Unofficial Micras Football World Championships

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Current Champions
Craitland Craitland
Title Gained
5 September 2012: 1–0 vs. Tellia Tellia, Friendly,
Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees, Craitland
Title defences
21 November 2012: 1–1 vs. Nova England Nova England, Friendly,
Oesst Harbór Arenä, Osĵätoņ, Craitland
30 January 2013: 2–1 vs. Tiana Tiana, 2013 FMF World Cup qualification,
Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees, Craitland
27 February 2013: 5–0 vs. Lolland Lolland, 2013 FMF World Cup qualification,
Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees, Craitland
27 March 2013: 1–1 vs. Normark Normark, 2013 FMF World Cup qualification,
Den Norske Nasjonal Fotballstadion, Konungsheim, Normark
10 April 2013: 0–0 vs. Tiana Tiana, 2013 FMF World Cup qualification,
Estadio del Pato, Vancona, Tiana
8 May 2013: 4–0 vs. Lolland Lolland, 2013 FMF World Cup qualification,
Stadio Stardel, Clover, Lolland
5 June 2013: 1–0 vs. Normark Normark, 2013 FMF World Cup qualification,
Oesst Whiteside, Cherry Trees, Craitland
Next defence
22 June 2013: vs. Senya Senya, Friendly,
Revolution Road, Jogasim, Senya

The Unofficial Micras Football World Championships (UMFWC) is an informal way of calculating Micras' "best" football team, using a knock-out title system similar to that used in boxing and wrestling, based on the real-life Unofficial Football World Championships.

Despite being maintained by FMF President Craitman H. Pellegrino, the UMFWC is not sanctioned by the FMF, nor does it have any sort of official backing.


  • The first team to win an international football match were declared first ever Unofficial Micras Football World Champions. This was Taesong, who defeated New South Vietnam 4–0 in 2006 in the opening match of the 2006 FMF World Cup
  • The next full international (defined as an FMF-accredited international "A" match) involving the title holder is considered a title match, with the winners taking the title.
    • In the event of a title match being a draw, the current holders of the title remain champions. UMFWC title matches are decided by their ultimate outcome, including extra time and penalties.
  • Title matches are contested under the rules of the governing body which they are sanctioned by.


Entries in gold indicate that for at least part of the reign, the "title" holder was also FMF World Cup holder.

Holders Date won Date lost Matches held Days held
Taesong Taesong 21 December 2006 4 January 2007 4 14
Beaugium Beaugium 4 January 2007 11 August 2007 7 219
New-Empire New-Empire 11 August 2007 16 August 2007 1 5
Alexandria Alexandria 16 August 2007 22 August 2007 1 6
Craitland Craitland 22 August 2007 30 October 2007 10 69
Riponia Riponia 30 October 2007 4 November 2007 1 5
Passas Passas 4 November 2007 4 October 2008 16 335
Craitland Craitland 4 October 2008 5 August 2009 7 305
Passas Passas 5 August 2009 16 October 2009 4 72
Nova England Nova England 16 October 2009 24 October 2009 2 8
Alexandria Alexandria 24 October 2009 7 August 2010 10 287
Stormark Stormark 7 August 2010 17 August 2010 2 10
Toketi Toketi 17 August 2010 21 August 2010 1 4
Craitland Craitland 21 August 2010 24 June 2011 7 307
Interland Interland 24 June 2011 21 August 2011 5 58
Hamland Hamland 21 August 2011 1 September 2011 3 11
Craitland Craitland 1 September 2011 22 February 2012 2 174
Hamland Hamland 22 February 2012 4 April 2012 3 42
Uantir Uantir 4 April 2012 18 April 2012 1 14
Indokistan Indokistan 18 April 2012 16 May 2012 2 28
Hamland Hamland 16 May 2012 28 June 2012 3 43
Incontinentia Incontinentia 28 June 2012 1 July 2012 1 3
Kyō-Jima Kyō-Jima 1 July 2012 4 July 2012 1 3
Craitland Craitland 4 July 2012 14 July 2012 2 10
Tellia Tellia 14 July 2012 5 September 2012 8 53
Craitland Craitland 5 September 2012 Holders 6 245

Up to their most recent "title" defence.


Rank Country Matches as
Days as
Reigns as
Title last held
1 Craitland Craitland 34 1110 6 Current
2 Passas Passas 20 407 2 16 October 2009
3 Alexandria Alexandria 11 293 2 7 August 2010
4 Hamland Hamland 9 96 3 28 June 2012
5 Tellia Tellia 8 53 1 5 September 2012
6 Beaugium Beaugium 7 219 1 11 August 2007
7 Interland Interland 5 58 1 21 August 2011
8 Taesong Taesong 4 14 1 4 January 2007
9 Indokistan Indokistan 2 28 1 16 May 2012
10 Stormark Stormark 2 10 1 17 August 2010
11 Nova England Nova England 2 8 1 24 October 2009
12 Uantir Uantir 1 14 1 18 April 2012
13 Riponia Riponia 1 5 1 4 November 2007
14 New-Empire New-Empire 1 5 1 16 August 2007
15 Toketi Toketi 1 4 1 21 August 2010
16 Kyō-Jima Kyō-Jima 1 3 1 4 July 2012
17 Incontinentia Incontinentia 1 3 1 1 July 2012

Up to their most recent "title" defence.