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List of past Councils of State of Nouvelle Alexandrie

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This is a comprehensive list of the past Councils of State in Nouvelle Alexandrie.


Government Positions
Position Holder Party Region
President of the Government Deputy Marissa Santini FCP Wechua Nation
Vice-President of the Government Deputy Émile Dumont FCP Alduria
Department of State Deputy Morissa Baumann FCP Isles of Caputia
Department of Interior Deputy Roberto Castillo FCP Santander
Department of Treasury Deputy Godfredo Domínguez FCP Alduria
Department of Defense Deputy Julián Sáez FCP Wechua Nation
Department of Justice Deputy Jaime Tedejor FCP South Lyrica
Department of Energy and Environment Deputy Alfonso de Indigya FCP South Lyrica
Department of Social Security and National Solidarity Deputy Phuyu Nina Pillpe FCP Wechua Nation
Department of Education, Culture and Sports Deputy Adriano Ferreyra FCP Valencia
Department of Civil Works and Transportation Deputy Alfonso Rivas FCP Alduria
Department of Research and Development Deputy Renata Berganza FCP North Lyrica
Department of Labor
FCP Isles of Caputia
Department for National Mobilisation Deputy Émile Dumont FCP Alduria
Department of Trade and Industry Deputy Ruqá Ticllacuri Ccolque FCP North Lyrica
Department of Housing and Urban Development Deputy Cristóbal del Pozo FCP Alduria


Government Positions
Position Holder Party Region
President of the Government Deputy Paolo Antonio Aguilar FHP Alduria
Vice-President of the Government Deputy Maximilian de Almagro FHP Alduria
Department of State Deputy Federico Mercurio FHP Alduria
Department of Interior Deputy Juan Pablo Jimenez FHP Santander
Department of Treasury Deputy Gemma Nensi FHP Federal Capital District
Department of Defense Deputy Maximilian de Almagro FHP Alduria
Department of Justice Deputy Felipe de la Vega FHP Alduria
Department of Energy and Environment Petroula Odysseus FHP Islas de la Libertad
Department of Social Security and National Solidarity His Grace the Duke of Salcedo, Rawa Vilca FHP Wechua Nation
Department of Education, Culture and Sports Deputy Felipe de Gaugin-Gomez FHP Isles of Caputia
Department of Civil Works and Transportation Deputy Gonzalo Harmon FHP New Caputia
Department of Research and Development Deputy Asha Itzamna FHP Valencia
Department of Labor Deputy Surya Liese FHP South Lyrica
Department for National Mobilisation Deputy Felipe Hierro FHP New Luthoria
Department of Trade and Industry Deputy Elias Wilson-Clarke FHP North Lyrica
Department of Housing and Urban Development Deputy Leon Beauchamps FHP New Luthoria


Government Positions
Position Holder Party Region
President of the Government Deputy Paolo Antonio Aguilar FHP Alduria
Vice-President of the Government Deputy Felipe de la Vega FHP Alduria
Department of State Deputy Maximinus Kerularios FHP Alduria
Department of Interior Deputy Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz FHP Isles of Caputia
Department of Treasury Deputy George Frost FHP Alduria
Department of Defense Deputy Felipe de Almagro FHP Alduria
Department of Justice Deputy Sumaili Humahuaca FHP Wechua Nation
Department of Energy and Environment Aryeztur Mejorkhor FHP Alduria
Department of Social Security and National Solidarity His Grace the Duke of Salcedo, Rawa Vilca FHP Wechua Nation
Department of Education, Culture and Sports Deputy Emilio Acaran FHP Wechua Nation
Department of Civil Works and Transportation Deputy Suri Choque FHP Wechua Nation
Department of Research and Development Deputy Mayua Cusi Ccora FHP Wechua Nation
Department of Labor Deputy Kukuyu Huanca Malqui FHP Wechua Nation
Department for National Mobilisation Deputy Maximillian de Almagro FHP New Luthoria
Department of Trade and Industry Deputy Ryan Saunders FHP Alduria
Department of Housing and Urban Development Deputy Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz FHP Isles of Caputia

1708-1718 AN

Secretary Portrait Party Region Portfolio
Felipe de Almagro Federal Humanist Party Alduria President of the Government
Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz Federal Humanist Party Isles of Caputia Vice-President of the Government
Maximinus Kerularios Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of State
Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz Federal Humanist Party Isles of Caputia Department of Interior
George Frost Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Treasury
Felipe de Almagro Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Defense
Sumaili Humahuaca Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Justice
Aryeztur Mejorkhor Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Energy and Environment
Rawa Vilca Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Social Security and National Solidarity
Jorge Ortiz Federal Humanist Party Santander Department of Education, Culture and Sports
Suri Choque Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Civil Works and Transportation
Mayua Cusi Ccora Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Research and Development
Kukuyu Huanca Malqui Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Labor
Paolo Antonio Aguilar Ind Santander Department for National Mobilisation
Ryan Saunders Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Trade and Industry
Felipe de la Vega Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Housing and Urban Development

1707-1708 AN

(This administration failed its vote of confidence)

Secretary Portrait Party Region Portfolio
Jose Miguel Martin SDLA President of the Government
Yuri Allcca Canchasto Moderate Caucus Vice-President of the Government
Yuri Allcca Canchasto Moderate Caucus Department of State
Killasisa Ticllacuri SDLA Department of Interior
Emilia Fernán SDLA Department of Treasury
Dr. Amir Reza Rastkar Ind. Department of Defense
Ernesto Malavé SDLA Department of Justice
Nadya Camille Albert SDLA Department of Energy and Environment
Araceli Ventura SDLA Department of Social Security and National Solidarity
Christian Clavier Moderate Caucus Department of Culture and Sports
Inmaculada Vergara SDLA Department of Education
Juniper Juarez SDLA Department of Civil Works and Transportation
Émile Dumont Moderate Caucus Department of Communications
Dr. Vera LaPaz Independent Department of Research and Development
Basilio Menéndez SDLA Department of Labor

