Concord Alliance Treaty
Type | Political, diplomatic, and military alliance |
Signed | 13.XIV.1734 AN |
Location | Butter Cow City, Natopia |
Effective | 13.XIV.1734 AN |
Parties |
Language(s) | Nats, Alexandrian, Martino, Istvanistani |
Purpose | To establish a more integrated alliance between member states, replacing the Tripartite Pact |
The Concord Alliance is a political, diplomatic, and military alliance between Natopia, Nouvelle Alexandrie, Oportia and Vegno, established through the Concord Alliance Treaty signed on 13.XIV.1734 AN in Butter Cow City, Natopia. This alliance replaced the previous Tripartite Pact and implemented reforms to the Concord Alliance Treaty Organization (CATO), enacting a more comprehensive and integrated framework for cooperation among the member states.
The Concord Alliance emerged from the Butter Cow City Summit held in 1734 AN, where leaders from Natopia, Nouvelle Alexandrie, and Oportia convened to address the changing geopolitical landscape and the perceived ineffectiveness of the broader Raspur Pact. The summit aimed to reform and expand the existing Tripartite Pact to create a more robust and adaptable alliance.
Key Provisions
The Concord Alliance Treaty includes several key provisions that distinguish it from its predecessor:
- Expanded Membership: Unlike the Tripartite Pact, the Concord Alliance is designed to allow for the accession of new member states, subject to unanimous approval by existing members.
- Enhanced Integration: The treaty calls for deeper economic, political, and military integration among member states, including the exploration of a common currency and the development of shared infrastructure projects.
- Harmonization with Raspur Pact: The alliance maintains compatibility with existing Raspur Pact standards through the Raspur Pact Harmonization Accords, ensuring a smooth transition and continued cooperation with other Raspur Pact members.
- Strengthened Defense Cooperation: The treaty reinforces mutual defense commitments and establishes mechanisms for joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and defense industry collaboration.

Concord Alliance Treaty
The Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation, the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie, and the State of Oportia, hereafter referred to as "the Parties," have agreed as follows:
Article 1: Establishment and Purpose
- The Parties hereby establish the Concord Alliance Treaty Organization (CATO).
- CATO shall be a military, economic, and political alliance dedicated to the collective defense, economic prosperity, and political cooperation of its members.
- The Tripartite Pact and the Tripartite Treaty Organization are dissolved, with Concord Alliance assuming all its responsibilities and assets as its successor.
Article 2: Principles
- The Parties commit to the following principles:
- Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all member states;
- Non-interference in the internal affairs of other member states;
- Peaceful resolution of disputes between member states;
- Promotion of international stability and security;
- Advancement of mutual economic prosperity through cooperation and coordination;
- Protection of shared cultural and historical heritage;
- Commitment to upholding international agreements and treaties to which they are signatories.
- The Parties will strive to:
- Strengthen their respective institutions to enhance national stability and citizen well-being;
- Promote dialogue and understanding among diverse political systems and cultures;
- Collaborate in addressing transnational challenges such as terrorism, organized crime, and environmental issues;
- Foster economic cooperation and reduce barriers to trade and investment among member states;
- Support technological and scientific cooperation for mutual benefit;
- Enhance people-to-people exchanges to promote cultural understanding and cooperation.
- The Parties recognize that while they may have differing forms of government, they share common interests in maintaining regional stability, fostering economic growth, and ensuring the security and health of their citizens.
Article 3: Consultation
- The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any of the Parties is threatened.
- The Parties agree to consult with each other before committing any act of aggression or declaring war against a nation that is not a signatory to this Treaty.
- While the outcome of such consultations is not binding, the Parties commit to giving due consideration to the views and concerns expressed by other members of the alliance.
- In cases where immediate action is required for self-defense, the Party taking such action shall inform the other Parties as soon as possible and seek retroactive consultation.
- This commitment to consultation does not supersede or nullify any Party's sovereign right to self-defense.
Article 4: Collective Defense
- The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in the Concord Alliance area shall be considered an attack against them all. The Concord Alliance area is defined as:
- The territory of any Party in Micras;
- The islands under the sovereignty of any Party;
- The vessels and aircraft of any Party in these areas.
- In the event of such an armed attack, each Party, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by international law, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to:
- Restore and maintain the security of the Concord Alliance area;
- Repel the armed attack;
- Assist in the recovery and reconstruction efforts of the attacked Party or Parties.
- Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Concord Council and to the Micras Treaty Organization. Such measures shall be terminated when the Concord Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.
- For the purpose of this Article, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include, but is not limited to:
- An invasion or attack by armed forces;
- Bombardment or the use of any weapons against the territory of a Party;
- A blockade of the ports or coasts of a Party;
- An attack on the armed forces, vessels, or aircraft of a Party;
- The sending of armed bands, groups, irregulars, or mercenaries which carry out acts of armed force against a Party.
- The Parties shall establish a Concord Alliance Defense Command, which shall:
- Recommend measures for the implementation of this Article;
- Coordinate the collective defense efforts of the Parties;
- Develop contingency plans for various threat scenarios;
- Oversee joint military exercises and interoperability initiatives.
- This Article does not impair the right of the Parties to take immediate individual or collective action as is necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security.
- The commitments under this Article shall be carried out in accordance with the respective constitutional processes of the Parties.
Article 5: Economic Cooperation
- The Parties commit to establishing a comprehensive free trade area that eliminates tariffs, quotas, and other barriers to trade in goods and services among the Parties.
- Mechanisms shall be established to harmonize regulatory standards to facilitate trade, investment, and economic collaboration while respecting each Party’s national regulatory frameworks.
- The Parties agree to the free movement of goods, services, capital, and investment, promoting the economic growth and prosperity of all members.
- Exceptions to free movement may be imposed temporarily by a Party under special circumstances, such as:
- Threats to public health, safety, or environmental protection.
- National security concerns or extraordinary economic disruptions.
- Temporary shortages or emergencies that require immediate action to protect vital national interests.
- Any Party invoking an exception must notify the Concord Council, detailing the nature of the exception and its expected duration. The Concord Council shall review these measures periodically to assess if they remain necessary and proportional.
- The Parties shall establish an Economic Coordination Committee within CATO to oversee and guide the harmonization and implementation of economic policies, ensure compliance with trade rules, and resolve trade disputes amicably.
Article 6: Political Cooperation
- The Parties will endeavor to align their foreign policies on matters of shared concern, fostering solidarity and a unified stance in international relations.
- In international forums and multilateral negotiations, the Parties shall coordinate positions where possible to enhance their collective influence and effectiveness.
- A framework for political consultation shall be established within CATO, enabling the Parties to discuss and strategize on international issues that affect them collectively, such as security threats, trade negotiations, and humanitarian concerns.
- The Parties agree on the principle of free movement for their citizens across the Parties, fostering greater cultural exchange, social ties, and understanding.
- Special limitations on the movement of persons may be implemented temporarily under exceptional circumstances, including:
- National emergencies requiring heightened border security.
- Significant threats to public health or safety.
- Situations where internal security is at risk.
- Any Party enforcing such limitations must notify the Concord Council and regularly report on the justification for and duration of these measures.
- Special limitations on the movement of persons may be implemented temporarily under exceptional circumstances, including:
- The Concord Council will establish a Political Coordination Committee to facilitate ongoing political cooperation, monitor shared policies, and assist in coordinating responses to international events affecting the Parties.
Article 7: Organizational Structure
- A Concord Council consisting of high-level representatives from each Member State shall serve as the primary decision-making body within CATO.
- The Concord Council shall meet regularly to discuss issues, coordinate initiatives, and adopt policies relevant to the alliance’s goals.
- A Secretary-General shall be appointed by the Concord Council for a fixed term to oversee daily operations, coordinate committees, and act as the primary spokesperson for CATO.
- The Secretary-General shall be empowered to:
- Facilitate communication and consultation among Member States.
- Ensure adherence to CATO policies and treaty obligations.
- Manage the scheduling and agenda of Concord Council meetings.
- Oversee CATO’s external engagements and public statements.
- The Secretary-General shall be empowered to:
- In addition to the Secretary-General, a Deputy Secretary-General shall be appointed to assist and serve as Acting Secretary-General if necessary.
- The Concord Council may establish specialized committees as needed, including:
- A Defense Coordination Committee to handle military strategies, joint exercises, and collective defense measures.
- An Economic Coordination Committee to address economic issues, trade facilitation, and dispute resolution.
- A Political Coordination Committee for foreign policy alignment, crisis response, and coordination in multilateral platforms.
- All committees shall report to the Concord Council, which retains ultimate authority over CATO policies and initiatives.
