Kalgachi Orders of Council/The 160s
Date | Decree Title | Text |
Helloday Winterfall 11th, 169 AL | Ratification and Implementation of the Sterklucht Agreement | WHEREAS The Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes has negotiated with the Kasterburg Republic the Sterklucht Agreement on Airspace Security, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI by this instrument ratifies into effect the Sterklucht Agreement on Airspace Security as given in Schedule 1 of this Order. 2. In fulfilment of the Agreement's first provision, the following will be undertaken: a) The Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning is instructed to commence the production of one hundred (100) units to Filed Specification M168-00795 (Dandelion SAM Unit, Quad-Rail, Truck-Mounted, For Export) as given in Schedule 2 of this Order, including an adequate stock of munitions, and assemble them for export to the Kasterburg Republic. b) The Kalgachi Defence Force is instructed to muster and make available a cadre of instructors from the Bergburg School of Air Defence, Electronic Warfare and Military Intelligence to accompany the exported units and instruct the Kasterburg Volksarmee on their proper use. 3. The DLEP/DTW Standing Committee on Foreign Trade is instructed to clear, by year's end 170 AL, all arrears in foreign debt accrued in the year 169 AL due to transit delays arising from the closure of ungoverned airspace on the Poroly coast. +++ Schedule 1 - the Sterklucht Agreement on Airspace Security THE STERKLUCHT AGREEMENT ON AIRSPACE SECURITY The Garden of Kalgachia and the Kasterburg Republic, Having a mutual interest in the secure and efficient administration of sovereign airspace, commit by this Agreement to the following: 1. The Garden of Kalgachia shall provide to the Kasterburg Republic one hundred truck-mounted units of the Dandelion surface-to-air missile system, with the undertaking that the maintenance of said units in working order and their provision with adequate munitions be assured by the Garden of Kalgachia without any levy beyond the means of this agreement. 2. The Kasterburg Republic shall allow the overflight of civil aviation assets of the Garden of Kalgachia through the sovereign airspace of the Kasterburg Republic, expressly conditional upon the prior submission of individual flight plans or regular flight timetables by the relevant Kalgachi air operator to the relevant authorities of the Kasterburg Republic and their approval thereby. 3. The Garden of Kalgachia shall provide to the Kasterburg Republic one thousand Kalgarrand per annum Libertatis as a fee for the use of Kasterburg airspace. 4. This agreement may be suspended in part or in full by either signatory with written notification. 5. This agreement becomes void upon its formal renunciation by either signatory.SIGNED FOR THE GARDEN OF KALGACHIA |
Byeday Winterfall 5th, 169 AL | Accomodation of Nova English Residents | WHEREAS the Witan of the Kingdom of Nova England has ratified the visa waiver agreement negotiated with the Garden of Kalgachia in the Year of our Liberation One Hundred and Sixty Two, AND WHEREAS said agreement is consequently in a position to be implemented in Kalgachia, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI by this Order ratifies the 162 AL Agreement between the Kingdom of Nova England and the Garden of Kalgachia on the Short-Stay Visa Waiver and effects its provisions as follows: a) Accredited citizens of the Kingdom of Nova England may enter and stay without a visa in the territory of the Garden of Kalgachia for a maximum period of sixty days during a year long period Gregorian following the date of first entry. b) Accredited citizens of the Kingdom of Nova England between the ages of eighteen and thirty years may, if fulfulling the necessary conditions, obtain a work permit lawfully extending their stay within Kalgachia for the duration of their employment. c) In special cases the stay of authorised Nova English residents in Kalgachia may be extended beyond the maximum period upon the approval of the Prefects of the Garden. 2. That part of the 162 AL Nova English-Kalgachi Visa Agreement referring to the provisions of Article the Third of the pre-166 AL Oktavyan Code concerning the prohibition of foreign ruling lineages, shall in its implementation be interpreted to refer to the entirety of Chapter the Fourth of the 166 AL revision of said Code concerning general conditions of faith and nationality, or subsequent revisions thereof. 3. Violation of the life status or bodily integrity of Nova English residents by private citizens or authorities of any jurisdictional tier within Kalgachia is prohibited. Any provison of the Oktavyan Code to the contrary is superceded by this Order. Nova English residents found to be violating Kalgachi law or public order shall be brought in tribunal before the Abbot of the relevant March and upon conviction be expelled from Kalgachia. 4. The provisions of this Order shall not prejudice the residency of accredited Nova English diplomats within Kalgachia, which is subject exclusively to the Oktavyan Code and the provisions of diplomatic immunity contained therein.
