Kalgachi Orders of Council/The 150s
Date | Decree Title | Text |
Byeday Harvestrise 30th, 156 AL | Ratification of the Slavegate Treaty | WHEREAS certain written undertakings to refrain from military aggression have been obtained from the Imperial Republic of Shireroth in the form of the Slavegate Treaty of Peace and Civility, AND WHEREAS this does not necessarily exorcise the spectre of Shirerithian invasion yet does give pause to hawkish elements in Shirekeep by significantly increasing the level of legal and moral turpitude required to perform such a heinous act, thus representing a net good to the Garden of Kalgachia, AND WHEREAS certain legal entities incorporated by the aforesaid treaty are liable to afford further benefit to the Garden of Kalgachia, AND WHEREAS the reciprocal commitments of the Garden of Kalgachia in the service of the aforesaid treaty are judged to be of negligible harm to the free exercise of Kalgachi sovereignty in view of the benefits obtained, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI duly enacts and declares the ratification of the Slavegate Treaty of Peace and Civility on behalf of the Garden of Kalgachia. 2. The copy of the aforesaid treaty so ratified by the Council of Perfecti is to be conveyed to the town of Slavegate in the Lieutenancy of Katarsis where, in accordance with the provisions of the treaty, it will remain until it can be released into the custody of officials of the Shirerithian Ministry of the Exterior in exchange for the Shirerithian copy ratified by the Landsraad. 3. One Konstantin Shazarovich Rufin, Chief Emissary of the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes, is granted a bounty of One Hundred Kalgarrand in recognition of his work upon the aforesaid treaty.
Byeday Harvestrise 20th, 155 AL | Issuance of Armaments Production Licence | WHEREAS a market for boutique firearms has arisen elsewhere on the Benacian continent, AND WHEREAS it is incumbent upon the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning to diversify the Kalgachi export portfolio as it matures through the stages of Minarborian asset recovery and Froyalanish labour savings such that the improvement of the Kalgachi standard of living is sustained, AND WHEREAS the export of boutique firearms does not necessarily emperil national security as was the case with certain larger armaments contracts during the Minarborian era, 1. THE COUNCIL OF PERFECTI hereby authorises the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning to issue licence for Assayer Armaments of Shireroth to put the Fischer-Preiss No.1 Semi-automatic carbine back into production, retaining all aspects of walnut stock, differential tempering, hand-tooling and milling which distinguish that model from its cheaper cousins. 2. The Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning is authorised and commanded to marshal such experienced gunsmiths from Kalgachi munitions factories as are necessary to establish a new production regime for the Fischer-Preiss No.1, and to dispatch them to the Shirerithian city of Avakair with such critical blueprints, tooling and dies as are necessary for same, their passage facilitated wherever possible and diplomatically appropriate by assets of the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes. 3. The licence is issued on the condition that Assayer Armaments limits production of the Fischer-Preiss No.1 to one hundred articles per annum Nortone. 4. The Council of Perfecti graciously accepts the sum of one Ryker (100 persons) of contractually-obliged Froyalanish labourers per annum Nortone offered by Assayer Armaments as a licence fee. The individuals concerned shall be integrated within the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning's Central Labour Pool and assigned as the Directorate sees fit. 5. Pursuant to the requests of certain gentlemen of numismatic expertise in the Avakair locality, the visiting delegation of Kalgachi gunsmiths shall release into the posession of said gentlemen a gratuity of one Kalgarrand plus one coin of each Kalgarrand subdenomination, such that their metallurgical qualities can be assessed and confirmed in the interests of wider numismatic integrity.
Rustleday Harvestrise 3rd, 154 AL | Statement on the Xhusor Independence Referendum | WHEREAS it has recently become fashionable for nations to pass comment on the prospect of an Independence Referendum in the restive Florian province of Xhusor, NOTWITHSTANDING the fate of the Apollonian peoples being of near-zero cultural or geopolitical relevance to the Garden of Kalgachia, a landlocked Benacian state, and OBSERVING that other Micran powers do not appear to consider their own distance from the situation to be in any way an obstacle to the lodgement of official comment, AND WHEREAS the Kalgachi state, transitioning as it is from the existentially perilous to the comfortably bureaucratic, has nothing better to do at this time, 1. The COUNCIL of PERFECTI hereby authorises and commands the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes to convey a statement on the Xhusor Independence Referendum to such foreign media organisations as are willing to report it. 2. The Directorate of Education and Outreach is similarly authorised and commanded to broadcast said statement on the hourly news programme of Summit 1 Radio. 3. The content of said statement shall be as follows: + + + For all the shock tactics and barbarism of the Xhusor Liberation Army, it must not be forgotten that regional seperatism is ultimately a manifestation of a government's failure to provide for the moral and material welfare of a given population - whether by ethnic bigotry, technocratic indifference or sheer incompetence. That the Florian Republic's oversight in this regard has festered long enough to provoke armed uprising can only reflect badly on the government of that Republic, and indicates above all other things an accumulation of metropolitan hubris which has long since exceeded the bounds of sustainability. That the more moderate seperatists of Xhusor have, by announcing an independence referendum, made a noble attempt to divert the frustrations of Xhusor's people into a more peaceful form is to be commended - that the Florian government has chosen to respond by deploying troops to prevent such an initiative effectively signals its refusal to resolve the situation by peaceful means, forcing the people of Xhusor to commit fully to armed conflict as the only means of expressing themselves. One can only assume that this sequence of events has been deliberately set in motion by powerful elements within the Florian deep state, representing whatever passes for a military-industrial complex in that nation and standing to gain immensely in wealth and influence as a result of the Xhusor conflict's continuation. The only other explanation for so openly crushing Xhusor's only hope of peace would be strategic stupiudity of the highest order. Being far removed from events on the ground however, the Garden of Kalgachia remains undecided as to which of these scenarios is applicable in Xhusor's case.
