Kalgachi Orders of Council
The following is a list of the more prominent orders issued by the Council of Perfecti, the supreme executive of the Garden of Kalgachia. It comprises only a fraction of the Perfecti's rulings, the majority of which are issued to specific authorities and in many cases are classified Sub Juniperus. As a result, only orders of national or diplomatic importance are featured on the official roll.
Date | Decree Title | Text |
Helloday Summerise 20th, 220 AL | Northern Border Controls | WHEREAS the regal proclivities of the Amokolian sovereign as they pertain to the manifest policy of that realm are recently reported to include the active enablement and indulgence of alien colonial forces on the Benacian continent, AND WHEREAS such wilful repudiation of the Goltz Doctrine of continental self-determination, the foundational consensus of Benacian diplomacy inscribed with the blood of our Ashkenatzan forebears on Amokolia's very own soil, is a development not necessarily in the interests of the Garden nor the wider symbiotic harmony of the Benacian continent, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI instructs the defence and security organs of the Garden of Kalgachia and its Protectorate of Northbloom to implement and maintain a full and immediate closure of the border adjoining their respective jurisdictions to the Kingdom of Amokolia, assisted to the maximum extent practicable by other organs of governance. 2. Kalgachi and Northbloomer authorities are each authorised and instructed to solicit and accept from the other, any and all mutual assistance as may be required in the implementation and maintenance of a functional Amokolian border closure coherent across both jurisdictions. 3. The application of lethal force, without prior warning, to violators of the Amokolian border on Kalgachi/Northbloomer soil is authorised. 4. The Kalgachi delegation to the Military Coordination Council at Stonetree are instructed to initiate discussions with their Raspur Pact counterparts concerning the coordinated implementation of a pan-Benacian containment policy against such common civilisational threats as may hypothetically emerge from the territory of a compromised Amokolian government.
Thanksday Summerise 18th, 220 AL | Church Statement upon the Deliverance of the Upland Confederation | WHEREAS the Garden of Kalgachia has, in the Slavegate Convention, obtained an agreement with the Raspur Pact upon the cessation of hostilities in the Upland Confederation and a mutual acknolowdgement of territorial interests in the post-Dolmen space, AND WHEREAS this development has far-reaching and greatly beneficial implications of which all Kalgachia ought to be appraised, AND WHEREAS the valour and sacrifice of the Kalgachi Defence Force, particularly its Kossar regiments, are worthy of the deepest recognition for bringing about such a favourable state of affairs, 1. The COUNCIL OF PERFECTI hereby releases a public statement contained in the Schedule to This Order, from Our Sovereign Brother the Perfectus of the Church of Kalgachia. 2. The Directorate of Education and Outreach is instructed to circulate the statement of Our Sovereign Brother through all news organs of the Kalgachi media. +++ Schedule 1 - Statement by the Perfectus of the Church of Kalgachia upon the cessation of hostilities in the Upland Condeferation Children of the Garden, The greater number of you will be aware that recently, in the town of Slavegate, representatives of the Raspur Pact met with our Garden's executive, military and diplomatic leadership to bring about a cessation of armed hostilities with the Unified Governorates of Benacia on the outer frontiers of the Upland Confederation. The Convention resulting from those negotiations allows the administration of that valiant ally of Shrubdom, the Ataman Ҳazedinov, to retain those territorial holdings obtained with the blood of his brave Laqkozaki and, indeed, the children of our own mountain Garden who were dispatched to the aid of his people. Whilst we mourn those whom the Garden has lost in this just campaign, it is the judgement of none other than Our Lord Salvator in Jollity that jollity is indeed warranted at its outcome. Jollity, in the first instance, for the plight of the Black Laqi who have been spared the greater part of the archonic wrath poured out upon their Red Laqi cousins east of Schlepogora. They who stood in defence of our Shrubly name in the days of the Dolmen, to the ridicule and enmity of their peers, have now yielded the fruit of deliverance from the archonic talon; for the Fifth Law of the Garden determined that this was our debt unto them. Glory unto the name of the Shrub and his Salvators, then, for the radiance