Thanksday Winterhigh 29th, 168 AL | Formalised Relations with the Kasterburger Republic | WHEREAS the Kasterburger Republic has been gracious enough to furnish the Garden of Kalgachia with a dedicated envoy in the person of His Excellency the Alderman Hendrik Ostenbrück, compelling under the norms of civilised discourse between nations a reciprocal appointment to Kasterburg by the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes, AND WHEREAS the Kasterburger Republic has further been gracious in its acknowledgement of the work of the Kalgachi Defence Force and security complex to protect its ongoing expansion into the Benacian interior from the attentions of rogue fauna and itinerant brigands, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI acknowledges and accepts the credence of Envoy Ostenbrück to represent the Kasterburger Republic before the Kalgachi government, and confers unto his person and retinue the following: a) the full body of diplomatic rights and privileges given in Chapter the Sixth, Article the First of the Oktavyan Code. b) the plot of land at 232 Cathartic Climb, Oktavyan City, comprising six hundred and forty square metres of ground and the derelict two-storey hovel presently standing thereon, with rights to construct a diplomatic residence and mission premises no greater than twenty-four metres above or six metres beneath the plot's prevailing 1:4 surface gradient. 2. One Ms. Harriet Tallong of the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes is appointed, empowered and politely requested to represent the Garden of Kalgachia as Emissary before the government of the Magistraat in Kasterburg, subject to the acceptance of her credentials by same. 3. In deference to the recent expansion of the Kasterburger Republic's sovereign territory across the entirety of the Poroly Gap, all land passage or overflight by Kalgachi entities across said territory without the express invitation of the Kasterburg government is prohibited with immediate effect.
Rustleday Winterhigh 18th, 167 AL | Assistance to the Kasterburg Republic | WHEREAS the nascent Kasterburg Republic has been greatly afflicted by incursions from the ever-troublesome Tyrannocricetus aliger, AND WHEREAS the Lord Lieutenant of Lithead has drawn the attention of this Council to the desire of his Nezeni subjects, burdened in spirit by the reckless creation of the aforesaid beast by their Deep Singer ancestors, to offer Kalgachia's assistance in the matter, AND WHEREAS the Lord Lieutenant of Abrek and the Lady Lieutenant of Schlepogora have similarly expressed concern at the raiding actions of unaligned Laqi bandits into Kasterburg from the ungoverned Green, considering such actions a taint upon the honour of the greater Laqi nation, AND WHEREAS it is incumbent upon the Garden of Kalgachia to prove its beneficient intentions to folk whom might otherwise succumb wholly to malodorous Nationalist-Humanist propaganda, AND WHEREAS the Magistrate of the Kasterburg Republic has accepted Kalgachia's offer of assistance, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI instructs the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning to commence the production of four hundred (400) Tankbegone 100mm anti-tank guns, as used by the Kossars and Infantry of the Kalgachi Defence Force, for export to Kasterburg. 2. The Kasterburg export model of the Tankbegone shall be constructed for towed transport in mind, with the following specifications: a) that its components be cast, milled and welded to eliminate all pack-transportation capability and preclude any modification to such function without unfeasibly heavy expenditure of labour and resources. b) that its alignment of wheels, frame and barrel be adjusted such that the gun's centre of gravity is shifted to a point difficult to secure or surround with airlift hitches, c) that its export to Kasterburg be limited to forty (40) units per annum Libertatis with its pursuit to conclusion entrusted to the sustenance of cordial relations between the Kasterburg Republic and the Garden of Kalgachia, and the continued commitment of the former to the cause of sovereign self-determination. 