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United Isles

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United Isles
Flag of United Isles
[[|85px|Coat of Arms of United Isles|frameless]]
Coat of Arms
Location of United Isles
Map versions
Capital Capitolia
Largest city Riolani, The Lodge
Official language(s) Istvanistani (administrative language)
Official religion(s) No official religion
Demonym United Islander
 - Adjective United Islandish
Government Limited confederacy
 - Representative Pasquale Paoli
 - Legislature Council of the United Isles
Area 852,336 km2
  • Naudia'Diva: 2,750,000 (approx.)
  • Iridian Isles: 744,190
  • Florencia: 1,509,506
  • Total: approx. 5,000,000 (1669)
Currency Natopo (₦) / sovereign (£) / rilha (R$)
United Isles scudo from 1687
Time zone(s) CMT -10
Mains electricity
Driving side left
Track gauge
National website
National forum
National animal
National food
National drink
National tree
Abbreviation UIS

The United Isles was a limited confederal state located in the Cosimo Sea, comprising the Iridian Isles, Naudia'Diva and Florencia.


An uprising against heavy-handed and invasive rule by the UGB authorities on Florencia in VII.1684 quickly spread to the other islands. Although fighting with the Black Legion forces on Florencia was initially fierce, the general lack of effective garrisons on the other islands, together with massive popular support for the rebels, allowed the Iridian Isles and the Isle of Benacia to be liberated rather quickly. On Florencia, the Massacre of Fuconara galvanised opposition to the Black Legion forces and sparked international outrage. A counterattack by the Black Legions against the Isle of Benacia reconquered the territory, while a massive uprising on Naudia'Diva added that island to the secessionist movement. While the Isle of Benacia was retaken by UGB forces and the rebellion there crushed, the UGB forces on Florencia were trapped in the Lapano Pocket. Due to concerns for a massive retaliation, rebels refrained from finishing off the troops. Meanwhile on Naudia'Diva, MoMA Station Sagittarius was placed under siege. In an attempt to reach an accord, the President of Sanama Keysa Nur Pinito Caprici brokered a deal between the islanders, represented by Pasquale Paoli, the UGB and Shireroth. Shireroth retained full control over Station Sagittarius and the UGB secured access to international waters through defined channels, while the United Isles gained independence.

The period of independence would prove to be only fleeting, with the Black Legions restoring UGB sovereignty via interventions on Florencia and Naudia'Diva in 1687, culminating in the signing of the Articles of Capitulation for the United Isles in the fifth month of that year.

It now exists as a cultural nation within the UGB, administered under the Circuit of Jadid Khaz Modan.



The United Isles consist of three distinct island groups. The largest island Florencia is located to the southeast. The island is vaguely rectangular, stretching from west to east. Most of the population live in towns along the coast, while the interior consists of Il-pjanuri ħelwin, the Sweet plains, so named due to the numerous siġra ħelwa, trees that secrete a sweet sap to attract animals, living there. There are two distinct mountain ranges, the Muntanji Caesari and Artijiet ta 'l-Awissu, the Augustine Highlands. The capital of the island, Capitolia, is located on the northern coast.

Iridian Isles

All the Iridian Isles have white sandy beaches and an interior of rolling hills or mountains covered in jungle. The only exception is the southeastern island, which consists of a rocky plateau with grasslands and tropical forests, surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs. On a few places there are stairs carved into the side of the cliffs, on other places there are climbing holds.


Naudia'Diva is a volcanic island. It doesn't have a single volcano but rather several outlets spread across the island. Most outlets are still active. The eruptions provide fertile soil for vegetation and farming, and the island is covered in jungle broken up by banana, pineapple, papaya and coconut farms. The arm of the island spreading to the east was formed during an eruption in 1412 when the lava flow extended into the ocean. It is now an integral part of the island.


Confederal organisation

The confederal government consist of the Council of the United Isles, comprised of three representatives from each nation. The council acts as legislature, judiciary and executive of the United Isles, within the confederal competences. The representatives are called councillors and are appointed according to nation law or custom. The council is divided into three committees of three members, one from each nation, with responsibility for one policy area each. Legislation has to be passed by the entire council, with at least two councillors from each nation voting in the affirmative. There is no confederal court, each nation having its own court system. The chairmanship of the council rotates between the nations every year. The confederal government's only competences are foreign affairs, defence and monetary policy.


Florencia is governed as a merchant republic, headed by the Mulej who is elected by the Kunsill tal-Kosta (Council of the Coast) for life. The Kunsill is elected by the merchant houses and burghers of the island for five-year terms. The farmers of the interior of the island elect the Kamra ta 'l-Għelieqi (Chamber of the Fields) for five-year terms. The Kamra has to be consulted on all issues, and has the power to withhold supplies to the merchant houses and cities along the coast. The Mulej is the head of the executive and is empowered to rule the island on his own accord, but is dependent on the Kunsill for supply. Without such supply, the Mulej can only rely on the funds of his merchant house. The judiciary is independent of both the Mulej and the Kunsill and is primarily set up to solve financial disputes, although a rudimentary criminal court system also exists.

Iridian Isles

The Iridian Isles has no written constitution, instead being governed according to tribal customary law. Each island is ruled by a tribal chief assisted by the elders of the tribe. When needed, the leaders of the four tribes meet to decide on common issues for the entire nation. The tribal council has full authority over all aspects of island life and acts as both legislature and judiciary on the island, with the chief acting as executive. However, as the system is based on custom, the lines between executive, legislative and judicial are blurred. All land on each island is held in communal ownership, with rights to use granted only to tribal members.


Naudia'Diva is as of 1685 ruled as an absolute monarchy with the King possessing all political, administrative and military power.


It is estimated that the United Isles has about five million inhabitants in 1685. National authorities are planning to hold a census during the year to more accurately count the citizens of the new state.


While Istvanistani serves as administrative language on the confederal level, each nation has its own dominant language. Florencian is spoken by most people on Florencia, Iridian dialects on the Iridian Isles, and Istvanistani on Naudia'Diva. A small remnant of the indigenous population on Naudia'Diva, mainly living in the interior of the island, speak Horjinic. In addition to these languages, there are sizeable communities speaking Sanaman, Laqi, Batavian, Praeta and various other languages.