Pleaseday Summerhigh 29th, 150 AL | The Two Year Plan of 150-152 AL | WHEREAS the recent expansion of the Kalgachi frontier, comprising an approximate doubling of Kalgachia's territorial holdings, shall require renewed effort in development of effective governance unprecedented since the snowflake banner was first raised on the summit of Mount Octavian, 1. The COUNCIL OF PERFECTI hereby confers upon each principal institution of the Garden of Kalgachia a second TWO YEAR PLAN, to be effected in its greater part within two years Anno Libertatis of this order, as follows: a) For the Troglodyti, objectives occluded which are witheld from the public versions of this order. b) For the Church of Kalgachia, (i) the completion of the subdivision of the Lieutenancies of Jollity, Schlepogora, Lithead and Bergburg into Marches and Parishes in accordance with local conditions, and (ii) with regard to the unique religious heritage of Bergburg, the incorporation of those elements of ancient Ashkenatzi ritual as would be viable in syncretic subjection to the Ketherist faith in accordance with Chapter the Third, Article the Second of the Oktavyan Code. c) For the Kalgachi Defence Force, (i) the systematic recruitment, training and mobilisation of the settled and itinerant populations of the newly-acquired Lieutenancies into local KDF regiments, (ii) the strengthening of informal contacts between the command of the Special Purpose Regiment and anti-Froyalanic elements within Mishalan, chiefly those serving with the Konkordskaya Bratva, the Provisional Mishalanski Government and sympathetic organs of the Imperial Shirerithian government, with a view to the co-ordination of long-term contingencies against legal and/or kinetic attempts by the Elwynnese Union and its Froyalanic suzerains to reverse the ongoing liberation of Mishalan from Vanic dominion. d) For the Prefecti, the assumption of responsibility for Kalgachia's border controls and immigration process, entailing the establishment and resourcing of all neccesary administrative organs both public and occluded. e) For the Directorate of Public Works, (i) the construction of secure underground barracks and depots for new military units arising from the implementation of the abovegiven KDF obligations, (ii) the construction and/or repair of elementary roads connecting the newly-acquired Lieutenancies with Kalgachia's central territories, and (iii) commencement of tunnelling operations for an underground railway loop connecting the cities of Katarsis, Bergburg and Jollity, for civil and military use, incorporating about its approximate centre a series of deep-level installations intended for continuity of governance in the event of the destabilisation or loss of Kalgachia's eastern territories, under the codename WESTNEST. f) For the Directorate of Labour and Economic Planning, (i) the priority assignment of Kalgachia's strategic labour reserve to arable cultivation or herding on the tillable hill country and pastures of Schlepogora, Lithead and Bergburg, sufficient to bring about the conclusive end of the Kalgachi Hunger Problem, plus (ii) the rationalisation of Kalgachia's gold mining assets with a view to the production, assay and secure stockpiling of bullion at a minimum rate of 150 metric tonnes per year, and the assemblage of all necessary assets and protocols for the use of said reserves in international trade. g) For the Directorate of Education and Public Outreach, (i) the development of HF-spectrum transmission technology sufficiently refined to permit the ionospheric skip propagation of a clear 625-line television signal, such that the entirety of Kalgachia and its limitrophes can be reached without the difficulties of line-of-sight UHF propagation and/or the costly construction of a cable network in Kalgachia's rough topography, precedent to (ii) the establishment of a radio-televisual media complex for the dissemination of wholesome information, education and entertainment to the Kalgachi people and their Benacian neighbours, affording (iii) a duplication of any resulting transmission apparatus for miscellaneous high-power uses by the electronic warfare units of the Kalgachi Defence Force, under the codename AISTNAKRYSHE. h) For the Directorate of Health and Public Welfare, (i) organisation of the agricultural labour force assigned to newly-acquired territories by the DLEP, the oversight of resulting food production and the distribution of said food in a manner most efficient to arrest the nutritional deficiencies of given communities, plus (ii) the establishment of "Smile Because it Happened," a programme of psychiatric assistance for those Kalgachis afflicted by sustained emotional disturbance from their experiences during the collapse of the Empire of Minarboria. i) For the Directorate of the Tumultuous Wastes, (i) the establishment of a permanent diplomatic presence in the Shirerithian capital, sans treaty, of such extent as the local authorities will permit, with a view to (ii) the establishment of same on the territory of those powers eventually establishing a presence in the moribund Minarborian Shrublands, these things in concert with (iii) objectives occluded which are witheld from the public versions of this order.