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Congress of Chryse/1712 Session

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In keeping with the precedent set by the 1708 Session, the Imperial and Emirati Bank of the Sathrati Islands and the Imperial & Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia were nominated as guarantors of the peace that would prevail in Chryse during the Congress.

Participants at the congress were obliged to surrender hostages and pay the fees required for blood indemnity bonds into escrow accounts, refundable only on condition that no murder or mayhem transpire during the congress. Zollinger Kirchner was hired to act as go-between and intermediary, negotiating fees and collecting nominated hostages for delivery to Tirlar where they would be placed under the protective custody of the guarantor banks for the duration of the congress.



  • Chryse Ayesha al-Osman, High Commissioner
  • Chryse Ryabin Chryseoï, Sardar of the Civil Executive


  • Elluenuueq Jahangir Khan, President of the Realm’s General Staff
  • Elluenuueq Robert Hassel, Tribunal Commissioner for the Realm's Treasury


  • Ransenar (Ed names)
  • Ransenar (Ed names)

Sovereign Confederation

  • Sovereign Confederation Xander Jen Johannes, the Sovereign Archon and Bludgeoner-General of the CGC
  • Sovereign Confederation Grigg Mercajski, Grigg Mercajski, Commissioner for the Sacred Treasury (served 1704-12) and Eminent of the Assayers

Unified Governorates

Benacia Command

Benacian Directorate of the Honourable Company

  • ESB Brugen Aldef, Director of Benacian Operations for the Honourable Company and Representative-Commissioner for the Panopticon

Nationalist & Humanist Party


  1. Welcome of the Ransenari delegation;
  2. Appointments for the High Presidium of the Benacian Union;
  3. Authorisation for a census under the auspices of the Benacian Censorate;
  4. Adoption of documents of government for Elluenuueq and the UGB;
  5. Proposals for the cleansing of the Red Elwynn;
  6. Proposed revisions of the Charter:
    1. Inclusion of Ransenar;
    2. Amalgamation of the Legatine College of Data Services with Legatine College of Domestic Security. (Difference of opinion between Commission of War and Commission for the Panopticon);
  7. Survey of land usage in Chryse.


Notable liquidations

Final Act