maritime Territories
Regulated by Phinbellan Languages Studies Association
{{{1}}} This article or section is a work in progress. The information below may be incomplete, outdated, or subject to change.


English Standard Phineaner (Phinbellan) Phinéas Padolski Phineaner
Good morning Selamat Pagi Sᶜalamatᵓ Pagi
Good afternoon Selamat tengah hari Sᶜalamatᵓ Tᶜangɒh Hari
Good evening Selamat Petang Sᶜalamatᵓ Soré
Good night Selamat Malam Sᶜalamatᵓ Malaᵓ
How are you? Apa khabar? Ape kabauː?
I'm fine Baik Aim fain
See you again/Goodbye/See you later Jumpa lagi Jupe lagi
Chair Kerusi Korsi
Doctor Doktor Dostor
Ice box/Refrigerator Peti sejuk Aih bok, Pᶜati aih, Bok sᶜajuk
Box Kotak Bok
Apple Epal Epél
Cocos Phineaner boat (Junk ship came from this) Jong Jukong
Durian Durian Doyan/Deroyan/Deroyé
I/Me Saya Kawé, Koi, Kas, Kokme
You Awak Awok, Aok, Ork, Ka, Mu, Ko
They Mereka Déme
Chimney Cerobong Chimni, Chᶜarovong
Green Hijau Hijo
If Kalau Kalo
Mother Ibu Mama, Umie, Mok, Eomma
Father Ayah Papa, Aboh, Pak, Appa
Uncle Pakcik
(Tanpa anak)
Grandma Nenek Wan, Mak, Nek, Mek
Wak (respectful term to address woman with teenage children)
Oh my god! Alamak! Alah Mak Gua!, Oh Mak Ko!, Alamak!
This one Yang itu Hokᵓ tu
That one Yang ini Hokᵓ ni
To tell Beritahu Royak, kabauː
Rambutan Rambutan Mukté
Exit/Out Keluar Tuvik
People Orang Oraᵓ
Sleep Tidur Rᶜaloh
Defecation Buang air besar Ronoh, Bérok
Why Kenapa, Mengapa Behape, Ngape, Matnyer
Plastic bag Plastik Javir
Plastic container Bekas plastik Molor
Blanket Selimut Gᶜavauː, Gᶜavor
Always/Often Selalu Senalo, Sokmo
Type Jenis Jᶜanih
Lazy Malas Malaħ
Tired Letih Tok rotᵓ
Greed/Guzzle Gelojoh Polor
To repair Baiki Bele
Mattress Tilam Léche
Full Penuh Momvong
There Di sana Sᶜatoho, Alék nong
To order Suruh Nyeraya
Numbness of the foot Kebas kaki Sᶜanyauː/Ssᶜamutᵓ
Budu Budu Pede
Choked Tercekik Tuvkelé
Reticulated Selirat Sᶜangkᶜalir
Preoccupied Leka Ralik
Dirty person Pengotor Havatᵓ
Cry Tangis Lalor
Woozy/Dizzy Pening Oténg
Swelling Bengkak Mᶜarᶜanin
A white shawl worn by Muslim women while praying Telekung Mahane
Bullshit! Kepala otak kau! Hale hotɒk ko!
Helicopter Helikopter Hélikükü
Carbornated juice Air berkarbonat Séveng yu pi
To lie Menipu, tipu Wakkok, pᶜadoᶜoh
Very white Sangat putih Putuih luih
Very lucky Sangat bertuah Malong sengoti
Yes Ya Awu, Yer
This Ini Ani
That Itu Atu
Long time Lama Batɒh, Lame
Lah Wah
Water Air Aing, Ayo
Later Nanti Karang, Paħ ni
Go home Pulang Muluih, Kelik
Thank you Terima kasih Trimaħ
Anchor Sauh Angkaa
Buyer Pembayar Baiya
Three o'clock Pukul tiga Chirikurok
Four o'clock Pukul empat Hokurok
Fall/Drop Jatuh Dekko, can also say "Jatuh".
-kah, -ker -kaa
To work Kerja Kᶜaraje, Kᶜaroje, Kije
Creek Permatang, Anak sungai Kriki
Go Pergi Peké, Pegi, Gi
Pearl Mutiara Poorr
To come Datang Ratang
No Tidak, Tak Tera, Tɒk, Idɒk
Rain Hujan Ujé
Referring to "What will happen" Merujuk kepada "Akan terjadi" -ya
  • akun - menyerah, setuju, mengaku - give up, agree, confess
  • ampai, tarok - letak - place
  • ampai-ampai - pengsan, hilang kesedaran - faint, lose consciousness
  • ampuħ - lelah, asma - tired, asthma
  • amputᵓ - bersetubuh/berzina - having sex/adultery
  • antaᵓ - pukul - beat
  • bantutᵓ, pundé - pondan/mak nyah/bapok - transvestite/transgender/faggitt
  • bangaħ - basi - stale
  • bangali - orang Bangla - Bangladeshi
  • urusil/burusil - berlari - running
  • batagauː - berkarat - rusty
  • bida - buruk - bad
  • bikin - membuat - make
  • bilang - cakap, berkata - talk, saying