3. The export of Tankbegones to Kasterburg shall be accompanied by blueprints and tooling for production of its ammunition, together with a written and illustrated tactical summary of KDF experience in its use against the Tee-al. 4. KDF cossack units currently operating in Southwestern Poroly, namely the 1st and 2nd Squadrons of the 3rd Cossack Regiment Shumyanov, shall with immediate effect cease and desist from the following: a) repropriation of goods from areas now within the borders of the Kasterburg Republic. b) violation of the borders of the Kasterburg Republic in any form whatsoever without the express invitation of its ruling Magistrate. 5. The 1st and 2nd Shumyanov Squadrons shall commence raiding actions against any encampments or formations of unaligned bandits suspected of raiding Kasterburg territory, and transfer any goods found to be stolen from Kasterburg to the administration of its ruling Magistrate for return to their original owners. The KDF is furthermore instructed instructed to deploy the remainder of the 3rd Cossack Regiment Shumyanov to the area, with fire support from the 7th and 8th Squadrons of the 2nd Kossar Regiment Ha-Esh Volyri and air cover from the 15th Whirdlebirb Squadron, under the auspices of Operation Beefsteak. 6. The movements and plans of forces involved in Operation Beefsteak shall be notified in full to the Sxiro-Kalgachi Military Coordination Council for the purposes of deconfliction with Shirerithian assets operating in the area.
Byeday Winterhigh 10th, 166 AL | Code Reform | WHEREAS certain aspects of provincial bylaw in Kalgachia have become so ubiquitous that they can now be adopted on a national level, AND WHEREAS The Lords Lieutenant have requested central codification of certain capital crimes and their punishments to avoid embarrassing mismatches in judicial proceedings across Kalgachia's many Parishes, AND WHEREAS it has become necessary to acknowledge and incorporate certain initiatives of the Troglodyti lest they escalate to the level of breakaway civilisation, AND WHEREAS Code reform on miscellaneous other matters has been somewhat overdue, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI hereby amends the Oktavyan Code to the Winterhigh 10th, 166 Revision, concerned primarily with formalising and further establishing the manifest chthonarchy of the Kalgachi bureaucracy on judicial proceedings, currency standards, land rights, religious and nationality matters, diplomatic immunity and subsurface habitation. 2. The Winterhigh 10th, 166 Revision of the Oktavyan Code attains immediate effect from the publication of this Order.
Thanksday Winterise 14th, 164 AL | Final Cessation of Froyalanish Labour Imports | WHEREAS the production licence agreement between the The Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning and Assayer Armaments of Shirerithian Goldshire of the format mandated in the year 155 Anno Libertatis has, in light of Kalgachia's recent and enlighted emancipation of its Froyalanish population, as well as the managed withering of the Froyalanish population of Goldshirian Wintergleam, encountered difficulties with regard to the continued palatability of accepting bonded Froyalanish labourers as payment and the sourcing of reliable specimens of same from within Goldshire, AND WHEREAS Assayer Armaments has offered a substitute means of recompense for its licensed production of Kalgachi small arms, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI instructs the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning to accept the proffered licence from Assayer Armaments to produce the Model 6719 heavy semi-automatic rifle within the DLEP's deep-level munitions factories, adhering to a production limit of one hundred articles per annum Nortone in harmonious alignment with that established for the production of Kalgachi arms by Assayer Armaments. 2. All Kalgachi production of the Model 6719 will be allotted to the Special Purpose Regiment of the The Kalgachi Defence Force for trials and operational acceptance.