Article 8: Membership
- The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any state to accede to this Treaty, provided that state can further the principles of this Treaty and contribute to the security of the Concord Alliance area.
- For a state to be considered for membership, it must:
- Adhere to this Treaty and its principles;
- Accept and comply with all existing CATO agreements and protocols;
- Be a member of the Micras Treaty Organization;
- Be a signatory to the Convention on the Establishment of a Common Court.
- Accession of new members shall require a unanimous vote of approval from all existing Parties.
- The Concord Council shall oversee the accession process, evaluating applications and conducting necessary diplomatic negotiations.
- Any state acceding to this Treaty shall assume all obligations and benefits of membership as set forth in this Treaty.
- The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Government of Natopia, which will notify all other Parties of each deposit.
Article 9: Dispute Resolution
- The Parties agree to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means.
- A dispute resolution mechanism shall be established within CATO to address conflicts between member states.
- Any Party engaging in armed conflict against another member shall be subject to immediate sanction, suspension, or expulsion from the alliance, as determined by a majority vote of the non-conflicting members.
Article 10: Ratification and Entry into Force
- This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
- The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of Natopia, which will notify all other signatories of each deposit.
- The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of all signatories have been received.
Article 11: Review and Amendment
- The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the Concord Alliance area to accede to this Treaty.
- This Treaty may be reviewed at the request of any Party after it has been in force for ten years.
- Amendments to this Treaty must be approved unanimously by all Parties.
Article 12: Withdrawal
- Any Party may cease to be a Party one year after its notice of denunciation has been given to the Government of Natopia, which will inform the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation.
Article 13: Languages
- This Treaty, of which the Natopian, Alexandrian, Martino, and Istvanistani texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of Natopia. Duly certified copies will be transmitted by that Government to the Governments of other signatories.
In witness whereof, the undersigned plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty.
For the Bovic Empire of the Natopian Nation:
- Vadoma I, Empress of the Natopians
- Eiiard Darkroot, Chancellor of Natopia
- Francis Joseph IV, Titular Emperor of the Alexandrians
For the Federation of Nouvelle Alexandrie:
- Sinchi Roca I, King of Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Marissa Santini, President of the Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie
- Morissa Baumann, Secretary of State of Nouvelle Alexandrie
For the State of Oportia:
Following the signing of the Concord Alliance Treaty on 13.XIV.1734 AN, the three founding nations promptly initiated their respective ratification processes. The treaty's provisions required each party to ratify the agreement in accordance with their constitutional processes. As stipulated in Article 11 of the treaty, the Concord Alliance officially entered into force on 11.III.1735 AN, following the deposit of Oportia's instrument of ratification with the Government of Natopia, completing the ratification process for all signatories.
Natopia: As the depositary nation, was the first to complete its ratification process. The Natopian Frenzy unanimously approved the treaty on 3.I.1735 AN, followed by formal ratification by Empress Vadoma I on 5.I.1735 AN.
Nouvelle Alexandrie: The ratification process involved both chambers of the legislature. The Federal Assembly of Nouvelle Alexandrie voted in favor of the treaty on 12.II.1735 AN, with the Chamber of Peers of Nouvelle Alexandrie following suit on 15.II.1735 AN. King Sinchi Roca I formally ratified the treaty on 20.II.1735 AN.
Oportia: The treaty was subject to approval by both houses of the legislature. The Chamber of Deputies debated and passed the treaty on 2.III.1735 AN, followed by the Senate's approval on 5.III.1735 AN. Federal Representative Galilea Montijo signed the instrument of ratification on 10.III.1735 AN.
Vegno: The treaty was officially signed by the representatives of the four nations during the State Visit of King Sinchi Roca II to Vegno. The Assemblea Nazionale debated and passed the treaty on 18.III.1738 AN, followed by the executive ratification signed by the President of the Republic on 20.III.1738 AN.
Nation | Legislative Approval | Executive Ratification | Deposit of Instrument |
![]() |
3.I.1735 AN | 5.I.1735 AN | 5.I.1735 AN |
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15.II.1735 AN | 20.II.1735 AN | 22.II.1735 AN |
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5.III.1735 AN | 10.III.1735 AN | 11.III.1735 AN |
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18.III.1738 AN | 20.III.1738 AN | 20.III.1738 AN |
See Also
- Raspur Pact
- Tripartite Pact
- Butter Cow City Summit
- Concord Alliance Treaty Organization
- Concordia Military Sciences Institute