of their example has lit a path through the Tumultuous Wastes and guided us to do what the Garden requires. There shall be cultivation ahead, yea, and all children and friends of Shrubdom shall partake of its fruits. Still more righteous of our men and women at arms is the deliverance of the Benefactor Races, the Deep Singers and Nezeni of Lepidopterum and Lithead, from proximity to the Nationalist-Humanist horde who would slaughter them to the last orphaned infant if only the briefest chance availed itself. Banished for our time is the spectre of aggression, provocation and decoherence of the spirit upon the borders of those lands. It is for the deliverance of the hinterland Benefactors that the liberation of the Upland Confederation is an event beyond the realm of mere military maneouvre - it is a salvational act mandated from the Garden Ketheric itself, wrought by the faithful Kalgachi who fortify that Garden's periphery in this blasted world and have a shared interest in its defence. Here too does the Fifth Law come into effect, for the debt of all Kalgachia to the Deep Singers is everlasting; their works are of such significance in the righteous life of our nation, in our very genetic composition, that neither the Tee-al nor the Crystal Death will ever suffice to part us from the children of the Broodmother. To the end of time, then, we shall stand or fall together - for this is the course on which history has set us. In the valour and devotion of our armed forces during this campaign, it would be remiss of us to overlook those of the Pesakhnik creed - the sons of Jacob whose most valiant number comprise the Kossars of our Kalgachi Defence Force - for it is they who were first into the fray when the Black Laqi called for aid. It is they who ventured atop ruined forts to scour the skies for enemy aircraft. It is they who hauled artillery to the forward lines and offered furious reply to the raids of the Black Legions. It is they who suffered losses the longest. And yet...! What became of the dire predictions of defection and rout? These rootless cosmopolitians, these aristocrats of the human race, these pedestrians of the sea, where did we see the betrayal and reversion to archonic type that was feared of them? It was forgotten by a great many it seems, that their tribe has known such malice in antiquity as can scarcely be imagined; to the plight of our people, and especially the posthuman Benefactor Races, events have proven that the Yehudim of Bergburg have cultivated within themselves a protective affinity. It has been learned in military circles quickly enough; Kossars are being promoted already. For the first time, rogatywka caps rest on the map tables of the General Staff. The First Law of the Garden mandates that all life be allotted the fullest niche it can occupy, and many a hero has returned from the Uplands deserving of a deeper station in life. Consider this when you next meet a serving soldier or a demobilised reservist. By their valour and determination, the soldiers of Shrubdom have brought the Black Legions to terms. They have secured peace in our time. In the forts and trenches of the Upland Confederation the long humiliation of the Great Replantings, begun with the flight of the Shrub from Shirekeep and culminated in the rout of our forefathers to these Octavian mountains, has at long last met its limit and begun to recede. After revolution, collapse, after hunger and privation, the final trial awaiting Shrubdom was its defence by force of arms against a powerful adversary. Our armed forces have stepped forward to this trial and been found worthy, and all the Garden with them. Although our children may face this trial again, perhaps of a ferocity that wipes the present victory from memory, we now know that it can be done. And what is more, the Gubernatorials know it can be done - the wave of chaos and destruction that precedes them, that has masticated so many other populations of our Benacian continent for easy digestion in the tradition of their Shirerithian forebears, has failed to break us down. Those accustomed for centuries to the harrying of the disparate and leaderless have found us equipped, informed, prepared, and able to impose greater damage to their strength than is worth paying for the vain objectives of continental hegemony or the extermination of benign races. And so they have offered peace, not out of charity but out of necessity. And this is all we require of them. So I beseech you, in the name of the Shrub and His Salvators, be thankful to our armed multitudes and the Garden that nourished their souls to life. By their gift you may go forth in jollity this day, for the Garden remains!
Orders made before 220 AL are archived below: