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Imperial Humanist Party of Shireroth

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Imperial Humanist Party of Shireroth
Black Legion.png
Leader Archon Aurangzeb Tokaraizadeh al-Osman
Founded 1716 AN
Headquarters Shirekeep
Political ideology
Political position Centre right
Colours ‎Black-Grey

The successor to the Imperial Republican Party, established in 1716 AN.

The national sector party comprises of a central secretariat, five regional sector parties (Batavia, Brookshire, Lunaris, Modan, Sathrati) and their corresponding Vanguard Divisions. In 1721 AN it was announced that the party would be forming the Coalition for Imperial Humanism with the Imperial Humanist Party of Greater Kildare for the purpose of contesting general elections.


Note: after the failure of Operation Jagdbeute, the IHPS regional sector parties outside of Sathrati transitioned to an increasingly cellular rather than hierarchical structure as the Shiro-Benacian Cold War developed and the persecution of Humanists in Kildare pointed all too clearly to what would next lay ahead.
  • Imperial Humanist Party of Shireroth
    • Central Secretariat
    • N&H Regional Sector Party of Batavia
      • 20th Vanguard Division
    • N&H Regional Sector Party of Brookshire
      • 11th Vanguard Division
    • N&H Regional Sector Party of Lunaris
      • 21st Vanguard Division
    • N&H Regional Sector Party of Modan
      • 2nd Vanguard Division
    • N&H Regional Sector Party of Sathrati

Central Secretariat

Order of the Paladins

Founded by the Archon of the Imperial Humanist Party of Shireroth in 1717 AN, the Order of the Paladins is comprised of twelve highly skilled and dedicated individuals, each with a unique set of skills and abilities that make them valuable assets to the organisation.

The Paladins are responsible for defending the interests of the Humanist delegates elected to the Folksraad, the lower house of the Shirerithian Parliament. They serve as the last line of defence against those who would seek to undermine the democratic process and subvert the Humanist will of the people. The Paladins' unwavering commitment to the ideals of Humanism and their dedication to the cause of justice and righteousness have earned them a place of honour and respect within the global Humanist movement.

The twelve Paladins are as follows: Alaric Stern, Baldur Falkenrath, Conrad Steinmetz, Dietrich Feuerbach, Eberhard Nachtigall, Franziskus Adlerauge, Gerhard Schatz, Heinrich Falkenstern, Johann Goldfluss, Karl Himmelsklang, Leopold Silbermond, and Matthias Sonnentau.

The Captain-General of the Paladins is Alaric Stern, a man of unwavering conviction and unimpeachable character. Stern's leadership skills and tactical prowess have earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow Paladins, as well as the wider political establishment of the Humanist Vanguard. As Captain-General, Stern heads the delegation of the Folksraad, representing the interests of the people and ensuring that their voices are heard within the halls of power.

Every Paladin, with the exception of the Captain-General, is a part of the Humanist delegation to the Adelsraad, the upper house of the Shirerithian Parliament. The Paladins' presence within the Adelsraad serves as a constant reminder of the importance of upholding the principles of Humanism and the values of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.

The Order of the Paladins was founded in response to the exclusion of the Humanist parties from the government formed after the general election of 1717. The machinations of the Mango-Strengthening Movement, Association of Loyalists to the Throne, Imperial Democratic Party, Reform Society, Ultraroyalists, Conservative Monarchist Party, National Development Party, and Passibelend had succeeded in depriving the Humanists of their rightful place in the halls of power. It was in this context that the Archon founded the Order of the Paladins, as a means of ensuring that the will of the people would not be denied and that justice would prevail in the face of what was decried as tyranny and corruption.

The Paladins are trained in a wide variety of skills, including combat, diplomacy, and strategic thinking. They are constantly working to hone their abilities and to stay one step ahead of those who would seek to do them harm. Their dedication to their craft is unmatched, and their unwavering loyalty to the cause of Humanism has made them an indispensable asset to the cause of the Coordinated State and the Harmonious Society within the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.

By 1730 AN the Order of the Paladins had absented themselves from Shirekeep to Sathrati, joining forces with the autonomists and the Council of Sathrati.

Aeronautical Section

Following the high profile use of airships for political campaigning by the MSM during the 1723 Shirerithian general elections it was decided that an Aeronautical Section would be established, subordinate to the Central Secretariat, for the purpose of conducting propaganda actions and for the conveyance of regional and national sector cadre leaders - in recognition of the expense and time it had taken to move key figures around the Imperial Republic during the active campaigning period.

A general fund would be established and a procurement team assembled to investigate options for purchasing a fleet of airships as well as potentially gravimetric vehicles from the Benacian Union or Mondosphere.

Regional Sector Parties

Policy platform

Defence and security

  • Enfranchisement of the serving members of the Imperial Forces.
  • A focus on rebuilding the naval and air arms of the Imperial Republic after years of neglect since the Kalirion Fracture.
  • Modernisation of the defence industry of the Imperial Republic through strategic partnerships with key allies such as the Benacian Union, Floria, Natopia, and New Alexandria.
  • Implementation of the Panopticon Nexus in the Imperial Republic so as to afford the Imperial Forces, Imperial Marshals, and the Imperial Inquisition, an enhanced full-spectrum information awareness that is operationally integrated and facilitated the sharing of pertinent data across services and departments in real time.
  • The dispatch of expeditionary forces to the Eastern Imperium to end the endemic warlordism in the interior of Apollonia.


  • A broadly articulated scepticism towards efforts by the Young Wandering Society to rehabilitate the reputation of Sisera.
  • A uniform and rationalised income tax to end arbitrary exploitation by tax farmers in the service of feudal lords.
  • A consolidated system of debt based finance in order to ensure adequate credit for the administration of both halves of the Imperial Republic.
  • A standardised education system based around universal primary education, selection based preparatory schools, and a network of academic, militiary, and technical institutes to provide the recovering civil society of the Imperium a broad knowledge-base with which to compete with the other advanced economies of the Raspur Pact.
  • A policy of criminal justice reform that will that will see capital punishment and custodial sentences complimented by Conditioned Social Harmonisation and community service geared towards the increasing rehabilitation and economic utility of offenders and other enemies of society.

International affairs


  • Membership of the Micras Trade Organisation to be pursued as a mechanism for harmonising the trading relationship of the Imperial Republic with states outside the embrace of the Raspur Pact.