Rustleday Harvestfall 28th, 162 AL | Winter Holidays | WHEREAS the elder generations of Kalgachia continue to lament the lost delights of the Minarborian festive season, specifically the Day of the Dead and Lichmas Day, AND WHEREAS the Council of Perfecti, despite its latter enlightenment in the Ketherist faith, unanimously continues to believe in the personification of this festival, namely the undead bringer of wintertide gifts LORD TOASTYPOPS, he who remains Lord Lieutenant of Jollity in absentia and whose name and memory gladdens the blackest of hearts even to the present day, AND WHEREAS his message of cheerfulness and simple amity is much needed as the acrid smoke of war darkens the skies of all Micras, AND WHEREAS the jollity of the common folk remains their chief weapon against the pervasive cynicism through which the Archons of Irredeemable Corruption enyoke the unwary, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI henceforth proclaims the successive days of Harvestfall 30th and Winterise 1st to comprise the Feast of Lord Toastypops, wherein the first day concerns the remembrance of our fallen ancestors and the giving of thanks for their travails which, since the very first sprouting of Minarbor have helped to obtain the resplendent liberties presently enjoyed by the Kalgachi people in the face of spectres imperial - the second day being devoted to the exchange of gifts, the company of friends, and the enjoyment of these things in accordance with the will of our departed ancestors and of Lord Toastypops himself. 2. All employers in the Garden of Kalgachia shall, for the duration of the Feast of Lord Toastypops, refrain from non-essential duties such that the greatest possible portion of their workforce can be afforded leave to enjoy the occasion. Hortus Manet.
Pleaseday Harvestfall 17th, 161 AL | Froyalanish Emancipation | WHEREAS the Froyalanish population of Kalgachia, by hard and honest toil for the betterment of the Kalgachi nation over several years, has achieved some measure of redemption from the historical disgrace of enabling the rapacious excesses of their erstwhile Storish king in Elwynn, and in doing so has repaid much of its wider moral debt to the sovereign peoples of Benacia, YET WHEREAS their reward, while doubtless due, requires great care and diligence in its implimentation to prevent economic disruption and socio-memetic blowback, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI instructs all Kalgachi employers to release their contingent of Froyalanish labourers from bondage no later than the end of the year 162 Anno Libertatis. 2. Froyalaners thus freed are to be offered formal citizenship of Kalgachia. Those accepting may retain their previous employment on a voluntary basis or else seek alternative employment as they wish, remunerated by a minimum wage of one Millirand per hour. Those declining Kalgachi citizenship are to be escorted to the Kalgachi frontier and released into the ungoverned Green. 3. For the purposes of ethnic parity, the minimum wage of one Millirand per hour is extended to all Kalgachi workers. 4. All importation of Froyalanish labourers from beyond Kalgachia is terminated, as are all exports purchased with such, with the exception of those Froyalaners obtained through the Assayer Armaments contract who shall be released from their bondage upon arrival in Kalgachia and processed per Item 2 of this order. 5. Froyalaners arriving in Kalgachia by any means shall continue to be detained and sterilised before their release into the general population. Married couples comprising no more than one sterilised Froyalaner may, however, adopt children under the full and rigorous supervision of the Church of Kalgachia. 6. The practice of the Vanic religion by any person within Kalgachia, including any invocation of Vanic deities or maxims arising from idiomatic expressions in the Froyalanish tongue, remains a capital crime to be tried by Lord Lieutenant's tribunal with a minimum sentence of underground confinement without the right of correspondence. Vanic proselytisation by any person within Kalgachia remains a capital crime to be met upon reasonable suspicion of guilt by the immediate and unceremonious termination of the offender by the nearest private citizen or person of authority physically capable of carrying out the act, who shall transfer the remains of the condemned with all due expedition to the secure custody of the local Parish Credent, thence at the earliest possible convenience to the Troglodyti who shall conduct the appropriate rituals of banishment and warding upon said remains before their final disposal. 7. Parishes with a majority Mishalanski population are closed to Froyalaners for the latter's own safety.