  • biutᵓ - senget, sesuatu yang tidak lurus - a pity, something is not straight
  • bos, beliau, bus - bapa - boss
  • bubutᵓ - kejar - chase
  • buyung, borotᵓ, tontolok - burung (alat kelamin lelaki, zakar) - bird (male genitalia, penis)
  • buduh - bodoh - stupid
  • busung - tulah/ketulahan - plague/beginnings
  • buyuk - tipu (digunakan apabila seseorang bermain permainan secara menipu) contoh : buyuk boh ko ni! - main tipu lah awak ni! - trick (used when someone plays a game cheating)
  • chᶜalane/sᶜalane - seluar - pants
  • chᶜalane katɒk/sᶜalane katɒk - seluar dalam - underwear
  • chevek - awek, teman wanita (dialek Pantai Timur) - girlfriend
  • chincéь - tidak teratur/sambil lewa (Jangé ko chincéь boh buat kᶜaraje!) - irregular/lousy
  • chuik - pinggan kecil - small plate
  • chun - cantik - pretty
  • dioraᵓ/doraᵓ/duraᵓ - mereka - they
  • garitᵓ - calar - scratch
  • gerobɒk - kereta sorong - wheelbarrow
  • hambat/hantam - pukul - beat
  • atu hari, tu hari - hari kelmarin dulu - the day before yesterday
  • jap - tumbukan - punch
  • jap - sekejap - wait
  • jambé - tandas - toilet
  • jambu - jelita - beautiful
  • jangkauː - sauh kapal - anchor
  • jᶜapitᵓ - kepit, sepit - clingy
  • jᶜarɒk - serik - scary
  • chuvuk - skodeng - peek
  • kepayaħ/ppayaħ - buah betik - papaya
  • karan - elektrik - electric
  • mati karan - terputus bekalan elektrik - blackout
  • kasi - beri - give
  • vitau - beritahu - tell
  • ddapaté/ttahué - diketahui orang (perbuatan/kelakuan/perangai) - known to people (acts/behaviors/attitudes)
  • kemari'/mmari' - semalam - yesterday
  • kemari' dulu/mmari' dulu - kelmarin, kelmarin dulu (dialek Pantai Timur) - yesterday
  • kᶜanchaᵓ, panaħ - marah - angry
  • keroyɒk - pukul ramai-ramai - hit the crowd
  • kumato/kumatus - tomato - tomato
  • lilipé/llipé - lipan - centipede
  • limpaᵓ - baring - lie down
  • limpaħ - lepas (masa), lalu, atau lintas (seberang), tumpang lalu - past or cross (across), overlap
  • lugéь-lugéь - tak tentu arah - aimlessly
  • mengkali/kkali - barangkali - probably
  • menganchɒk/nganchɒk - onani - masturbate
  • miring - senget - grinning
  • ngam - sesuai, muat - suitable, fit
  • ngam-ngam(1) - cukup-cukup - enough
  • ngam-ngam(2) - kebetulan - coincidence
  • panchi - periuk - pot
  • palui - bodoh - stupid
  • panchut/ponchit - pancit - flat
  • pantatᵓ - punggung/buntut - butt
  • pandéь/tau- tahu contoh : ko pandéь mai gitauː kaa? - Awak tahu bermain gitar kah? - know
  • ping/véng - minuman sejuk ditambah ais - cold beverages with ice
  • piring - pinggan - plate
  • pistɒk - seluar dalam - underwear
  • pukitai - pukimak - motherfucker
  • pukindetᵓ, pukimbetᵓ - sial, jahanam - fuck, hell
  • rambatᵓ - jala - nets
  • sandiᵓ - teruk - bad
  • sapi - lembu - cow
  • semalaᵓ - malam tadi - last night
  • semberana - diseksa/cuai - tortured/careless
  • siguħ, rukuk - rokok - smoke
  • sikang - sudu - spoon
  • sikul/skula/éskulah - sekolah - school
  • silaka/cilaka - celaka - damn
  • simpé - letak - place
  • siri' - tepi - edge
  • siuk/siok - syok (bahasa percakapan), seronok - shock (conversation language), fun
  • sungké - buka puasa - break fast
  • semandak - gadis cantik - pretty girl
  • tinguk - lihat, tengok - see, look
  • topleħ - bekas Tupperware - Tupperware
  • uina - Digunakan apabila marah pada seseorang (contoh: uina! bagus-bagus ko sana ar!) - Used when angry at someone (example: uina! Good job there!)
  • séndop - sudu (pronounciation - "sen" (cent)) - spoon


