Operation Paramount

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Operation Paramount
Part of Third Euran War
1688 Constancian Scouts Op Paramount.png
Constancian Scouts of the 506th Army on the "long and bloody road to Shahzamin".
Location Northern Eura
Raspur Pact Raspur Pact .
  • Azad Eura
  • Various Central & Northern Euran States
Units involved
Raspur Pact Trans-Euran Command
  • Constancia Nivardom Banner Command
    • 506th Army (Molivadia Province)
    • Nivardom Banner Fleet (The Slave Fleet)
    • Nivardom Banner Air Group
  • Nouvelle Alexandrie Susa Banner Command
    • I (Alduria) Combined Arms Corp
      • x9 "Rapid Response Units" (Air Assault Brigades)
    • Euran Fleet
    • 1st Air Fleet
Ethnic, Sectarian, and Tribal Armed Militias

Operation Paramount is the New Alexandrian codename of a military invasion and seizure of the northern Euran Green that bordered Nouvelle Alexandrie, the Thraci Confederation, and Constancia that began in 1698 AN by the Federal Forces of Nouvelle Alexandrie and the Imperial Constancian Armed Forces. The joint operation is genereally considered as Nouvelle Alexandrie's official entry into the Third Euran War on the side of Constancia and Suren after years of providing material and financial support to both nations.

Following the western expansion of the Thraci Confederation into Razjania in late 1693 AN, New Alexandrian and Constancian diplomats meeting in nearby Fontainebleau signed a secret agreement their joint political and military collusion to seize the remaining northern Euran Green areas to prevent further expansion of the Thraci Confederation or any foreign designs on the area that could compromise regional stability and national security. The invasion was further motivated by the ongoing consequences of the West Baatharzi War, which pushed many of the West Baatharzi militias and groups across the Nouradin river after the military campaign, which allowed then-independent Alduria to settle and annex the fertile lands of West Baatharz. Since the end of the West Baatharzi War, native Euran militants have launched thousands of rocket and mortar attacks on the New Alexandrian Region of Alduria from the Green banks of the Nouradin river. These attacks have killed dozens of New Alexandrian civilians, including children, and wounding others, as well as causing damage to infrastructure.


The official explanation of the Imperial Constancian Government regarding its involvement in this scheme was the need for more living space, as its growing population also had growing needs for housing and employment, and while sufficient development was taking place within the elite enclaves of Aqaba and Petropolis, the Constancian elites didn't exactly want to be living side by side with the workers, and the growing middle class of professionals, middle managers and expatriates also wanted enclaves of their own. Of late, Constancian development was also bottlenecking due to the lack of adequate professionals, and while the Nouvelle Alexandrie and other Raspur Pact nations were ready, able, and willing to provide their own (in order to help keep their own local economies afloat), the longer-term plans required the sustainble development of a Constancian professional middle class. Get rich, recommend, but be silent and do not agitate about political matters. This was the hybrid political economy and governance scheme proposed for the next great leap forward.

Order of Battle




  • 13: Representatives from Nouvelle Alexandrie and Constancia begin secret, high-profile meetings in the city of Fontainebleau, facilitated by their common participation in the Euran Economic Union. Early drafts and plans for an invasion of the ungoverned Green territories in northern Eura are discussed.

International response

See also