1707 AN

Secretary Portrait Party Region Portfolio
Itziar Franco SDLA President of the Government
Yuri Allcca Canchasto Moderate Caucus Vice-President of the Government
Yuri Allcca Canchasto Moderate Caucus Department of State
Roxana Aguilar SDLA Department of Interior
Dr. Llena Yasaro SDLA Department of Treasury
Peter Kelso SDLA Department of Defense
Ranata Sierra SDLA Department of Justice
Willamina Corales SDLA Department of Energy and Environment
Araceli Ventura SDLA Department of Social Security and National Solidarity
Xavior Cafera SDLA Department of Culture and Sports
Mariana Suero SDLA Department of Education
Juniper Juarez SDLA Department of Civil Works and Transportation
Letara Pernell SDLA Department of Communications
Dr. Vera LaPaz Independent Department of Research and Development
Basilio Menéndez SDLA Department of Labor

1703-1707 AN

The former President of the Government was Julio Delgado (SDLA), from the Region of Alduria.

The former Vice President of the Government was Itziar Franco (SDLA), from the Region of Alduria.

The former Council of State was composed of a coalition between the Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance and a group of 3 independent Deputies in the Federal Assembly, the Moderate Caucus.

The former (1704 AN) members of the Council of State were:

Secretary Portrait Party Region Portfolio
Julio Delgado Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Alduria President of the Government
Itziar Franco Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Alduria Vice-President of the Government
Yuri Allcca Canchasto Independent/Moderate Caucus Alduria Department of State
Jacques Lapidieu Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Islas de la Libertad Department of Interior
Dr. Llena Yasaro Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Wechua Nation Department of Treasury
Peter Kelso Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance North Lyrica Department of Defense
Jacques Lapidieu Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Islas de la Libertad Department of Justice
Willamina Corales Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Alduria Department of Energy and Environment
Itziar Franco Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Alduria Department of Social Security and National Solidarity
Xavior Cafera Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Wechua Nation Department of Culture and Sports
Itziar Franco Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Alduria Department of Education
Juniper Juarez Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Wechua Nation Department of Civil Works and Transportation
Laterna Pernell Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance South Lyrica Department of Communications
Dr. Vera LaPaz Independent Wechua Nation Department of Research and Development
Itziar Franco Social Democratic & Liberal Alliance Alduria Department of Labor

1698-1703 AN

The former President of the Government was Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz (FHP), from the Region of Isles of Caputia.

The former Vice President of the Government was Augustus Strong (FHP), from the Region of North Lyrica.

The former Council of State was composed of a Federal Humanist Party majority.

The former (1699 AN) members of the Council of State were:

Secretary Portrait Party Region Portfolio
Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz Federal Humanist Party Isles of Caputia President of the Government
Augustus Strong Federal Humanist Party North Lyrica Vice-President of the Government
Maximinus Kerularios Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of State
George Frost Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Interior
George Blakeslee Independent Wechua Nation Department of Treasury
Augustus Strong Federal Humanist Party North Lyrica Department of Defense
Kukuyu Huanca Malqui Independent Wechua Nation Department of Justice
Aryeztur Mejorkhor Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Energy and Environment
Pablo Sánchez Independent Wechua Nation Department of Social Security and National Solidarity
Rawa Vilca, Count of Choquequirao Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Culture and Sports
Arabella Arthur Independent Alduria Department of Education
Suri Choque Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Civil Works and Transportation
Jeremías Toribio Federal Humanist Party South Lyrica Department of Communications
Dra. Mayua Cusi Ccora Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Research and Development
Vivienne Géroux Independent Wechua Nation Department of Labor

1693-1698 AN

The former President of the Government was Augustus Strong (FHP) from North Lyrica.

The former Vice President of the Government was Santiago Etienne (CD), from New Luthoria.

The former Council of State was composed of a National Unity coalition between the Federal Humanist Party, Democratic Change, and the Digger’s Society. The coalition agreement had established a power-sharing arrangement where the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the Council of State would rotate between Strong and Etienne each year the coalition was in office.

The former (1694 AN) members of the Council of State were:

Secretary Portrait Party Region Portfolio
Augustus Strong Federal Humanist Party North Lyrica President of the Government
Santiago Etienne Cambio Democrático New Luthoria Vice-President of the Government
Maximinus Kerularios Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of State
Paul Deves Cambio Democrático Alduria Department of Interior
George Blakeslee Independent Wechua Nation Department of Treasury
Rawa Vilca, Duke of Salcedo Federal Humanist Party Wechua Nation Department of Defense
Christine Tavert Cambio Democrático Santander Department of Justice
Aryeztur Mejorkhor Federal Humanist Party Alduria Department of Energy and Environment
Hermès du Pont Digger's Society Valencia Department of Social Security and National Solidarity
Iwashiiwa Kazuemon Digger's Society Alduria Department of Culture and Sports
Geir Gerhardsen Cambio Democrático North Lyrica Department of Education
Katla Márquez Digger's Society Islas de la Libertad Department of Civil Works and Transportation
Jeremías Toribio Federal Humanist Party South Lyrica Department of Communications
Gerhardt Eugen Seydlitz Federal Humanist Party Isles of Caputia Department of Research and Development
Maryam Azadeh Digger's Society Alduria Department of Labor