Comparison Suffix Prefix or Infix
Standard Phineaner a (ә) an am ang au ai al ak ik ar ir ah s f p ia t ih im in ing ua e (ә) é o b/w f ia
Pyeongrang Phineaner e é aᵓ aᵓ o éь él ɒr/ɒk ir/ik auː ioː ɒh ħ ħ ħ iu tᵓ uih i' i' i' o ᶜa é/i o/u v p é
IPA ə ɛ̃ː/æ̃ arŋ arŋ ɔː ɛ̃ː ɛ̃ːl ɔrʔ/ɔʔ ɪrʔ/ɪʔ ɐɔː ɪɔː ɔh ħ ħ ħ iuə ʔ uɛh iɛ̃ iɛ̃ iɛ̃ ɔ a e/ɪ o/u v/β p ɛ

Sample texts

Standard Phineaner Pyeongrang Phineaner Pronunciation Meaning
Amboi, manis sungguh buah rambutan ini Poh paluih, manih llᶜakaᵓ mukté ani pɔh paluɛh maniɛh lakãŋ muʔtæ̃ ani Wow, the rambutan is too sweet
Kalau kotor seperti ini tidak boleh bersiar-siar Kalo uchᶜarakɒh laguni tɒk leh gi jalé kalɔ uːtʃaɣakɔh laguni toʔ leh gi dʒalaæ If you are dirty like this you cannot go out
Awak kena berubat dengan doktor, berubat dengan bomoh sudah tidak berkesan Awok ni kᶜane bebele dᶜanga dostor, bomo idɒk jalé awɔʔ ni kanə bəbələ daŋa dostɔ bɔmɔ idoʔ dʒalæ You must see the doctor, bomoh's treatment won't heal you
Leka buda-budak bermain galah panjang di atas pasir Sᶜalɒk dɒk-dɒk mae tayang ataħ pasioː salɔʔ dɔʔ-dɔʔ maeəː tajaŋ atah pasɛɔəː The kids are too occupied playing the galah panjang on the sand
Saya tidak suka perangai budak itu Koi idɒk gᶜamauː ke pe'el budɒk atu koj idoʔ gamɔ kə peʕɛ̃ː budɔʔ atu I don't like the child's behavior

See also