ESB-Jörmungandr Group, Inc./Notable former employees of the Honourable Company
Notable Former Employees
The mortality rate of the ESB Group has been somewhat higher than might otherwise be expected of a large-scale corporation.
Reginald Smythe
Reginald Smythe (Employee Number 1635-346), a prospector assigned to the Southern Islands was kidnapped by the Tegong of Jingdao and his body mutilated in a manner consistent with an internal bomb blast before his remains were deposited at the scene of a staged suicide bombing in the Imperial Assembly of Epoli. As a consequence of the abduction and murder of one of its employees the ESB Group in late 1635 created the Security Directorate to improve the safety of its workforce, at home and overseas.
Ernst Cryptsinger

Ernst Cryptsinger (Employee Number 1634-003), one of the founding partners of the company, Doctor Cryptsinger served as Director of Finance and Outsourcing before becoming Martial Law Administrator of Goldshire. He was caught in Goldshire Hamlet when a mutiny swept the Goldshire Regulars and died defending the Palace at Goldshire Hamlet whilst various heirlooms and artefacts were evacuated by order of Queen Noor.
Deimos Jasonides
In 1641 Deimos Jasonides (1634-004), Secretary to the Board of Directors and an Admiral in the Imperial Navy, perished in a contrived rebel suicide attack[1] on the cruiser ZNS Kaiser Agni I as it laid at anchor in MoMA Station Sabatini. Thorgils Tarjeisson, Deimos' employer twice over as Chairman of the ESB and MoMA of the Ministry of Military Affairs, spared no expense in hiring necromancers in an attempt to resurrect his formerly indispensable factotum; some say it was in order to punish his negligence in leaving a crucial naval base unsecured, others maintain that it was in order to torture from him the details of the secret accounts into which the Secretary had been siphoning misappropriated revenues that rightfully belonged to the ESB group. Both accounts are correct but the attempt was unsuccessful and the bodily remains of Admiral Jasonides were released in preparation of a state funeral, to be held in Shirekeep during the year 1642 AN.
Thorgils Tarjeisson
Thorgils Tarjeisson (1634-001), the founder and chairman of the ESB Group, rose to fame and power as Kaiser Dominus, however he remained blind to the dangers posed by his allies Adam Ayreon-Kalirion, Tokaray al-Osman and Ludovic Verion until virtually the last moment and thus perished miserably, digested into the corporeal form of a newly manifested daemon, during the Oustfest Massacre.
Laqi Hyrrion

Laqi Hyrrion (dec'd) (1634-902), notable, if not infamous, as the Itinerant Observer dispatched by the ESB Group to gather and transmit back to Teldrin any designs and or discoveries that might advance the economic interests of the Group. Although he scored notable early successes that advanced Shirerithian submarine designs by a generation, he was quickly discovered and compromised by the Minarborian authorities. Although useless for the purposes of corporate espionage, Laqi was nonetheless able to establish himself on the fringes of Minarborean polite society, obtaining a certain degree of notoriety as the first Revenant to install a putrefact into his own body for the purpose of rediscovering the joys of digestion. Subsequently dispatched to Dietsland on Imperial Service where he rose to the rank of Dux in the Imperial Army and advising the Confederacy of Puritanian States through the offices of the Puritanian Guidance Authority which he was instrumental in creating. Deposed in a local coup organised by Waldemar Zinkgraven during the Year of the Four Kaisers he was butchered and decapitated by the mutineers; subsequently his head was retained by Waldemar as a memento of the occasion. It is unknown whether Laqi, as a Revenant rather than a Lich, will ever regenerate.
Marcellus Paixhans
Marcellus Paixhans (1635-01003), First Director of the groups Euran Directorate, a noted inventor and naval engineer - responsible for the design and manufacture of improvised weapons systems such as the infernal machines (floating mines) and armoured land cruisers which helped the Constancian Home Guard to successfully resist the full onslaught of a Jingdaoese invasion. Murdered along with his wife in separatist riots which swept Nivardom in 1648.
The company's typing pool is rumoured to be running a sweepstake on which of the directors will survive to retirement or die of natural causes.
Daniyal Dravot
Daniyal Dravot (1634-002), Thorgil's successor as Chairman, succumbed to the effects of a severe intracerebral haemorrhage whilst praying in the Sanctum of Malabor, located in the Yoni Temple complex of Modan-Lach. His retainers were able to rush the stricken Chairman to the temple's on-site clinic, but Dravot was declared clinically dead whilst doctors were attempting a dural puncture in order to conduct an extraventricular drain.
Huldah Llynadorion
Huldah Llynadorion (1634-148), former Resident Observer in the then Duchy of Raikoth, and subsequently Secretary to the Board of Directors and Director of Financial Services, was the first notable employee of the Group to reach an age where she could, prudently perhaps, elect for early retirement. A discrete and remarkably uncontroversial servant of the company it is said that she learned from the example of Laqi Hyrrion at an early stage the importance of maintaining a low profile. Her refusal to engage in the internecine factional in-fighting so beloved of other members of the board enabled her to maintain her position as secretary to the board. Similarly her discretion ensured that she continued to be entrusted with the Group's complex and deliberately opaque finances. A trusted confident of Daniyal Dravot during his lifetime, based on shared reminiscences of their respective experiences of working alongside the "characterful" revenant Laqi Hyrron, Huldah was known to disapprove of his second wife and found the tenure of Liv as Chairwoman of the Group to have been an ordeal. Llynadorion's success in transferring the title deeds to key assets offshore, via financial vehicles such as the Gainshare Capital Holdings company registered in Raspur, proved instrumental, along with a series of gun battles between the ESB Security Directorate and Imperial Marshals in Teldrin and Shirekeep, in thwarting an attempt by the Ministry of the Interior to confiscate the capital and infrastructure assets of the company during the Elwynnese Civil War. For this diligence she received a commendation from the board and the keys to a villa on the island of Amity to where she retired in 1662 following twenty-eight years in company service.
The Martyrs in the Green
Markus Brup, Misha Obersfäller, Henry Pavlov and Stein Waldknüter, the "Martyrs in the Green", formerly of the 55th Regiment of the Honourable Company, serving in Barbary. Freebooted with the Batavian Resistance following their retirement from service (1691 AN – 1693 AN). Accosted and detained by agents of Calbion on false charges and subsequently executed after a politically motivated show-trial (1693 AN).
Anton Trexeller
Anton Trexeller (1671-300918), Senior Commercial Officer for the ESB Cibola, the Honourable Company's new south seas operation (1675–1676). ESB Director of Cibolan Operations (1676–). Inspector of International Trade and Commerce for the Elwynnese Republic (1676–1681). President of the Elwynnese Congress (1681–1683). Commissioner for Food (1692 AN –1695). Perished during the Scourging (20.XIV.1695), a nuclear exchange which saw the destruction of Islus during the final months of the Second Elwynnese Civil War.
Gabriel Ulrich Zwingli
Sarah Dravot
Chairwoman (Staff No. 1652-34051), retired 1704 AN
Jeremiah Avon-El
Director of Benacian Operations (1679-325009), retired 1704 AN
Michael Humphrey
Director of Tapferite Operations (1662-273072), retired 1704 AN